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Brighter Star
More Info The Best
The origins of the first constellations date
back to prehistoric times. Their purpose was Here! Hotel in
to tell stories of their beliefs, experiences,
creation, or mythology.

+1 234 567 890 
The recognition of constellations has
changed over time. They varied in size or Visit us
shape, others became popular and then 1234 Street Name, City Name, 12345
were forgotten, and some were limited to a The purpose of the constellation was to tell
single culture. 
stories of their beliefs, experiences, creation,
or mythology.
Rooms offers Resort & Spa
Room 1 $100 Brighter Star
In the 20th century, the International
Astronomical Union (IAU) formally accepted The star charts represent the position of the
the modern list of 88 constellations. stars as we see them from Earth; however, the
stars in each constellation may not be close to
each other, as some we perceive to be
Room 2 $100 brighter because they are close to the Earth,
while others are brighter because they are
The purpose of the constellation was to tell huge stars.
stories of their beliefs, experiences, creation,

or mythology. In the 20th century, the International

Astronomical Union (IAU) formally accepted
the modern list of 88 constellations. 

Room 3 $100 PACK 1 $100

Gemini is one of the zodiac constellations, Usually, constellations represent an
and its name means “twins” in Latin. Each animal, a person or mythological
constellation is a region of the sky. creature, or an inanimate object.

our best
In Chinese astronomy, the stars that
structure Andromeda were members of
four different constellations with
astrological and mythological significance

PACK 1 $100

$300 The purpose of the constellation was to tell

stories of their beliefs, experiences, creation,
or mythology.

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