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Journal of
of Small
Small Business
Business Management
Management 2016
2015 54(2), pp.pp.
••(••), 582–597
doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12159

Unpacking Coordination Benefits in Supply Networks:

Findings from Manufacturing SMEs
by Irene Petrick, Carleen Maitland, and Nicolai Pogrebnyakov

This paper examines how coordination among firms in supply networks generates benefits in
the short and long terms for firms. It focuses on information technology (IT) and process improve-
ment coordination. Analysis was performed on quantitative and qualitative data from a sample
of SMEs in plastics manufacturing in Pennsylvania. Results indicate that coordination on both IT
and process improvement leads to short- and long-term benefits. These relationships were mediated
by the adoption of innovations (when coordinating on IT) and access to new capabilities (in
process improvement coordination). These results extend the understanding of how participation
in supply networks benefits individual firms.

overall competitiveness both internationally as

Introduction well as against competing technologies. For
Increasing product complexity decreases the individual firms, understanding the effective-
likelihood of a single firm possessing the ness of their own and other networks can aid
knowledge base and production capability in strategic management and help position
needed to design, manufacture and distribute them appropriately within the industry
most products and services (Isik 2011). Instead, (Gardet and Fraiha 2012). In addition, effec-
suppliers within networks add value to one tiveness in the supply chain in one industry
another’s activities, eventually creating a differ- sector can afford improved effectiveness in
entiated product or service, together with its other sectors to which the firm supplies.
underlying network of suppliers. This results in Naturally, this begs the question of what is
competition between networks rather than meant by an effective network. Individually,
individual firms (De Souza, Zice, and Chaoyang firm effectiveness can be equated with meeting
2000; Kumar 2001). goals; however, in large networks, it is difficult
Production networks focused on produc- to pin down which firms’ goals are pursued.
tion of goods and services are important Also, as suggested by Powell, Koput, and
industrial structures, having implications for Smith-Doerr (1996), firms join networks to
the competitiveness of firms and industries. pursue both collective and individual goals.
For industries, the effectiveness of their com- Here, we examine network effectiveness from
ponent networks determines, in part, their the member firm perspective.

Irene Petrick is Senior Lecturer at the College of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State
Carleen Maitland is Associate Professor at the College of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsyl-
vania State University.
Nicolai Pogrebnyakov is Associate Professor at the Department of International Economics and Manage-
ment, Copenhagen Business School.
Address correspondence to: Nicolai Pogrebnyakov, Copenhagen Business School, 2000 Frederiksberg,
Denmark. E-mail:

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Even so, given the heterogeneity of firms in tioning of the network as a whole and whose
a large production network, effectiveness can benefits accrue to all members, although not
have a variety of meanings. One firm may necessarily equally (Provan and Milward 2001).
assess network effectiveness from a production Examples of effectiveness measures for this
perspective, focusing on how quickly goods level include efficient resource management,
move from supplier to customer or whether responsiveness, flexibility and seamless infor-
flexibility in production across the network is mation flows (Beamon 1999; Chen 1997; Souza,
well managed (De Souza, Zice, and Chaoyang Zice, and Chaoyang 2000).
2000). Alternatively, network effectiveness may Network effectiveness can also be evaluated
be viewed from a purely financial perspective, from the point of view of the end customer. The
being assessed on the general financial health customer level differs from the overall network
of the firms in the network or the perception of level in that a highly effective network from the
how well the end product is faring in the con- perspective of its member firms may have low
sumer market (Venkatraman and Ramanujam levels of customer satisfaction. Ensuring both
1986). network and customer perspective effectiveness
These differing interpretations suggest effec- requires communication, as suggested by
tiveness has different forms, and this research research on networks of health-care providers
sought to identify a common factor among them. (Provan and Milward 2001). In health care,
We propose coordination as this common factor. patient care is provided by a network, and its
Networked firms coordinate to achieve a variety effectiveness is assessed on “overall well-being.”
of objectives, including reducing transaction Overall network effectiveness can be assessed
costs, increasing efficiency and aligning incen- from the perspective of individual health-care
tives (Barringer and Harrison 2000). Coordina- providers but is ultimately tied to the patient or
tion is achieved by various mechanisms customer perspective.
such as standardization or mutual adjustment The third level of network effectiveness is
(Alexander 1995) and can be seen as a minimum the organizational level. It denotes outcomes
behavior for improving network performance. arising from the functioning of the network as
However, although it has been acknowledged a whole but with benefits that accrue to indi-
that coordination among supply network firms vidual members (Dyer and Nobeoka 2000;
benefits both the network and participating Gronum, Verreynne, and Kastelle 2012;
firms, specific ways in which coordination leads Petrick and Pogrebnyakov 2008). In some
to benefits have often been overlooked (Cao and cases, a network may be highly effective
Zhang 2011). To address this issue, this paper overall; however, individual members may not
explores two specific types of coordination and accrue benefits. This study focuses on effec-
their relationship to performance: coordination tiveness at this third, organizational level,
on information technology (IT) and coordina- which is discussed in more detail in the fol-
tion on process improvement. lowing section.
This study is set in the context of small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Firm Benefits from Supply
plastics manufacturing industry in Pennsylva- Network Participation
nia. Empirically, it is a combination of a survey Individual firms can benefit from participat-
and interviews with selected companies. ing in supply networks in several ways. First,
by providing access to external sources of com-
Literature Review petence, networks improve the ability of firms
Levels of Network Effectiveness to innovate (Gronum, Verreynne, and Kastelle
Regardless of a network’s function (e.g., 2012; Kaufman, Wood, and Theyel 2000; Narula
supply, R&D, board memberships), its effec- 2004; Pogrebnyakov and Kristensen 2011).
tiveness can be conceptualized on at least three Second, firms benefit from network member-
levels: the overall network, the end customer, ship through knowledge and technology
or the individual member organization. A chal- exchange (Mowery, Oxley, and Silverman
lenge for network researchers is that each of 1996); (Dyer and Nobeoka 2000). Third, firms
these levels has different criteria for evaluating that participate in networks are more likely to
effectiveness (Provan and Milward 2001). At survive than those with arm’s length market
the network level, effectiveness is typically relationships (Uzzi 1996), for example by
understood as outcomes arising from the func- attaining lower sourcing costs.

