Leadership Outcomes Final

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Outcomes & Evidenc
Progress Inventory
Center for Student Leadership Developmen
Memorial Union
University of Rhode Islan

Name: Elisabeth Jovani

Date Enrolled: 202
Date of Graduation: 202

*The Outcomes & Evidence Progress Inventory is the intellectual property of the Center for Student Leadership Development (CSLD) at the
University of Rhode Island and cannot be reproduced in part, or in its entirety, without the written permission of the acting Assistant Director of the

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 1


• Center for Student Leadership Development Informatio
• Minor Informatio
• Developmental Mode

ADVISING INFORMATION (students will include own documentation

• Tracking Sheet / Advising Update
• Syllabi of Minor Classes (Core and Electives
• Internshi
o Guideline
o Syllabu
o Mid-ter
o Fina

• Outcomes (Self-Leadership, Interpersonal and Organizational, Leadership Theories, Inclusive Leadership, Critical
• Targeted Classe
• Experience
• Evidenc


Of ce: Memorial Union Room 210 Phone: (401) 874-2726 Fax: (401) 874-5317

CSLD Mission Statement

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 2

To enhance the mission of the University of Rhode Island, The Center for Student Leadership Development aims to
• Provide developmental opportunities for all students to become informed, inclusive, effective, and ethical leaders in the global marketplace through the implementation of learner-centered
academic, experiential, and co-curricular programming
• Engage in research, assessment, and advancement in order to positively impact the expanding eld of leadership studies

CSLD Vision Statemen

The URI Center for Student Leadership Development will promote dynamic strengths-based leadership development through multiple delivery methods to prepare students to be competitive in the
work place and global marketplace. The CSLD seeks to progress as innovators for experiential engagement and enriching assessment

CSLD Values Statemen

Grounded in the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute), Relational Leadership Model (Komives, Lucas, & McMahon), and Servant Leadership
(Greenleaf), the URI Center for Student Leadership Development values
• Engaged and experiential learning through a constructivist approac
• Inclusion, Social Justice, and Civic Engagemen
• Ethical and Value-based Leadership & Relationship Buildin
• Innovative Assessment and Presentation Model


At URI, we are among only a handful of colleges and universities across the country that offers a Minor in Leadership Studies and one that is customized for each student. We utilize a cross-
disciplinary approach to leadership education designed to complement your academic studies. All courses utilize a variety of teaching methods but ultimately include some form of experiential
learning, practical application, and re ective learning. Employers, now more than ever, are seeking candidates with exceptional skills in the areas of interpersonal and group management, problem
solving, critical thinking and effective communication.  We can help with all of the above

• Regardless of your major, you can minor in Leadership Studies
• Requirements may be satis ed by completing 18 or more credits related to leadership and offered by more than one department
• Twelve (12) of the 18 credits must be at the 200 level of instruction or above. A course grade of “C” or better must be earned in each graded course. At least 12 of the credits must be earned at
• No course may be used to apply to both the major and minor elds of study. Courses in General Education or for other minors may be used for the minor* (*this does not apply to students in
the College of Business). With the exception of internship credit, all courses for the minor must be taken for a grade. The Introductory class must be taken before the internship and the
capstone course
• Application for the minor must be led in your academic dean’s of ce no later than the beginning of the nal semester or term
• Approval of the minor does not guarantee that the suggested courses will be available to you on a schedule correlated with your graduation plans nor guarantee space in any required course

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 3









Required Element Class options Notes

Introductory Cours HDF 190: FLIT Only offered in spring for rst-year student
3 credits o
HDF 290: Modern Leadership Issues Offered Fall and Spring for sophomores & junior

Internshi HDF 417: Leadership Internship Requires 40 hours/credit with a min. of 80 hours & a max. of 120 hours of documented internship
3 credits o experience for graded credi
Experience through Of ce of Experiential Learning & Community Engagemen
Internship Class in Academic Majo The only time the major and minor can overla

Capston HDF 412: Historical, Multi-ethnic & Alternative Leadershi Offered only in the fall with preference given to senior
3 credits o
COM 402: Leadership & Motivatio Offered in the spring and summer with Dr. Leatha
BUS 441: Leadership Skills Developmen Offered in the fall and spring with Dr. Coope
HPR 411/412: Honors Senior Semina
Must be in Honors or have GPA of 3.

