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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, K-pop, taekook - Fandom, vkook -
Fandom, kookv - Fandom
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi |
Suga, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin
(BTS), Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Ahn Hyejin | Hwasa,
Kim Yugyeom, Park Bogum, Chou Tzuyu
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Royalty, Blood and Violence, Blood, War,
Swords, deciet, Lies, Strangers to Lovers, Husbands, Character Death,
Major Character Injury, Not Really Character Death, Character Death
Fix, Fights, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Angst with a
Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt, Trust Issues, Loss of Trust, Ninja,
Falling In Love, Slow Burn, Slow Build, POV First Person, Established
Relationship, Developing Relationship, Unhealthy Relationships,
Complicated Relationships, concubine tzuyu, Betrayal, Post-Blind
Betrayal, Pre-Blind Betrayal, Treachery, Treason, One True Pairing,
Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Mentioned Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Seokjin -
Freeform, Kim Woobin - Freeform, Concubine, Royal guards -
Freeform, Ji Changwook - Freeform, Thrones, jungkook is king
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of BLIND ROYALTIES
Stats: Published: 2022-02-13 Completed: 2022-02-25 Chapters: 7/7 Words:

by Jazz_kv


In the lands of morning star, Busan, ruled The Emperor of the south, Jeon Jungkook along
with his husband High King Taehyung, Prince of the East. The marriage was just the
marriage of convenience. Nothing about it was love.

The fate of two people was rewritten the day, Jungkook knew he committed a grave sin, he
k/illed his own son and husband, being the only one who was blind and deaf to their love
and affection.

It was unwritten rule of the lands that every sin must be punished. Maybe it was
unintentional, yet it was sin, and he punished himself his life for it.

The lovers were given another chance at it, will they be able to “MAKE IT RIGHT” this
In the dark of the night the royal soldiers of Busan Kingdom, marched to the High King's palace to
kill the residents of the said place and capture the King by the order of their Emperor Jungkook.

Unaware to the marching trouble the High king also known as the High King Taehyung, laid in his
bed thinking of the ways to break the good news to his husband, the Emperor Jeon.

He hoped that this would heal the broken bridge between them.

Little did he know that the conspirators had already burned the remains of the bridge he wanted to

The Chief of the soldiers expected to find an army of maids and soldiers in the High King's palace
but were surprised to find that the palace had just two soldiers, who side stepped to let them in as
soon as they saw him marching towards the palace, to protect the gates and Hoseok, the High
King's personal maid from his homeland, at his service.

Bound by his Majesty's order, he slit the throat of the sleeping attendant, Jung Hoseok and
marched further towards the High King's chambers.

Taehyung jerked awake when the doors to his chamber slammed open and the troop of royal
soldiers marched in.

He quickly fixed his sleeping robes and called for his attendant, Hoseok but got no reply.

He was about to call for the said attendant again when the Chief of the troop cut in, "He's d/ead
High King. And we
are ordered to capture you alive by the Lord."

To say the Taehyung was shocked would be an understatement. He was devastated. The only one
who truly cared about him was dead.

His attendant, his brother, Hoseok was dead.

The clinking of chains snapped him out of his thoughts. The soldiers had brought forward the
handcuffs. So, his husband was finally getting rid of him.

"Can I know the crime I have committed?" Taehyung asked the Chief in a barely audible voice.

But what can one say, devastation and sadness does that to you?

"I'm afraid not. We were told to treat you like a tyrant." said the Chief as he motioned the soldiers
to handcuff the High King.

That was when Taehyung understood that he was no longer the High King he used to be. He was
now lower than a criminal, a tyrant.

The King not only wanted to get rid of him but also insult him.

Silent tears escaped his eyes when he saw Hoseok lying in a pool of his own b/lood, eyes closed
and a sweet smile on his face. He was killed in his sleep.

At least he didn't experience any pain.

With a harsh shove Taehyung was pushed into the dungeon cell causing him to fall on his side. The
pain he felt now was unbearable. He couldn't help the shriek and tears that escaped him, but the
guards scoffed at him and faced away from him like the mere sight of him disgusted them to no

It was after half an hour, when the door to his cell was opened and Prince Woobin, the brother of
concubine Tzuyu walked in.
He smiled a sinister smile which made Taehyung shiver in disgust and fear. He curled into himself,
but that didn't help him when the first kick came right into the spot where he was injured earlier.

He screamed in pain and tried to move away from his abuser to save the little life growing in him
but all in vain. The onslaught of kicks didn't stop. He cried and begged but no one heard it.

When the abuse ended, the prince spat at the bloodied and bruised unconscious body and left.