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Firm-level benefits from network participa- Hence, conceptualizations of network effec-
tion can be further divided into short-term, tiveness will vary with levels, and here, our
such as enhanced resource acquisition or interest is in the firm-level perspective. A focus
gains in performance, and long-term ones, on firm-level network effectiveness can help
which include changes in the way individual identify some of the mechanisms by which the
firms think or act, as well as structural benefits of network membership, and in turn its
changes in the firm (Human and Provan 1997; overall effectiveness, accrue.
Subramani 2004). More specifically, short-term
benefits include obtaining access to resources Coordination
and legitimacy (Borgatti and Foster 2003; Coordination at the most basic level is
Human and Provan 1997; Provan and Milward management of interdependencies between
2001), reducing firm’s exposure to risk and activities (Alexander 1995; Malone and
uncertainty (Borgatti and Foster 2003; Lee, Crowston 1994; Thompson 1967). Coordina-
Lee, and Pennings 2001) and growth in total tion in supply networks encompasses multiple
sales, number of employees, or market share, forms of relationships between customers and
which in turn positively relates to profitability suppliers with different degrees of formality
(Havnes and Senneseth 2001; Wolff and Pett and longevity. Coordination can be practiced
2006). Examples of long-term benefits are in formal and short-term relationships (Kraul
learning and innovation (Borgatti and Foster and Streeter 1995; Raposo and Fuks 2002;
2003) and geographic extension of markets Stephenson 2005), or in longer-lasting rela-
(Havnes and Senneseth 2001). tionships with greater amounts of trust and
Hence, extensive research has established a pooled resources (Powell, Koput, and
range of benefits that firms gain from network Smith-Doerr 1996; Raposo and Fuks 2002).
membership (Maloni and Benton 1997; These longer-lasting relationships are vari-
Nooteboom 1999; Yu, Yan, and Cheng 2001) ously labeled as “cooperation” or “collabora-
and coordinating with other network firms tion,” and in practice, the labels are often
(Cao and Zhang 2011). However, less is known used interchangeably. In this paper, we use
about the particular activities within networks the term coordination.
that generate these benefits. One factor that Coordination is often divided into opera-
appears to be linked to both short-term and tional and strategic types (den Hengst and Sol
long-term benefits is the level of interaction 2001; Simatupang, Wright, and Sridharan 2002;
between firms in the network (Chan and Chan Stephenson 2005). Operational coordination
2010). For example, it is likely that firms that focuses on integrating interdependent pro-
work more closely together have greater access cesses and data flows (den Hengst and Sol
to each other’s resources (short-term benefits) 2001; Simatupang, Wright, and Sridharan
and also are more likely to learn from one 2002). Examples include coordinated purchas-
another (long-term). One way to conceptualize ing and distribution as well as logistics. Strate-
this level of interaction is as interorganizational gic coordination includes activities that add
coordination. value through core competencies of involved
It is as yet unclear whether networks help firms or create a wider collective innovation
firms obtain both short-term and long-term horizon than that of each individual firm (Dyer
benefits, or only short-term ones. According and Nobeoka 2000; New 1996). An example of
to one position, there is no evidence of strategic coordination is coordinated new
short-term benefits, such as growth in product development.
employment or total sales, resulting from This paper considers two types of coordina-
network activities (Havnes and Senneseth tion: IT and process improvement. Though IT
2001). Another view suggests that networks coordination has been often associated with
help firms obtain both short-term and long- operational benefits (Prajogo and Olhager
term benefits, with short-term benefits being 2012), strategic benefits typically result from
similar across networks and long-term ones coordination on process improvement (Dyer
differing across networks (Human and Provan and Nobeoka 2000).
1997). However, the view that long-term
benefits indeed occur as a result of participat- Coordination on IT. The effect of adopting IT
ing in a network appears to be consistent on companies has been studied in detail, with
throughout the literature. mixed results. To gain a better understanding