Portfoli HDF 492: Leadership Minor Portfoli Taken last spring semester of enrollment (some exceptions)
1 credi


*Additional classes may be appropriate and therefore added to the list; see CSLD for the most updated list or bring a class that you think should be an electiv

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 4



AAF 300: Civil Rights Movement in the US COM 402: Leadership and Motivation (capstone option) HDF 416: Leadership in Organizations
BUS 341: Organizational Behavior COM 407: Political Communication HDF 417: Leadership Minor Internship
BUS 342: Human Resource Management COM 415: The Ethics of Persuasion HDF 437: Law & Families in the U.S.
BUS 441: Leadership & Motivation (capstone option) COM 421: Advanced Interpersonal Communication HDF 450: Introduction to Counseling
BUS 443: Organizational Design & Change COM 422: Communication and Con ict HPR 118: Honors Course in Speech Communication
BUS 448: International Dimensions of Business COM 441: Race, Politics and the Media HPR 203: The Prepared Mind
BUS 449: Entrepreneurship COM 450: Organizational Communication HPR 412: Honors Seminar (capstone option)
COM 100: Communication Fundamentals COM 461/462: Managing Cultural Differences in Organizations MSL 101: Introduction to Military Leadership
COM 202: Public Speaking CSV 302: URI Community Service MSL 201: Leadership & Military History
COM 208: Argumentation and Debate GWS 150: Introduction to Women’s Studies MSL 201: Military Skills and History of Warfare
COM 210: Persuasion: The Rhetoric of In uence GWS 310: Race, Class, Sexuality in Women’s Lives MSL 202: Leadership & Team Building
COM 221: Interpersonal Communication GWS 350: International Women’s Issue MSL 301: Leadership & Management
COM 250: Small Group Communication HDF 190: First-Year Leaders Inspired to Excellence (FLITE) PEX 375: Women in Sport - Contemporary Perspectives
COM 302: Advanced Public Speaking (introductory course option) PHL 212: Ethics
COM 308: Advanced Argumentation HDF 290: Modern Leadership Issues (introductory course option) PSC 304: Introduction to Public Administration
COM 322: Gender & Communication HDF 291: Rose Butler Browne Program Peer Mentoring Progra PSC 369: Legislative Process and Public Policy
COM 351: Oral Comm. in Business & the Professions HDF 412: Historical, Multi-Ethnic, & Alternative Leadership (capstone PSC 504: Ethics in Public Administration
COM 361: Intercultural Communication option) SOC300/WMS350: Women and Work
COM 383: Rhetorical Theory HDF 413: Student Organization Leadership Consultin THE 221: Stage Management
COM 385: Communication and Social In uence HDF 414: Leadership for Activism and Social Change THE 341: Theater Management
HDF 415: FLITE Peer Leadership

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 5





Wilson, 1998 (URI Memorial Union / Center for Student Leadership Development)
Revised after the publication of Exploring Leadership: for College Students Who Want to Make a Difference by Komives, McMahon and Lucas, 1998.

You need to have your own act together before you can lead others:

2. Lead Yourself

▪ Time management
▪ Organization
1. Know Yourself ▪ Self care
▪ Self discipline
Lead Others ▪ Strengths ▪ Perseverance
▪ Weaknesses ▪ Develop and maintain family,
▪ Values PROGRESS interpersonal, and intimate relationships
▪ Needs ▪ Academic, social, personal goals and
P ▪ Styles objectives
R o Learning
O o Teaching
G o Personality P
R o Membership R
E o Leadership O
former stages E
as you progress S
4. Develop and Refine S

▪ Leadership theory and

practice 3. Broaden Your Perspectives…
▪ Communication Understand others
▪ Group Development
▪ Inclusion ▪ Hierarchy of needs
▪ Citizen Activist Skills ▪ Racial, cultural, gender, sexual orientation,
Critical Thinking
▪ religious, class, ability, etc. diversity and
▪ Teaching and Programming commonalities
▪ Power, privilege, oppression, liberation;
individual and institutional discrimination

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 6

In this section, you will track your progress toward the outcomes. Each class in the minor targets different outcomes; all of the classes list these
outcomes on the syllabi (the words “goals” or “curriculum areas” may be used instead). In many of our classes, the assignments can serve as your
evidence. Periodically, and not less than at the end of each semester, you should update your outcomes progress. In the “additional experiences”
column, name additional classes or experiences that contributed to you becoming pro cient in that outcome. As the semesters pass, you will think of
things from recent semesters and semesters further in the past, or people or jobs, etc. in your past that also in uenced your progress on that outcome.
Do not let that ambiguity upset you. Re ecting on development is not a linear process, but it does help to re ect often. In the “descriptive notes”
column, share insights about your growth, lack of progress, successes, stumbling blocks, etc. At the end of each section, you need to include evidence
that supports your development toward the outcomes. Copies of papers, grading sheets, evaluation letters—anything that shows that someone has
determined that you have demonstrated pro ciency (or not, or are making progress). Make sure to keep electronic copies of all of your evidence to
include in your Portfolio

