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Researching an Organism for Science Report

1. Choose an organism you find interesting. It can be

any Eukaryotic organism: plant, animal, fungi, protist
2. Your research report must have:
A.Scientific name of your organism
B. List variations of the species
C. Map of where the organism is found
D.Structure of the organism; characteristics and
adaptations the organism has
E. Habitat description
F. How it fits into a food web; create a food web
depicting its place within it
G.Breeding habits
H.Behaviors such as hibernation, migration,
camouflage abilities, how it gets food, food
storage, etc.
3. Create a Powerpoint with information and graphics
(include basic bibliography) or write a report with
graphics and basic bibliography (citing the sources of
information) included.
You will be given only 2 days of class time to research. All other work
must be done in your spare time or for homework. The projected due
date is _______________________. Last day to turn in before 0 is
Assignments turned in more than 5 school days after the due date will
be considered a 0. Turning it in after this date will be considered
“corrections” and will be reflected in the grade. (exceptions due to
absences will be taken into consideration)

This project will be graded based on:

1. Completion of the specified contents listed in step #2
2. Appearance and neatness
3. Details added and depth of research
Points will be counted off for: no proper identification (name, period);
copy/pasting information; not identifying sources in a bibliography.
Basic bibliography examples:
Magazine example:
National Geographic Magazine, November 1968

Book example:
The Life Cycle of the Frog by Paula Z. Hogan Published 1979

Website example:

Turn final project in by:

emailing as an attachment to or putting a printed copy in the “turn in

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