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of research to date, we classify benefits by Further, SMEs are less likely to invest in IT
timeframe (long term versus short term) while than larger companies (Niehm et al. 2010). This
focusing on SMEs. One position holds that is because SMEs lack not only financial
firms obtain little long-term strategic value from resources to invest in IT but also technical
IT. According to this position, most companies expertise that would allow them to keep up
have adopted IT in the past two decades, and with the fast-changing technology landscape
therefore, IT by definition is not a competitive (Niehm et al. 2010). This may clearly put them
differentiator (Fawcett et al. 2011). IT does at competitive disadvantage, especially com-
provide short-term and operational gains, for pared to their larger peers. One way to alleviate
example, through transactions-oriented IT this disadvantage is for SMEs to participate in
(such as electronic data interchange), which is supply networks and coordinate with other
often used as a means to increase efficiency of firms on IT (Erosa-Martín and Arroyo-López
firms’ operations, rather than to coordinate 2010; Sherer 2003).
activities within supply networks (Hill and However, the extent to which SMEs engag-
Scudder 2002). Planning systems, which are ing in such coordination are likely to reap
often driven by downstream actors in the short-term and long-term benefits, as well as
supply network, have also focused on improv- the extent to which this relationship may be
ing operational efficiency of the network mediated by the adoption of other innovations,
(Kumar 2001). However, according to this is not clear from the literature. Therefore, our
view, IT systems that provide such operational model includes a relationship between coordi-
advantages are increasingly seen as “must- nation on IT and firm benefits, mediated by
haves” for companies (particularly ones that adoption of other innovations. We expect to
participate in supply networks) because others observe a positive relationship between coor-
have implemented similar technologies (Bhatt dination on IT and benefits to the firm in both
and Emdad 2010). the short and the long terms. Based on the
Another understanding of the impact of IT previous discussion, we expect that coordina-
holds that IT does provide both short- and tion on IT does not result in direct benefits but
long-term benefits for companies. However, instead is mediated by adoption of other inno-
these benefits are not automatic or guaranteed vations by the firm.
(Nath and Standing 2010). Rather, they follow
from the way IT is used (Dibrell, Davis, and Coordination on Process Improvement.
Craig 2008; Fawcett et al. 2011). In particular, Supply networks differ in the types of oppor-
using IT to interact and coordinate with other tunities they offer to their participating compa-
companies, particularly in the supply network nies. Some networks are well known for
context, may give rise to hard-to-imitate com- various initiatives they undertake to improve
petitive advantage and thus confer long-term processes, increase performance, or dissemi-
benefits on companies (Adams, Khoja, and nate knowledge (Corbett, Blackburn, and Van
Kauffman 2012; Fawcett et al. 2011). Thus, IT Wassenhove 1999). An increasing number of
typically does not have a direct impact on networks rely on close coordination on pro-
performance. Rather, this relationship is medi- cesses from the early stages of new product
ated by other factors such as trust or adoption design to ensure successful development,
of other innovations (Dibrell, Davis, and Craig manufacturing, and marketing of the product
2008; Gardet and Fraiha 2012), or intermedi- (Hsu et al. 2009). Process improvements impact
ate payoffs, such as enhanced operational per- quality and cost, attributes that end customers
formance, access to new capabilities, or can use to compare product or service offer-
integration with supply network partners ings. The central role in such initiatives is often
(Devaraj, Krajewski, and Wei 2007). Also, the played by a handful of organizations or by one
emergence of new collaboration-oriented IT focal company in the network (Gardet and
systems may lead to a more long-term impact Fraiha 2012). A good example of this is the way
on the supply network and the benefits that Toyota has been able to take these issues
derived by individual firms from supply and develop both measurable and perceived
network participation. These collaboration- differences over its rivals GM, Ford, Chrysler,
oriented IT artifacts include wikis, blogs, and Hyundai, and others (Fane et al. 2003). As
other technologies collectively labeled Enter- Toyota rose to a leader in sales in the auto
prise 2.0 (McAfee 2009). industry worldwide, its supply network has