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 7


Outcome Category: Self-Leadershi
Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

1. Student will demonstrate autonomy and a Welcome Day PSY 254 One of my favorite experiences at URI so far has been volunteering at welcome day for the leadership
minimized need for approval program and talking about the program to prospective students and their families. It was genuinely so
rewarding to speak to students that are looking to get involved. Arriving to welcome day, despite a
slight lack of instruction given for what exactly I was supposed to do- I found myself accomplishing
everything and more. I did not think to ask if what I was saying to these students was okay or if I
needed to change anything because I knew that everything I was saying is valuable information. This
demonstrates a level of autonomy that has been exciting developing throughout college so far. I have
also found autonomy in my PSY 254 class because we are given a test every friday- but are given no
instructions when or how to study. This puts the responsibility all on me to create times to study and
absorb the material while managing my time wisely.

2. Student will demonstrate personal, HDF 190 PSY 254 Self-discipline is very important to have in college being that you have many new things brought onto
organizational, and academic examples of Greek life you at a very fast pace. This being said, coming to college, I have had to learn how to accurately
self-discipline manage my time as I have both personal and academic challenges I face. Specifically within HDF
190, I have practiced self discipline through breaking through my introverted shell. This relates to both
my personal and academic self-discipline because our class involves a lot of interpersonal interaction,
so I decided that I had to stop being scared of talking in order to get the full experience of the class.
Outside of our class, I have had to learn self discipline when I gained more responsibilities after
joining greek life in the spring. I had to practice organizational self-discipline because I had more
things on my schedule that I had to decide when I could plan my academics and my social life. This
relates to both my academic and personal life because there had been times where I want to attend
an event for my sorority, but practiced self-discipline and stayed home to focus on my academics. My
PSY 254 has a test in person every Friday, so that took self-discipline not to drop the class just
because it was an inconvenience to me.

3. Student will demonstrate the ability to Greek Life MTH 101 I have learned to effectively manage my emotions as I have spent more time in college. I did not
manage emotions expect to be doing as much group work in college as I actually ended up doing, so that definitely
prompted some emotion management tactics as I am used to working primarily independently. Joining
Greek life taught me how to manage my emotions because being in a sorority with so many girls is
bound to have frequent disagreement. This being said, learning to prioritize things that are important
in a sorority- such as leadership roles and establishing connections, can ease the process of learning
how to manage emotions. I also had to learn to do this in my MTH 101 class because I had a very
difficult time at the beginning of the semester with this class. I found there to be very little resources
for help and I was very stressed out with the material. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I set up
tutoring with the AEC and devoted more time studying, while also giving myself frequent breaks to
manage my emotions. This allowed me to achieve better academically.

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 8

4. Student will demonstrate knowledge of MTH 101 PSY 254 Stress management methods are crucial to dealing with a busy schedule and managing your daily life.
stress management methods Some of the most common stress management methods that I follow are creating calendars. I have
two separate calendars, one for my academics and one for my personal life, that are color coded to
keep everything organized and in place. The use of a calendar keeps everything laid out and allows
me to keep track of all of the assignments I have and when they need to be completed by. Additionally,
a way to manage stress in an academic setting is reaching out and getting a tutor or go to a
professors office hours in order to get a better understanding. I managed stress in my MTH 101 class
because when I realized that my grades were slipping because the material was difficult for me to
understand, I went to the AEC and got help from a tutor. I also reached out to my TA for any questions.
I do this similarly now with my PSY 254 class by reaching out to my TA’s with questions to ask
questions in a way to manage stress for the courseload.

5. Student will demonstrate the ability to PSY 254 ECN 201 Managing stress is very important as a leader and someone being lead because stress will impact
manage stress your performance greatly. Being a leader, it is crucial that you can manage stress in both your
personal and work environment to reach your full potential when directing a team. It is also important
as a team member to manage stress because each member of a team is important, and if you
succumb to stress- you’ll affect everyone on your team as well as yourself. In my PSY 254 class, one
of my hardest courses, I have a test every friday- meaning I cannot wait until the last minute to
prepare for the weekly tests. I manage stress for this class by designating specific times throughout
the week outside of class where I review what will be on the test. Similarly in my ECN 201 class last
semester I had a weekly quiz every saturday. Meaning that in order to effectively manage stress I
planned out when to study before saturday.

