Resume 1

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Joey Joey

Creative Director 281, 40th Street

Sacramento, California 95819


Skills I can work well along with groups.
I hold a passion in everything I do and always do it to the best of my
I’m good at listening and following directions

Experience In a club at Lunch called Lunch With Friends, I go there with a couple
friends and help around the Special Education classroom and have met
new friends.

Education Currently I am attending Rio Americano High School. One of my goals is
to achieve a 4.0 in highschool and currently I am on the path to do so.
Currently planning on graduating and attending a 4 year college to
pursue my educational prowess.

Qualification ● OSHA Certified
● Dependable on, and get along with others
● Technical Experience throughout many fields(Robotics,
Woodworking, Welding, Coding, 3D Printing)

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