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Figure 1
Preliminary Research Model

also benefited. From a strategic perspective, an which process improvements may lead to ben-
automotive supplier is better positioned as a efits to SMEs. A conceptual article by Chen,
supplier within the Toyota network compared Daugherty, and Landry (2009) suggested that
with the Chrysler network, for example. process integration may lead to better perfor-
Therefore, when an SME enters a supply mance through enhanced capabilities but did
network, it may, depending on the network, not test these propositions. Therefore, our
be engaged by other companies in improving model includes a relationship between coordi-
its processes. Though such coordinated nation on process improvement and firm ben-
process improvement may target internal efits in both the long and short terms, which is
company processes, the benefits may also mediated by access to capabilities. We expect to
spread to the rest of the network (Cao and observe a positive relationship between these
Zhang 2011), which is why focal firms in constructs.
some networks are investing in such process This discussion is summarized in the
improvement initiatives. research model shown in Figure 1.
Coordinating with other supply network
firms on process improvement allows the SME Methodology
to access capabilities and expertise of these We collected data from manufacturers of
firms (Chen, Daugherty, and Landry 2009; plastics products in Pennsylvania. Being a pro-
Gardet and Fraiha 2012). This is often the cessing industry, plastic manufacturers supply
underlying mechanism by which improve- to a variety of other industry sectors and, as the
ments in processes occur: The SME obtains interviews revealed, often characterize them-
access to resources located elsewhere in the selves based on the industry they supply to
network and is able to improve its own pro- rather than belonging to the plastics industry
cesses by integrating these learnings and specifically.
applying them to other supplier networks in A multimethod approach for data collection
which the firm participates. Improved pro- and analysis was used. Data were collected
cesses are typically operational improvements with surveys and face-to-face interviews and
that may nonetheless lead to long-term gains analyzed with structural equation modeling and
for the SME (Chen, Daugherty, and Landry qualitative analysis methods.
2009). Developing process improvement
capabilities may also ease future coordination Surveys
efforts (Zacharia, Nix, and Lusch 2011). There- The primary goal of the survey instrument
fore, process improvement considerations was to probe into coordination practices of
are of significant importance for SMEs, par- SMEs, their frequency and outcomes, as well as
ticularly for those contemplating which the outcomes that firms obtain from participat-
supply network to enter (Street and Cameron ing in supply networks as well as from various
2007). coordination practices. To that end, the survey
Extant literature, however, does not devote instrument included three major sections,
significant attention to mechanisms through in addition to the respondent and firm