6. Student will express a personal code of HDF 190 PHL 100GH My personal code of ethics is to approach situations with honesty and respect. If an issue is brought to
leadership / membership ethics WRT 106 me, I will attempt to approach it with honesty as long as no one is getting hurt in the process. My
ethical view as a leader is to work well with my team and establish a solid moral foundation. Honesty
and love creates encouragement and positive results. If you provide encouragement coupled with
honestly, it allows for growth.(Servant Leadership- Greenleaf Center)

7. Student will demonstrate practice of the HDF 190 PHL 100GH I believe that my personal code of ethics can relate back to HDF 190 because we speak a lot about
personal code of ethics WRT 106 different forms of leadership and how they affect people individually. I think apply my personal code of
ethics to servant leadership specifically, because it is so important to treat everyone on your team with
love and respect in order to have people that will enjoy working with you. I can also apply this to my
philosophy of love and sex class (PHL100GH) because many of our discussed topics have many
different viewpoints, so it is important to be honest in order to get a full range of opinions.

8. Student will express a personal values HDF 190 PHL 100GH My top 5 values are kindness, love, leadership, prudence, and honesty. This being said, I find value in
statement (Sources = VIA, values helping and uniting others in any setting. I think that honesty is very important to being a leader, but it
clarification exercises, etc.) must be coupled with kindness and love. Prudence relates back to my personal values statement
because I find it very important to stop and think about what you’re doing before making a decision.
This being said, I will always step back and think about if what I am doing unites people with love and
respect. The value that allows my statement to be put into action is leadership- I wouldn’t be able to
act on my ideas if a desire for leadership wasn’t present.

9. Student will demonstrate practice of the Welcome Day HDF 190 I found that using my personal values statement when discussing the leadership program with
personal values statement prospective students on welcome day enhanced all of my conversations. Since I first sought out to get
to know the person and the family that I was talking to, it allowed me to think about how I can relate to
them and create a mutual respect. I was honest and genuine with all of the people I’ve talked to,
which allowed them to feel more comfortable asking questions and also getting to know me as a
person. I found so much value in helping both the leadership program that I am a part of and students
that are interested in URI get started on there journey here.

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10. Student will demonstrate the ability to WRT 106 HDF 190 Follow-through is necessary for the process of leadership in order to complete your project in a
lead a project from start to finish (follow- thorough and accurate way. I have found that especially at the collegiate level, completing a project
through) from start to finish with your full effort is necessary to receive the best grade or feedback. For
example, my WRT 106 class was fully based upon one research paper the entire semester- meaning
that we created a research question at the beginning of the semester and built upon it until our final
presentation of our project at the end. Follow through was very important with this class because we
had to meet multiple times outside of class to complete the entirety of the project and we needed
every single one of our group members to put in equal effort in order to complete the project. Follow
through will also be very necessary in HDF 190 when we complete our leadership contract
assignment. I will be attending welcome day for this assignment, and follow through with attending is
very important to get the full capacity of the project.

11. Student will describe goals and objective HDF 190 Greek life Having goals to enhance your self achievement and your community is crucial to your development as
statements regarding personal issues, both a team member and a leader. One of the goals I had for myself entering HDF 190 was to step out
career issues, and community issues of my shell and specifically enhance my public speaking abilities. I really believe that being able to
inform people in a charismatic and convincing manner can make or break your abilities as a leader.
This being said, my main goal of the course is to get over the nerves that come from public speaking.
Entering college, I also wanted to find a way to enhance and help my community. One of my goals
when entering greek life was to find an organization that was passionate about helping people in our
community. Additionally, I wanted to find an organization in greek life that could aid me with my future
career goals and possibly create connections for me in the future when searching for a job.

