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Narrator: Leda, the daughter of Thestius. An Aetolian princess, with her hair as dark as
twilight and her skin as white as snow. Leda is the most beautiful of her kind.
(Leda projecting)
Narrator: One sunny morning, Leda wandered around and discovered a nearby creek.
Leda: Where am I? Oh, this place is so peaceful I could stay here all day!
Narrator: When suddenly, a bearded- armored man with brown hair and dark eyes
arrived. It was Tyndareus, the King of the Spartans.
Leda: Umm, hello? Is someone in there?
Tyndareus: Hello there, beautiful lady!
Leda: Stop calling me that, who are you!
Tyndareus: You don’t know who I am? I’m Tyndareus, the King of the Spartans. And
you are?
Leda: Leda, Princess of the Aetolians.
Narrator: And from then on, a love story is formed. Leda and Tyndareus eventually got
married, Leda is now crowned the new Queen of the Spartans.
Tyndareus: My beautiful Leda, will you marry me? We will be together forever, I
promise you that.
Leda: Yes, my prince, I will.
Narrator: And they lived happily, but not for long.
Narrator: Leda was a beautiful woman. Her beauty did not go unnoticed by Zeus, The
God of Lightning.
Zeus: Who is that beautiful lady? I will make her mine!
Narrator: One time when Leda was all alone in the forest, Zeus decided to visit her, in
the form of a swan.
Leda: Is someone there? Hello? You’re scaring me you know that.
Zeus: Behold, Leda. It is I, Zeus. I have had my eye on you for a long time now. You’re
as beautiful as a rose. And I would love to be with you.
Leda: The Greatest God? Zeus, is interested in me? It would be a shame to waste this
opportunity. Yes, my king be with me.
Narrator: Leda and Zeus made love that day in the forest. Tyndareus also impregnated
Leda on the same day, resulting to the birth of the twins, Castor and Pollux.
(Give Birth)
Narrator: As they grew up, Castor and Pollux had all the characteristics of being Greek
Hero. Pollux, as a son of a God was renowned for his strength and immortality. He was
a champion boxer who defeated the son of Poseidon to a boxing match. His mortal
brother on the other hand, was a famed a skilled horseman and the bravest of all
warriors. They led Jason and the Argonauts towards victory! And fought hard to bring
their sister Hele The brothers were inseparable. Their love for each other never fades
regardless of having different brothers.
Castor: You will always be my brother.
Pollux: Yes brother. Together, we will be the greatest warriors the world has ever
(Entrance and Projection ni Castor and Pollux)
Narrator: One day, Castor and Pollux were on a voyage when they saw two beautiful
ladies, Phoebe and Hilaera who are also twins. Where little did they know, would start a
painful war.
Castor: Good day, ladies. I am Castor, Prince of the Spartans. I am a skilled horseman
and a famous warrior.
Pollux: Ladies, I am Pollux. Son of Zeus, a warrior and a champion boxer.
Phoebe: I am Phoebe, good to meet you!
Hilaera: And I am Hilaera, her twin sister.
Pollux: Well, can we buy you both a drink?
Phoebe: I’m sorry but we’re not really looking for anyone. We are already married.
Hilaera: Go now, before our husbands would see you!
Narrator: But Castor and Pollux disregarded what Hilaera said and continued to flirt with
the women. Which worked, as it charmed the ladies. Then and there, the ladies are
head over heels for the twins. In doing so, they were caught on the act by Idas and
Lynceus. The husbands of Phoebe and Hilaera.
Idas: Young lads, I am Idas. The husband of Phoebe.
Lynceus: Lynceus is my name, Hilaera’s husband.
Idas: I cannot believe that you were trying to charm our wives.
Pollux: We are not afraid. We are warriors.
Castor: And we stand up in whatever we want.
Idas: Is that so?
Lynceus: You see, we are also warriors. And we are not so kind to those who tries to
steal our wives.
(Lynceus pulls out a sword and war begins; namatay si Castor)
Pollux: No, Castor no! My beloved brother.
Pollux: Castor, please wake up. Castor! Noo, my brother- he’s dead!
Narrator: Castor was killed and filled with rage Pollux seeked help from Zeus. The God
of All Celestial Beings.
(Entrance ni Zeus, nangadto silang Zeus)
Pollux: Zeus, the God of the Sky. We need your mercy. Could you please make my
brother alive again?
Jupiter: You both fought for love, but you both did wrong. This is the consequence of
your actions. I cannot make your brother live again, but I can reunite you both as
celestial beings.
Pollux: Anything to be united with my brother again, My Lord.
Jupiter: Pollux, Castor, from now on you will be called Gemini, the twins. And you will be
together again in the heavens above, not ever to be separated.
Narrator: From then on, they were reunited in the sky as celestial beings. This story has
taught us not to fight for what is un rightful for it would lead to the most unfortunate
This also suggests the misconceptions upon old myths and popular beliefs. You see,
there was a popular myth going on that people under the Gemini zodiac are caring for
other people. But the characteristics of the twins as portrayed in the story contrasts to
what people think they are, proving this belief wrong. So, we should take note not to
believe in myths, for they have no scientific basis supporting them.


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