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demographics1: details about the firm’s domi- these, 32 interviews were audio-recorded and
nant supply network (subsequent questions later transcribed, coded, and used for system-
were based on the dominant supply network), atic analysis.
outcomes from supply network participation, A semistructured interview protocol was
and details about coordination activities. developed to address six major themes:
A list of potential respondents of 596 manu- company demographics, relationships with
facturers, 82.3 percent of which are SMEs, was suppliers and customers, the supply network,
compiled from the Harris Directory and contacts organizational practices and policies, use of IT,
provided by the network of Pennsylvania Indus- and learning and innovation. Recruitment
trial Resource Centers. A four-contact approach occurred via phone or email by members of the
was used, beginning with a prenotification letter research team and was based on the same list
announcing the upcoming survey, a full survey of 596 Pennsylvania plastics manufacturers that
mailed two weeks later, a postcard reminder, was used for the survey. A standardized script
and a full survey follow-up mailing to was used during initial contact with potential
nonrespondents. We also offered potential informants.
respondents a web-based option and made Two criteria for informant selection were
approximately 100 telephone calls to encourage used: qualification and geographic location. All
nonrespondents to complete the survey. informants were asked to qualify themselves as
As a result, 70 usable surveys were received knowledgeable in their company’s supply
(11.7 percent response rate). This response rate chain activities. If the initial contact did not feel
is lower than the average of 14.8 percent pre- qualified, researchers were often referred to
viously reported for four-contact approach another person within the company. Infor-
studies of SMEs (Hartman et al. 2002; Newby, mants were also recruited based on geographic
Watson, and Woodliff 2003). To identify any location in order to gather a sample population
bias resulting from the response rate, a representative of the concentration of manufac-
nonrespondent analysis was conducted. Our turers across the state. The state was divided
samples included several demographic vari- into six major geographic regions with recruit-
ables, such as company age, number of ment targeting proportionate distribution of
employees, ownership type (public or private), informants from all six regions according to the
type of location (headquarters or branch), actual number of manufacturers in that region.
amount of sales, and credit risk score. We per- Of those contacted, 9.8 percent agreed to be
formed t-tests to compare respondents and interviewed. Informants were not provided
nonrespondents on these variables and found with any form of monetary incentive for par-
no statistically significant difference between ticipation but were later provided with a copy
respondents and nonrespondents. of the final technical report.
Interviews were conducted on site at an
Interviews informant’s office or work area by a member of
The interviews complemented the quantita- the research team. In addition to audio record-
tive survey data with a more detailed descrip- ing (when allowed), notes were also taken
tion of firm intent and resulting activities, throughout the interview process to help
particularly with regard to coordination prac- capture critical responses and to record aspects
tices. We conducted onsite interviews with of the workplace (informants often articulated a
Pennsylvania plastic manufacturers about their response through the use of artifacts in their
coordination and collaboration activities within workplaces or by touring the researcher around
the plastics supply chain. Informants consisted the manufacturing facilities).
of presidents, CEOs, and owners, as well as top Following an iterative two-stage process,
managers in sales, strategy, marketing, pro- interview transcripts were analyzed according to
curement, production, and supply chain man- the six major topics. Two sets of codes were
agement. Interviews lasted between one to one developed. First-order data (informant terms)
and a half hours. In total, 58 interviews were were analyzed through a set of analytic codes
conducted. Descriptive statistics of all inter- according to the sections and questions in the
viewed companies are shown in Figure 2. Of interview guide. Using NVIVO 7.0 software (QSR

The survey instrument is available from the authors upon request.

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Figure 2
Descriptive Statistics of Interviewed Companies: (a) the Number of
Employees, (b) Company Age, and (c) Sales Amounts (USD)

International, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia), to the overlap and complexity between ques-
first-order data were coded to the appropriate tions and responses. Within each analytic code,
analytic codes. In some cases, first-order data second-order (researcher terms) concepts were
were coded to more than one analytic code due then identified. Researchers then compared

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these concepts to those found in the survey to qualitative analysis was aimed at gaining more
further validate and support survey findings, to nuanced understanding of the constructs. The
resolve discrepancies and conflicts in the survey interviews also revealed relationships between
data, and to identify new findings. other characteristics of supply networks.

Statistical Analysis Structural Equation Modeling

We used AMOS (IBM Corporation, Armonk, Measurement Model. The measurement model
NY, USA) to evaluate the statistical model. A shows a good fit to the data. The chi-squared
two-step approach proposed by Anderson and statistic is not significant (χ2 = 21.75, df = 23,
Gerbing (1988) was followed, which includes a p < .54); three fit indices exceed the 0.9 thresh-
measurement and a structural model. The mea- old for acceptability (CFI = 1.00; GFI = 0.93;
surement model is first evaluated and, if nec- NNFI = 1.04) and RMSEA = 0.00, which is below
essary, refined using confirmatory factor the 0.05 acceptability threshold. All of these
analysis. The second step is the structural indices demonstrate a good fit between the
analysis of the model. The advantages of using measurement model and the data.
this approach include the ability to evaluate the The four composite constructs of adoption
goodness of fit of the factor composition and of of innovations, access to capabilities, and short-
the model structure separately, which other- term and long-term benefits were calculated
wise may influence one another and which may using factor analysis. The underlying items for
mask a poor fit of one of either the factor constructs are based on a series of statements
composition or the model structure. Further- with which the respondents could agree or
more, a two-step approach allows critical evalu- disagree over a five-item scale. Items included
ation of the trade-off between goodness of fit of in these factors are shown in Table 1. An
the structural model and the degree of causal example of such statement is “because of par-
influence. In other words, although more paths ticipation in this dominant supply network, my
in a model may increase its goodness of fit, company has been able to expand our product
they may complicate interpretation of these sales to new markets.” Each of the two coordi-
paths and the concepts they link (Anderson and nation variables was based on a dichotomous
Gerbing 1988). question regarding the involvement in the coor-
Measures of fit were evaluated using several dination practice.
accepted statistics (Bollen 1990; Cordano and Reliability indices for the four factors are
Frieze 2000; Seibert, Kraimer, and Liden 2001). within recommended intervals. Cronbach’s α
The first measure of fit we examined is the for the adoption of innovations construct is
chi-squared statistic. A significant chi-squared 0.805, for access to capabilities 0.806, for the
statistic of either the measurement or the struc- long-term benefits construct 0.800, and for the
tural model indicates a poor fit. Other measures short-term benefits 0.627. Thus, all factor load-
of fit we report include the comparative fit ings are considerably greater than the recom-
index (CFI), goodness-of-fit index (GFI), non- mended minimum of 0.4 (Devaraj, Krajewski,
normed fit index (NNFI), and root mean square and Wei 2007; Gefen, Straub, and Boudreau
error of approximation (RMSEA). Values of 2000).
over 0.9 of all these indices except RMSEA
indicate acceptable fit, as do RMSEA values Structural Model. The structural model also
below 0.05 (Cordano and Frieze 2000; Hatcher exhibits good fit. The chi-squared statistic is not
1994; Hu and Bentler 1995). significant (χ2 = 57.03, df = 61, p < .62); three fit
indices are above the 0.9 threshold (CFI = 1.00;
Results GFI = 0.90; NNFI = 1.02) and RMSEA = 0.00,
The results of our analysis consist of the below the 0.05 acceptability threshold.
quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interview) Figure 3 graphically shows the relationships
components. Quantitative analysis was only per- between the constructs in the structural model
formed on data from the survey (although quan- and estimates of the relationships between the
titative data was collected for some model constructs. It shows that coordination on IT is
variables during interviews for triangulation associated with greater adoption of innova-
purposes). Structural equation modeling (quan- tions. This positive link suggests that compa-
titative analysis) explores relationships between nies who participate in shared IT systems are
the constructs included in our model, and the more likely to adopt other innovations that