12. Student will show evidence of goals and HDF 190 Greek life My main goal for HDF 190 was to get rid of my nerves when public speaking and develop knowledge
objectives that were planned and on how to communicate charismatically when giving a speech. I achieved this goal when giving my
achieved speech about servant leadership in class. Watching my peers give their speeches about this topic
really helped me get rid of my nerves and learn more about the topic. It was very rewarding when I got
a 95% on the assignment because I knew that I planned out my goal for a long time and was finally
able to achieve it. Additionally, as mentioned in outcome #11, I was very passionate to find an
organization in greek life that effectively achieved my goal of aiding the community and my future job
search. I achieved this goal when I found my specific organization that is very passionate about aiding
in domestic abuse awareness and fundraising for this cause. Additionally, there are many
opportunities to connect with people in my major and create future career connections through my
greek organization. It was very rewarding achieving this goal because It gives me purpose through
helping my community at a collegiate level.

13. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 Academics and well-being Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that is illustrated as a five tier model of human needs:
“Hierarchy of Needs” theory by Maslow physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging (friendships), esteem, and
self actualization. The basis of this theory is that we as humans are motivated by our needs. If our
needs are not met, then we will not be able to progress to higher levels in our lives- resulting in feeling
unmotivated and unfulfilled. The beginning stages of the needs at the bottom of the pyramid are our
most basic needs, like food and clothing. This theory demonstrates that to meet our needs, we have
to first complete what is needed before in order to move on. The most difficult ones to reach are those
at the highest up on the pyramid, self-actualization, because it is the process of growing and
developing as a person to reach our highest individual potential.
(Simply Psychology, 2023)

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14. Student will show application of Maslow’s HDF 190 Academics and well-being I’ve found that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is something that plays a large part in how I go about
theory to own life feeling satisfied in my life. I first can connect this hierarchy to HDF 190 and how to be the best leader
that I can possibly be right now and in my future, I need to work on being self actualized in order to
use my talents to the fullest in college and my future career. This will allow for me to be more
motivated and allow for me to empower others. I apply this theory right now to my own life when
talking about balancing my academics and my overall well being. I know that if I tire myself out with
my academics, it will begin to take a toll on my well-being, which will affect many other aspects of my
life. I need to use this theory to set my priorities and learn what will exactly let me reach the stage of
self-actualization to reach my full potential as a student and peer.

15. Student will show knowledge of the theory

of Superleadership by Manz & Sims

16. Student will show application of Manz &

Sim’s theory to own life

17. Student will describe StrengthsQuest HDF 190 URI 101 Relator- being a relator allows me to form deep connections with people and learn a lot about them as
Signature Themes, shadow side of a person. This is a strength because learning about people below the surface allows me to create
Strengths and/or weaknesses, and strong and personal connections and have people trust me deeper. It could be a weakness because I
examples of application (Source = Gallup) get upset when people don’t want to get to know me as much as I want to know them. This was a
strength in my URI 101 class because I was with people in my same major, so. I was able to relate to
them and make friends early on.
Individualization- this allows me to notice specific and unique things about most people I meet. It also
allows me to bring people together from different backgrounds. This is a strength because I can figure
out how to unite people based on their characteristics. It could be a weakness because sometimes
people don’t want to be united and attempt to solve problems.

18. Student will describe personal leadership

style and/or personality style including
strengths and weaknesses and examples
of application (Sources = Leadership style
inventories, the L.P.I., Type Focus (MBTI),
LAMP, DISC, and other career
inventories, etc.)

Outcome Category: Leadership Theories

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

19. Student will show knowledge of the

“Authority and Bureaucracy” theory of
leadership Weber

20. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Weber)

21. Student will show knowledge of the

“Scientific Management” theory of
leadership by Taylor

22. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Taylor)
Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 11

23. Student will show knowledge of the

“Management by Objectives” theory of
leadership by Drucker

24. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Drucker)

25. Student will show knowledge of “Theory

X and Theory Y” theory of leadership by

26. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (MacGregor)

27. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 ECN 201 Servant leadership is a theory that allows for inclusion within leadership- rejecting traditional and
“Servant Leadership” theory of leadership THE 100 hierarchal models of leadership. Older forms of leadership praise having a hierarchy and multiple
by Greenleaf dominant figures that make decisions over their team. Servant leadership, however, provides a model
that prioritizes ethical and caring behavior that involves the team as a whole in decision to provide
further growth opportunities. Along with the general ideas of servant leadership, there are 10
characteristics of effective servant leaders that add to the depth of this theory, such as traits like
building of community, awareness, and empathy. I personally resonate mostly with awareness being
that I am going into psychology- being aware of everyones individual backgrounds allows for a
complex and efficient point of view when assessing a task. In the future, I will use servant leadership
in my future career and leadership opportunities through approaching everyone as equal and learning
how I can accurately strengthen our team by utilizing diversity and individualization.

