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In this alphabet project where I had to create creative physical alphabet using two different

materials. I started off with mood board and research of materials, I researched three materials, the
materials are eggshell, soil and rock. There are very few examples of eggshell typography so, I
researched on seashell typography instead. I could have researched more materials to give me more
choices to pick which materials I would like to work with. Also, I researched 5 different fonts for each
material, it is to explore which typeface would look good with the materials. I had to pick two
different materials from my research, I decided to pick eggshell and soil.

Before making the alphabet, I experimented with two materials with different fonts from my
research to see which font style looks best with the two materials. I only experimented 3 different
fonts for each material which I could have experimented with more different font styles. After the
experiment, I went ahead with scripted for eggshell and sans serif for soil.

Next, I started producing the alphabet with eggshell first, I went ahead with uppercase letters first.
The progression of this is, I used black bag as background and black marker to draw the letters since
it is easy to wipe off the drawing on black bag using black marker. I drew the letters individually on
the black bag, after drawing, I put eggshell on the drawing and started filling the drawing using
eggshell on it, I used ruler to do this to make sure they are in right position. After completing it, I
took picture of it with my phone and redo it with different letters individually. It took while to
complete it, for lowercase letters and numbers, I decided to draw two letters and numbers together
to speed up the progression which is worked.

I did the same thing for soil alphabet, but this time I used brown wrapping paper for background,
used pencil for drawing the letters. Did the same progression as what I did with eggshell alphabet:
draw uppercase letters individually and draw two lowercase letters and number together, put soil on
the drawing and fill the drawing using ruler. Finally, I completed with the alphabet, it took while to
complete alphabet even though I enjoyed doing it.

I uploaded all pictures from my phone to computer to put them together on Adobe Photoshop. Not
much of changes were made in this, all I did is put the pictures of letters and numbers together on
one page, started with uppercase letters on top row, then lowercase letters, and numbers on last
row. I am really pleased with how it looks; it looks neat and clean.

After this alphabet project, part of this project, it is to create two quotes using exactly same
materials and fonts I used for alphabet project. I made mood board of physical quotes typography to
give me ideas on what my quotes would look like when I make them. I picked two quotes for both
two materials: for eggshell, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” for soil, “He who plants a tree,
plants a hope,” I picked those two quotes for each material because I wanted to pick quotes that are
linked to two materials’ theme such as, soil’s theme can be gardening, farming, environment and
save the planet theme.

I started producing the quotes, did the same progression as what I did for alphabet project, but I did
not draw the words individually in this time. I drew all words together on background (black bag and
brown wrapping paper). It did not take that long; they both look good. I enjoyed making the quotes
using the same material and fonts, and same progression I did with alphabet project.

Overall, I think I need to do more research to give me more ideas and choices for this project. The
alphabet I made look really good, it came together nicely even though it took while to finish it. I am
happy with the quotes I made however, the soil quote, “He who plants a tree, plants a hope” looks
okay because I did not draw the words straight, it is in random positions which mean I would need
draw base straight line to make it looks cleaner.

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