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Table 1
Components of the Four-Factor Constructs: Adoption of
Innovations, Access to Capabilities, Long-Term Firm Benefits, and
Short-Term Firm Benefits
Adoption of Access to Long-Term Firm Short-Term Firm
Innovations Capabilities Benefits Benefits

Because of participation in this dominant supply chain, my company has been able to . . .
• Adopt innovations • Gain access to • Increase its market • Increase its profits
that benefit my facilities and/or share • Reduce the risk
company within equipment that • Expand our product involved in
this dominant we do not have sales to new markets bringing this
supply chain • Gain access to • Reduce the dominant supply
• Adopt innovations expertise that we uncertainty in chain product to
that benefit my do not have in producing this market
company beyond our own product • Participating in
this dominant workforce • Expand our product this supply chain
supply chain sales in this has contributed to
dominant supply my company’s
chain to new short-term success
geographic locations
• Participating in this
supply chain has
contributed to my
company’s long-term

Figure 3
Relationships between Constructs in the Structural Model

Only significant relationships are shown. *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.

benefit them within and outside of their domi- greater access to capabilities that the firm does
nant supply chain. Adoption of these innova- not have in house. Firms that coordinate with
tions, in turn, is associated with benefits in both others on improving processes are more likely
the short and the long term, as expected. to have increased access to facilities and exper-
Figure 3 also shows an association between tise they do not possess themselves. As
coordination on process improvement and expected, such access is also linked to long-