28. Student will describe personal application HDF 190 ECN 201 Since an important aspect of servant leadership is awareness, I use this characteristic in my personal
of the above theory (Greenleaf) application of the theory. I find this theory to be most applicable during HDF 190 when discussing with
my peer leader groups about different in class topics and group projects. Most recently- I feel like I
illustrated servant leadership because I took time to learn and be aware of my group members
backgrounds and what their strengths are. After I learned this, I pushed us as a group to assign parts
of the project that would fit best with our strengths. I applied this theory in a similar way during my
ECN 201 class because we did lots of various group work. I would normally be the one to make the
group chats for everyone to discuss work- and I would push everyone to choose parts of the group
work to do that they know they are going to succeed in. I am excited to use servant leadership in my
personal application as an industrial organizational psychologist in the future.

29. Student will show knowledge of the

“Principle Centered Leadership” theory by

30. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Covey)

31. Student will show knowledge of the “14

Points / TQM” theory of leadership by

32. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Deming)

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33. Student will show knowledge of the

“Visionary Leadership” (now often cited
as “Transformational Leadership”) theory
by Sashkin

34. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Sashkin)

35. Student will show knowledge of the

“Individuals in Organizations” leadership
theory by Argyris

36. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Argyris)

37. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

the “4 V’s” theory of leadership by Grace
(Center for Ethical Leadership)

38. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Grace)

39. Student will show knowledge of the

“Situational Leadership” theory by Hersey
& Blanchard

40. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Hersey & Blanchard)

41. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 Greek Life Relational leadership creates framework to approach leadership as a way to facilitate
“Relational Leadership” model by positive change through the achievement of a common good. The main objective that
Komives, McMahon & Lucas relational leadership focuses on is the ability to create relationships and put people rst. You
can do this through the process of knowing, being, and doing as a relational leader. There
are ve key components to relational leadership that drive the model: inclusive,
empowering, purposeful, ethical, process-oriented. Purposeful illustrates how the activity at
hand is completed with intention through having a shared vision of a goal to complete.
Empowering allows for the group members to be uplifted to simulate growth and inclusion.
Inclusive details that a strong group connection is built through the understanding that
everyone has different background and opinions- and that all viewpoints are valued.
Process-oriented refers to how the group uses problem solving and communication to
accomplish goals. Ethical explains how having moral and ethical standards keeps the team
fair and ensures the goals are moral. Overall, the relational leadership model allows for an
overview as to how having a common goal coupled with a team that has positive
relationships with one another can make all the difference in any setting. (Exploring
Leadership, Komives)

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 13


42. Student will describe personal application HDF 190 Greek Life An important example of relational leadership that has been applied in my life recently is
of the above theory (Komives et al) the development of our HDF 190 Rhody outpost group project. As a whole, this project has
been an example of relational leadership because the common goal and the want to create
positive change motivates me and my group members to get these goods for Rhody outpost.
All of us created relationships with one another and realized that we are all on the same
team to achieve this goal- helping us in the long run to empower our goal for moral and
ethical reasons, along with staying purposeful and process oriented. Our positive
relationships with one another really accelerated our desire to go out and get the items we
need- a clear demonstration of the relational leadership model. I’ve also found this
demonstrated often in Greek life. For example, during Greek Week, all of the fraternities
and sororities are working together as a team to achieve a common goal to facilitate positive
change. Relational leadership created the framework for how we approach these goals.

43. Student will show knowledge of the

concept of constructivism

44. Students will describe personal examples

of implementing constructivism

45. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the Experiential Learning Model (Kolb)

46. Student will describe personal application

of the Experiential Learning Model (Kolb)

47. Student will show knowledge of the

“Social Change Model of Leadership
Development” by Astin et al

48. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Astin et al)

49. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Leadership Identity Development
Model” by Komives et al

50. Students will describe personal

application of the above theory. (Komives
et al)

51. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

the Strengths-Development Model by
Hulme et al

52. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Hulme et al)

53. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

behavior theories of leadership from
Michigan and Ohio State

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 14

54. Student will describe personal application
of the above theories (Michigan & Ohio

55. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Charismatic leadership

56. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory

57. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

contingency approach to leadership by

58. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Fiedler)

59. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Path-Goal theory by House

60. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (House)

61. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory
by Dansereau, Graen & Haga; Graen &
Cashman; Graen

62. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Dansereau, Graen &
Haga; Graen & Cashman; Graen)

63. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Leadership Substitutes Theory

64. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory

65. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Models of leader emergence

66. Student will describe the impact of traits

on leadership emergence and

67. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Chaos approach to leadership by

68. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Wheatley)

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 15

Outcome Category: Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to Leadershi

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

69. Student will demonstrate how cultural

anthropology / paradigms relate to

70. Student will describe personal example

of using cultural anthropology /
paradigms as a leader

71. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Cycles of Socialization” (Harro)
theory and its uses in leadership

72. Students will demonstrate personal

application of the “Cycles of
Socialization” (Harro)

73. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Cycles of Liberation” (Harro) theory
and its uses in leadership

74. Student will demonstrate personal

application of the “Cycles of Liberation”

75. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Configuration of Power” (Franklin)
and its relationship to leadership

76. Student will demonstrate personal

application of the “Configuration of
Power” (Franklin)

77. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

racial identity development (Cross &
Fhagen-Smith; Rowe, Bennett &
Atkinson; Ferdman & Gallegos; Kim;
Horse; Renn etc.)

78. Student will demonstrate personal

application of model(s) of racial identity
development above

79. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

models related to gender / identity /
gender identity development (Lev;
Bussey; Bussey & Bandura; Bilodeau;
Gilligan; Belenky et al; etc.)

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 16


80. Student will demonstrate personal

application of model(s) of gender identity

81. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

additional social identity development
model(s): Sexual ID, Faith & Spirituality,
Disability, Social Class (Dillon et al;
Fowler; Parks; Astin et al; Peek; Smith;
Johnstone; Gibson; Forber-Pratt &
Aragon; etc.)

82 Student will demonstrate personal

application of additional social identity
development model(s) above

83. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

McIntosh’s theory of privilege and its
relationship to leadership

84. Student will demonstrate personal

application of McIntosh’s theory

85. Student will describe the differences and

similarities of individual and institutional
oppression and relationships to
leadership (Source = Three Dimensional
Matrix of Oppression)

86 Student will demonstrate knowledge of

relevant laws and policies related to
issues of equity and its relationship to
leadership (i.e., Title IX, Affirmative
Action, Protected Classes, etc.)

87. Student will show knowledge of effective

leadership as it relates to change agency

88. Student will describe personal examples

of being a change agent

89 Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Model of Intercultural Sensitivity” by
Bennett and its uses in leadership

90. Students will demonstrate personal

application of the “Model of Intercultural
Sensitivity” by Bennett

91. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the ally Action Continuum by Griffin &

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 17

92 Student will demonstrate personal
application of the Action Continuum by
Griffin & Harro

93. Student will show knowledge of the

Multicultural Organizational Development
Model (Jackson)

94. Student will show personal application of

the Multicultural Organizational
Development Model (Jackson)

95. Student will show knowledge of the

Multicultural Change Intervention Matrix

96. Student will show personal application of

the Multicultural Change Intervention

97. Student will create a personal code of

inclusive leadership

Outcome Category: Critical Thinkin

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

98. Student will show knowledge of principles

of critical thinking and fallacies (logic is
used in this minor)

99. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

critical thinking

100. Student will show knowledge of

metaphorical analysis to critically analyze
self and leadership situations

101. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

metaphorical analysis to critically analyze
self and leadership situations

102. Student will show knowledge of at least five

decision making methods

103. Student will describe personal examples of

having used five decision making methods

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 18


104. Student will show knowledge of at least five

problem solving / conflict management
methods, as well as understanding the
roots of conflicts

105. Student will describe personal examples of

having used five problem solving / conflict

106. Student will demonstrate the ability

to synthesize multiple knowledge
perspectives (course work), competencies
(communication, writing, information
literacy or mathematical/statistical skills)
and responsibilities (global, diversity &
inclusion or civic knowledge)

107. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

leadership that is used in crisis (i.e., James
& Wooten; Garvin; Covey; Frohman;
Lalonde; Schoenberg; Joni; Braden et al;

108. Student will describe examples of

leadership in crisis situations (i.e.,
application of James & Wooten; Garvin;
Covey; Frohman; Lalonde; Schoenberg;
Joni; Braden et al; etc.)

Outcome Category: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skill

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

109. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

active listening techniques

110. Student will describe examples of using

active listening skills

111. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

functions of group communication by

112. Student will describe personal application

of functions of group communication

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 19


113. Student will show knowledge of techniques

regarding giving and accepting of feedback

114. Student will describe examples of giving

and accepting feedback.

