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Pouya Doostdar Tehran,Iran

+98 936 172 5722 - +98 910 98 910 08

DevOps Engineer

Date of birth: 8 September 1997
Skilled Software Engineer with 8+ years experience and Skilled DevOps Engineer with 3+
years of hands-on experience Infrastructure development, automation , CI/CD and DevOps

Job priorities: Languages:

1-Part time remote 1-IR-Azari: Native
2-Project 2-Persian: Native
3-Turkish: Advanced
3-Full time remote 4-English: Intermediate

‌Bachelor’s degree | Shahid Shamsipur college in Tehran (Drop Out)
JUN 2019 - OCT 2022
Associate’s degree | Razi college in Ardabil
SEP 2014 - JUN 2018

● Certificate of Achievement in ACM 2017 ( Razi College )
● Certificate of Achievement in ACM 2017 ( Regional-Iran-Tehran )
● Rahnema College DevOps Engineering

SKILLS ( Levels: Familiar, ‌Beginner, Experienced, Skillful, Expert )

Programming Languages and Platforms: DevOps: Experienced
● Bash: Experienced ● Docker: Skillful
● Python:‌‌Experienced ● Docker Swarm: Skillful
● GoLang: Experienced ● Docker Compose: Skillful
● C/C++ : Experienced ● Experienced
● kotlin: Skillful ● Nexus Repository: Experienced
● Java SE: Experienced ● GitLab Ci/CD: Experienced
● Laravel: Expert ● Git: Skillful
● Vue.js: Skillful ● Ansible: Experienced
● express.js: ‌Beginner ● Grafana: Experienced
● node.js: ‌Beginner ● ELK: Experienced
● Familiar ● Kubernetes: Experienced
● CoreDNS: Experienced
Test Tools: ● Lynis: Experienced
● Postman: Skillful ● Gradle: Experienced
● Gatling (Stress Test):‌‌Beginner ● npm: Experienced
● K6 (Stress Test) ● composer: Experienced
● AWS: Familiar
SysAdmin: Skillful DataBase: Experienced
● CoreDNS: Experienced ● Database Design: Experienced
● ESXI: Skillful ● ElasticSearch: Experienced
● NGINX: Skillful ● Prometheus: Experienced
● Networking: Skillful ● MongoDB: Experienced
● Linux Administration: Skillful ● Redis:‌‌Experienced
● Firewall Configuration: Experienced ● MySQL: Skillful
● Network Routing: Experienced ● SQLite: Skillful
● Mikrotik Configuration: Experienced
● RSync: Experienced Project Management:
● HAProxy: ‌Beginner ● Scrum: ‌Beginner
● Smtp Server: Experienced ● Trello: Skillful
● Apache: Familiar ● Jira: ‌Beginner

Work Experience
DevOps Engineer | Royae Tosea Ertebatat Pouyan (2022/Oct - Present)
● Config and develop plugin for CoreDNS
● Configuration Redis Cluster on kuber
● Configuration Production Kubernetes Cluster
● Configuration Minio Cluster

DevOps Engineer | Toop Market (2019/Jan - 2022/Oct)

● Configuration single node of ELK with nginx for manage user logs
● Configuration Grafana and Prometheus for monitoring and alerting events
● Configuration MikrotikOS for managing networks
● Configuration Nginx as reverse proxy and cdn
● Configuration MongoDB, ElasticSearch and Redis as Database stack.
● Dockerize and deploy services
● Administrative docker swarm as orchestration
● Develop Ansible playbooks for automation
● Develop gitlab ci/cd for deploy distributed services

DevOps Engineer | Nava Heyat ( Remote ) (2020/Oct- 2022/Oct)

This project architecture is the same as Toop Market
Technical Support | Amir Baba (Night Shift)
Junior Software Engineer | Cooperation with Jalil Nourmohammadi Khiarak (Remote)
Senior Full Stack Developer | Tosae Kasb o Kar Ashna (Freelancer)
Senior Full Stack Developer | Seraj Ardabil (Freelancer)
Junior Full Stack Developer | Hefz Asar Shohada Ardabil (Freelancer)
Junior Android Developer | Tabriz Telecom unit Tanoma (Remote)
Git Projects:
● PooyaDustdar/googleplayapi:
get android app details from google play and apk file.
● PooyaDustdar/bluetoothlistenr:
a bash script for listening to bluetooth and sending files to Available devices.
● PooyaDustdar/Roloquent:
Roloquent is an android sqlite ORM like Laravel Elequent That developed with kotlin
● PooyaDustdar/passport-jwt-mongodb
This package adds functionalities to the Eloquent MongoDB model and Query builder for
Support Passport.
● PooyaDustdar/dockerize-laravel:
Easy Deploy Dockerized Laravel App With Nginx (Production).
● PooyaDustdar/stream-downloader
a php stream downloader

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