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term benefits. Additionally, the results suggest We are going next month to do a value
that greater access to capabilities is beneficial stream mapping of [a product] to try to
in the short term. take some of the waste out of [our sup-
It is interesting to note that coordination at plier’s] system. It does two things: it’s a
both strategic and operational levels is linked benefit on our end because we will ulti-
to short-term and long-term benefits. At the mately see a cost savings out of it, [and]
same time, the two types of coordination it’s a benefit [to our supplier] because
included in the model were selected because they can utilize what we teach them for
they are examples of coordination at the opera- our particular product.
tional (IT) and strategic (process improvement)
levels. Our interviews suggest that initiation of coor-
dination is frequently pursued by larger and
Interviews more powerful firms in the supply network.
The goal of the interviews and the qualita- Firms may be expected to participate in a coor-
tive analysis was to complement structural dination activity initiated by another firm (typi-
equation modeling of the relationship between cally a more powerful one) as a condition of
coordination and firm benefits and gain participating in the supply chain itself. One of
further understanding of these concepts and the interviewees indicated that he was forced by
relationships. a major customer to use an information system
With regard to coordination on IT, most that was incompatible with his company’s inter-
information systems used by the respondents nal systems and to pay a monthly fee for access-
are aimed at improving efficiency and speed of ing this system. Though the payment condition
operations. This includes ordering, online pay- was not typical across interviews, initiation of
ments, inventory tracking, and logistics. One coordination by a major supplier or customer,
company did not even have any IT systems that particularly by leading firms in their industries,
were not connected to other companies’ was indicated several times.
systems: Customers that initiate coordination often
seek to remain competitive in the market or
Interviewer: Do you have many stand- expand their market. Suppliers, on the other
alone systems or coordinated systems hand, may initiate coordination when they
with other companies? design new products and proactively share
Respondent: I’m not aware of any them among firms. The firms may require
stand-alone. modifications to the product, which may lead
to coordinated effort on design and production.
In our interviews, coordination on IT Furthermore, in many cases, respondents
appears to be a customer pull phenomenon. In indicated that their firms initiated a coordination
most cases of collaboration on IT, the firms practice themselves. Though initiation of coor-
were required by their customers to use their dination in different areas was driven by differ-
information systems and sometimes even pay a ent motivations, efficiency and cost savings
monthly fee for accessing a system and provid- were often reported as two major motives.
ing information to the customer. A respondent
observed: Discussion
The results suggest that coordination on
We had to buy software, which came both IT and process improvement influences
from [our customer] actually; they firm benefits in the short and long term. This
required it. We buy it [from] them. relationship is mediated by two other variables:
adoption of innovations and access to capabili-
A number of respondents indicated that they ties. This section discusses these findings based
coordinated activities specifically in the area of on quantitative and qualitative analysis.
process improvement. Coordination on process
improvement is often seen not only as an Firm Benefits from Supply
opportunity for building or enhancing cus- Network Participation
tomer relations but also as beneficial for the Although extant research on firm benefits
firm. One respondent noted the mutual benefits recognizes the multidimensional nature of this
of such coordination: construct (Venkatraman and Ramanujam 1986),

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to date, only limited empirical evidence exists Results of structural equation modeling indi-
to demonstrate the source of the benefits of cate that our measures of firm benefits are
network participation for individual firms valid. These measures have high Cronbach’s α
(Gronum, Verreynne, and Kastelle 2012). On values (0.627 for short-term and 0.800 for long-
the other hand, traditional views of firm per- term benefits), suggesting that short-term and
formance have yet to empirically account for long-term benefits are indeed distinct. This has
the components of performance that can be theoretical implications for supply networks
attributed to a firm’s network relationships. scholars and calls attention to firm benefits that
Our statistical model, which exhibits good fit to stem from interactions with firm’s network
the data (χ2 = 57.03, df = 61, p < .62; CFI = 1.00, partners. This influence of the network on ben-
GFI = 0.90, NNFI = 1.02, RMSEA = 0.00), as efits for individual firms may (and should) be
well as interview data, suggests a positive rela- an important determinant of the firm’s decision
tionship between supply network participation to enter a particular supply network.
and firm benefits, operationalized as a multidi- Furthermore, this study provides greater
mensional construct. nuance to findings of extant research by explor-
We conceptualize the components of firm ing the link between specific coordination
performance that can be attributed to interac- activities and particular benefits to an indi-
tion with supply network partners. The vidual firm (Becker and Murphy 1992). Coordi-
supply network was viewed as the totality of nation on process improvement affects learning
supplier relations, which contain vertical as as well, which is an important component of
well as horizontal relations in multiple and firm performance. Thus, coordination affects
sometimes overlapping supply chains. This particular benefits that are associated with
conceptualization provides the basis for learning, namely access to new capabilities.
operationalizing firm benefits not only as tra- Our findings lend themselves to further
ditional performance-based outcomes, such research on the impact of coordination on
as expansion of product sales, but also as other well-known antecedents of firm benefits,
innovations or improvements that are gener- such as goal alignment and trust. We found that
ated in one supply chain that can be used coordination appears to play an intermediary
across a firm’s multiple supply chains, thereby role between these antecedents and benefits.
capturing the benefits attributable to network We apply this logic to the firm level as well;
participation. This empirically supports con- however, the specifics of the relationship
jecture on the impact of process improvement between coordination and trust are an area of
coordination on firm benefits, mediated by potential future research.
enhanced access to capabilities throughout
the supply network (Chen, Daugherty, and Coordination
Landry 2009). Past research has emphasized the impor-
Our measures of firm benefits have two tance of choosing the appropriate network for
additional important features. First, they the firm since the network is likely to influence
include both the short-term (e.g., expansion of the firm in ways particular to that network
sales) and long-term (e.g., improvement of (Gulati, Nohria, and Zaheer 2000). Although
practices and adoption of innovations) compo- that consideration is beyond doubt important,
nents (Human and Provan 1997). Second, they our results bring attention to the opposite
consider firm performance as indirectly related dynamics: the deliberate, strategic construction
to firm participation in a supply network. The and use of network relationships by the firm.
interdependencies of firm performance were Our results also suggest that the firm’s benefits
further supported by interviews in which man- are expanded when these successful practices
agers discussed their efforts to improve the are applied to other networks in which the firm
performance of their suppliers and, even in participates.
some cases, their customers. By considering Such agency on the part of the firm may be a
two coordination practices simultaneously, and competitive differentiator for firms with similar
grouping benefits into the two time horizons, competencies, similar market positions, and
the results extend previous recent studies dem- similar positions within the supply network.
onstrating the mediated effect of network Interviewed firms commented on the initiation
participation on firm performance (Gronum, of coordination around order processing, inven-
Verreynne, and Kastelle 2012). tory control, and material standardization,