115. Student will show knowledge of the 7D

coaching model (Knott)

116. Student will demonstrate personal

application of the 7D Model (Knott)

117. Student will show knowledge of elements

of a Crucial Conversation and steps to
maintain dialogue and move to action
(Patterson, McMillian & Switzler)

118. Student will describe examples of

engaging in a Crucial Conversation

119. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

facilitation techniques

120. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

facilitation techniques

121. Student will demonstrate knowledge of de-

briefing techniques

122. Student will demonstrate proficiency of de-

briefing techniques

123. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

framing based on psychology and its use in
group facilitation

124. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

framing based on psychology and its use
in group facilitation

125. Student will demonstrate knowledge the

four frames of organizations, and the
meaning of reframing by Bolman and Deal

126. Student will describe personal application

of organizational analysis using the four
frames of organizations, and breaking the
frame / reframing (Bolman and Deal)

127. Student will show knowledge of organizing

meetings / setting agendas / and leading

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 20

128. Student will describe personal examples of
organizing meetings / setting agendas /
leading meetings

129. Student will show knowledge of

Parliamentary Procedure

130. Student will show knowledge of techniques

for working with difficult people

131. Student will describe personal examples of

using techniques to work effectively with
difficult people

132. Student will show knowledge of the stages

of group development (Tuckman/Tuckman
& Jensen, Bennis or others)

133. Student will describe personal examples of

group development in use (Tuckman/
Tuckman & Jensen, Bennis or others).

134. Student will show knowledge of group roles

and how they contribute to group dynamics
(Johnson & Johnson; Benne & Sheats;
Knowles & Knowles; etc.)

135. Student will describe personal examples of

group roles and how they contribute to
group dynamics (Johnson & Johnson;
Benne & Sheats; Knowles & Knowles; etc.)

136. Student will show knowledge of effective

memberships skills in groups

137. Student will describe personal examples of

membership skills in use

138. Student will show knowledge of the

Challenge and Support theory by Sanford,
and its relationship to organizations

139. Student will describe personal examples of

using the theory of Challenge and Support

140. Student will show knowledge of the

construction / elements of informative and
persuasive speeches

141. Student will demonstrate proficiency in

informative and persuasive public speaking

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 21

142. Student will show knowledge of planning
and conducting interviews (as the

143. Student will describe personal examples of

planning and conducting interviews (as the

144. Student will show knowledge of preparing

for and effective answers in interviews (as
the interviewee)

145. Student will describe personal examples of

preparing for and being interviewed

146. Student will show knowledge of effective

collaboration / coalition building (Sources:
Cilente/Komives et al; NCBI; etc.)

147. Student will describe personal examples of

working in collaboratives/coalitions

148. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

techniques to communicate and engage in
difficult dialogues related to diversity and

149. Student will demonstrate proficiency in

communicating and engaging in difficult
dialogues related to diversity and inclusion.

150. Student will describe ways to maintain

accountability in leadership / member

151. Student will describe personal examples

related to maintaining accountability as a

152. Student will describe ways to build

relationships between leaders and

153. Student will describe personal examples of

building relationships with members as a

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 22

154. Student will describe how credibility applies HDF 190 PHL100GH Credibility is a very important trait to have as a leader because a main goal as a leader
to leadership, as well as the characteristics should be to have a team that you can support, and have them support you as well. This
and skills of a credible leader support is created through trust and reliability. You cannot create a strong bond with your
team as a leader without credibility because then your team will not want to trust you. For
example, in my philosophy class, one of my assignments is to lead a class discussion on a
speci c topic. If the information I presented to my class was not credible and steered them
all the wrong way, they would not trust me to give any information in the future and would
not listen to me. This is why it is so important for a leader to be credible in both a short and
long-term leadership position because losing the trust of your team will create a gap in your
ability to lead through trust and their ability to learn. As a credible leader, you must always
be honest with your team and get your information from a source that is trusted.

155. Student will describe personal examples of

building, maintaining, and repairing his/her
own credibility as a leader

156. Student will describe ethical standards in


157. Student will describe influence applies to


158. Student will describe principles of effective

mentoring, as well as problems particular
to the mentoring relationship

159. Student will describe personal examples of

mentoring and being mentored

160. Student will describe principles of effective

peer leadership, as well as problems
particular to peer leadership

161. Student will describe personal examples

related to being a peer leader and being
led by peers

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 23


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