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Marketing Opportunity for Learning Experience


● We have a 6-week round of marketing that you would need to repurpose and create
marketing content for a period of 6 weeks.
● You can write content following our brand strategy and social media style guide.
● You can write content with our tone of voice using the checklist to guide you in
making sure our tone of voice is consistent.
● You can design our posts using the templates for the style of content we use.
● You can use Loom to post the content on all our social media.
● You work closely with the Founder & CEO who will give you guidance on the posts
before approving them to be ready for posting.
● You’ll collect our marketing data over the period of 6 weeks to evaluate which
contents work.
● You’ll work closely with the Founder & CEO to AB test the marketing.
● You’ll set-up a strategy for e-mail marketing and capturing e-mails
● Other marketing-related tasks may be assigned

Market Research

● You’ll work closely with the Founder & CEO to do some market research on the
industries Propel Innovations is targeting.
● You’ll use the current data information to find contact information about businesses in
those industries.
● You’ll reach out to these businesses to get the appropriate information of the
appropriate contact
● You’ll support the Founder & CEO to schedule a face-to-face or virtual meeting.
● You’ll support the Founder & CEO in developing interview questions based on our
assumptions that we will validate through interviews the Founder & CEO holds.
● You’ll implement automations in Zapier for the Founder & CEO to have pitch decks
sent once the interviews are completed and set-up a workflow for leads to convert
into sales
● You’ll set-up automations for leads to convert into sales from interactions on our
● You’ll work closely with our Webflow developer to connect automations from our
● Other market research tasks that will inform our business development may be

UX Research

● You’ll gather insights from the interviews with industries we’re tapping into.
● You’ll create content using the language used in the interviews with the industries we
contacted to better understand their pain points and how Propel Innovations is the
solution for them.
● You’ll work closely with our Webflow developer on integrating content onto the
website. We do frequent usability testing of the website to make it easier for
customers to find what they’re looking for on our website and convert them.
● You’ll support the team with the usability testing insights and drive this insight into
implementing how we capture e-mails or other lead forms into converted sales.
● Other customer segment research that will inform our marketing may be assigned.

About Propel Innovations

As a Founder & CEO, I used to be in your shoes: a student looking for experience to
get an opportunity for work. So, I believe my lived experience makes me an
all-rounder empathetic person.

But, I’ll let my team speak for themselves. I collected feedback from the team to
evaluate their experiences so I can improve not only as a leader but also to make sure
our company culture reflects our values.

Courage - Curiosity - Imagination - Challenge - Achievement

This is what our team has said:

“Great way to get some real life experience under my belt in the UX space. I like how Junie
challenges us to think of accessibility when designing the website and her supportive,
approachable nature, it's really easy to work with.”

“For the experience and because it was founded by a black woman which was inspiring and I
wanted to be learn as much as I could”

Let’s be honest. We’re always looking to improve. As part of getting feedback from our team, we
listened and executed. One of our team members provided this feedback:

“Maybe more UX centred experience”

And, we have given them more experience around UX because we listened to their feedback
and we saw the value they brought to Propel Innovations, which has led to a contracting
opportunity for them. This could be you!

Check us out!

You can connect with me on LinkedIn:

Or come say hello via email:

You can find out more on Propel Innovations’ website: We preach what we
do so our website is constantly improving.
And, follow Propel Innovations on social media:

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