1540627x, 2016, 2, Downloaded from by Egyptian National Sti. Network (Enstinet), Wiley Online Library on [24/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
noting that the practices added great benefit to This lends empirical support to past work that
their company. They also noted that such coor- suggested such link (Chen, Daugherty, and
dination also added value to other companies in Landry 2009). These results also indicate how
the supply network. Further, when we com- SMEs can benefit from coordinating on process
pared the top 20 percent of interviewed firms in improvement in the supply network context.
terms of three-year average revenue growth Such coordination may be associated with
with the bottom 20 percent, the top performers tapping into expertise and capabilities of other
were initiating coordination much more firms, which in turn is likely to be beneficial for
frequently. the SME (Gardet and Fraiha 2012).
Coordination is premised on the understand- The results have managerial implications.
ing that coordination activities will vary not They suggest action paths for managers of firms
only on fundamental characteristics, such as that are embedded in supply networks, and
frequency or the number of partners involved, areas in which firms should pursue coordination
but also and perhaps more importantly in their with others to achieve short-term and long-term
implications for participating firms and for the benefits. Managers may pursue concrete coordi-
supply network. Not surprisingly, our analysis nation efforts in relationships with their custom-
indicates that the frequency of participation in ers and suppliers, knowing that these activities
individual coordination activities varies. On are likely to result in benefits both in the short
average, however, coordination on both IT and and the long term. At the same time, coordina-
process improvement has moderate levels of tion with other firms, especially one which may
participation. continue for a long period of time, requires
These findings indicate that coordination careful ongoing management. Such manage-
activities, which are undertaken with only mod- ment may, depending on the specific coordina-
erate frequency, present a strong and statisti- tion practice, be periodic (e.g., quarterly process
cally significant positive, albeit indirect, improvement sessions) or on the needs basis
relationship with firm benefits. This finding, in (e.g., new product design occurs only at specific
addition to providing empirical evidence of the times of the production cycle). Benefits from
benefits of particular types of coordination, coordination arise from better planning and
also provides greater nuance. investment in it on the part of the firm. For
As for specific coordination practices, we example, knowing that the development of a
found that coordination on IT is associated with new product will take place in prolonged coor-
both long-term and short-term benefits for dination with others, the firm may be more
firms, and this relationship was mediated by likely to optimize its internal practices and work
the adoption of other innovations: the relation- with the coordination partner to optimize prac-
ship between coordination on IT and adoption tices on which the two firms interface.
on innovations was statistically significant at Coordination also requires going beyond the
0.05 level, and between adoption of innova- “cost first” logic, which usually results in quick
tions and both long-term and short-term ben- changes of coordination partners. It is unlikely,
efits at 0.001 level. This suggests that supply for example, that the OEM would invest efforts
networks are good vehicles for adoption of IT into jointly developing a component with a tier
and other innovations for SMEs. SMEs realize 1 firm, only to abandon it before production
benefits from them at least in part through starts (assuming no objective reasons, such
coordination with other companies. This may as unsatisfactory performance of one party).
help SMEs alleviate their relative technological Although cost benefits from coordination may
disadvantage compared with larger companies not be immediately apparent, they are likely to
(Sherer 2003). materialize eventually, for example, through
Coordination on process improvement is jointly developed innovations or in the form of
also associated with both long-term and short- savings from the absence of supplier switching.
term benefits, mediated by access to capabili- Thus, participation in supply networks
ties. Relationships between coordination on offers additional opportunities for enhancing
process improvement and access to capabili- firm benefits through coordination. These
ties, as well as between access to capabilities, opportunities are in addition to internal activity
were statistically significant at 0.05 level; the and characteristics of the firm (e.g., product
relationship between access to capabilities and offer strategy or management quality), which
long-term benefits was significant at 0.01 level. are by all means important.

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