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Verb patterns

1. He didn’t remember ____________________ the woman’s phone number. Therefore he

had no way to get in touch with her. (write down)
2. He tried ____________________ the window. However, the room still felt too hot. (open)
3. I wish my neighbor would stop ____________________. He’s such an interesting person.
4. I tried ____________________ the watch I lost but I had no luck. (find)
5. As a writer she started her career by writing short stories. She went on
____________________ novels. (write)
6. I remember ____________________ a safari park when I was a child. (visit)
7. If you feel often cold, try ____________________ an extra pair of socks. (wear)
8. I’m tired so I’m going to stop ____________________ a short rest. (have)
9. Did you remember ____________________ the lights when you left? (switch off)
10. Steve stopped at the florist’s ____________________ some flowers. (buy)
11. Peter likes ____________________ golf. (play) It’s his favourite sport.
12. I wish my sister would stop ____________________ things from my room. (take)
13. After performing some new songs, the band went on ____________________ their best-
known hits. (play)
14. You should try ____________________ the top of the mountain by midday, in order to
have enough time to get down again in daylight. (reach)
15. The teacher told the students to be quiet but they went on ____________________. (talk)
16. I can remember ____________________ the email. (send) I sent it yesterday morning.
17. Will you stop ____________________ me? (critize) I’m getting tired of that!
18. I like ____________________ when I’m on holidays. (read)
19. I forgot ____________________ mum a present when I was in town, how stupid of me!
20. My passport isn’t in my bag but I perfectly remember ____________________ it there.
21. Trevor didn’t phone Laura. He forgot ____________________ her. (phone)
22. Nick and Fred had been playing cards for hours. But they they went on with the same
game. They went on ____________________ (play)
23. The lights went out. I tried ____________________ the electricity company but they said
they couldn’t help. (phone)
24. Did you see the last Fast&Furious film? Yes, I remember ____________________ it on
Netflix. (watch)
25. I can’t remember ____________________ to you about Mark this morning. (talk) Are you
26. There’s too much noise. Can you stop ____________________? (shout)
27. The new teacher introduced himself and went on ____________________ the lesson.
28. They were running a marathon but they stopped ____________________ some water.
29. I will never forget ____________________ in the Caribbean. It was a wonderful
experience. (snorkel)
30. I must remember ____________________ the letter this morning. (post) It’s very
31. I’m trying ____________________this computer program but it’s not easy. (run)
32. The clothes are still dirty because I forgot ____________________ the washing machine.
(switch on)
33. I tried ____________________ the car a lot of times but the engine didn’t work. (start)
34. Nick saw his favourite singer in the street. He’ll never forget ____________________ her.
35. Alison was studying at 8 pm yesterday and she went on ____________________ the
whole night. (study)

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