The guards huffed at the bloodied scene thinking of how much cleaning they will need to do but no
one paid attention to the blood that seeped from between the legs of the unconscious Prince,
staining his white sleeping robes.

A few hours later when Taehyung woke up, he let out a heart wretching scream. The blood that
stained his clothes made his fear come true. He sobbed like a child, hoping, praying that all this
was a nightmare.

That soon Hoseok will wake him up and console him.

But none of that happened. He had truly lost his child.

It was the next day when the door to his cell was once again opened but now it didn't even matter
to him who came to visit him, hit him or possibly kill him.

"Won't even get up to greet me, my dear husband?" Mocked Emperor Jeon as he looked at the
battered and bruised form of his husband.

There wasn't a single ounce of love or humanity in his eyes, all they held was hate and disgust.

"Your Majesty..." Taehyung jerked from his trance to look at his husband, to ask him why was he
treated like that? But not a single word came out.

"I'll come straight to the point cause looking at your face disgusts me. You are being punished for
plotting to kill concubine Tzuyu's child. How dare you think you could do that?! I can't kill you
else your filthy brother may attack my Kingdom, but you will rot here for a lifetime for what you
did!! How could you even plan to kill an innocent child?! You're a monster!" Spat Jungkook and
turned to leave the cell only to be stopped by a humourless laughter coming from his former High

Jungkook looked at him like he had gone crazy.

Taehyung laughed so hard that there were tears in his eyes but these tears weren't of happiness,
they were of sadness, despair and devastation.

Noticing he got the Emperor’s undivided attention he stopped laughing and said, "I pity the
Kingdom of Busan.... the King who doesn't know what happens in his own palace is their leader....
the who blindly believes what anyone says.... let me tell you Jeon Jungkook, people around you
don't tell the truth always. And I didn't kill any innocent life... you did! "

There were tears flowing down Taehyung's face by the end of his rant.

Jungkook was confused.

What did Taehyung meant by him killing his own child?

He was about to ask Taehyung to explain when he saw Taehyung eyes held nothing but emptiness.
And before he could comprehend, with a swift move Taehyung lurched on him and retrieved the
dagger from his waist belt and stabbed his own chest.

"I-I... cou..ldn't... be.. a good... mother... my child... I'm sorry...." A few tears escaped Taehyung's
eyes while Jungkook was still trying to understand which child Taehyung was talking about.

"Emperor J-Jeon.... I wish... I never loved you.... and if I get ano..ther ch-chance at life,... I wish...
to cross paths with you...." said the dying prince as he pushed the dagger deeper in his with
a smile chest.

Jungkook stood in his place frozen as the royal guards rushed in, checking if the tyrant had the
audacity to harm their Lord.
"The cunt finally died. Now my Tzuyu can become the queen. Good riddance." Muttered
Nobleman Doyoung, concubine Tzuyu's father and King Jungkook's father-in-law, also the person
who had apparently brought the High King's sinister plot to light.

Though the words were said in a very low voice, the walls of the dungeon amplified them to some
extent, and it reached the King's ears, snapping him out of his frozen daze.

That's when the King realised that there was something fishy.

Some fact he was missing out.

He commanded the Chief of royal troop, The Royal Guard Park Jimin to send the High King’s
body to the healers to get it ready for its cremation and send a letter to the High King's brother,
informing him of his death.

When he reached his bed chambers, he found his trusted Naegeumwi(The shadow guards of the
Busan Dynasty), Seokjin waiting for him along with Jungkook’s sister, Hyejin.

They were the only ones who sided Taehyung when he was slandered for plotting to kill the heir to
the throne. And now after hearing his dying husband, he doesn't know what to believe.

"What do you want your Majesty?" Gritted out Hyejin along with s sinister chuckle.

There was blazing hate and anger in her eyes, all directed to the King standing before her. She was
forced to stand by her King's side by the promise she made to her best friend, her dead brother-in-
law, when all she wanted to do was leave him to rot here alone.

Jungkook didn't fail to recognise the hate and anger his sister held towards him but he paid no
mind to it.

There were more important things to worry about than his sister's hate towards him.
"I want both of you, Seokjin and Hyejin to investigate the matter closely. I think there is something
we are missing out on." said Jungkook.

But his statement snapped the thin thread of Princess Hyejin's patience. "What's the use of it now?
You already got rid of Taehyung like you wanted. Like those Noblemen wanted! What's the use of
it when he killed himself?! And you killed his child?!" She shouted, a few tears escaping her eyes.

"Wh-What are you talking about? What ch-child?" asked a shocked Jungkook.

Was what he assuming right?

Was Taehyung really with a child?

All these questions flooded his mind. But Hyejin looked like someone had just rubbed salt on her

"Your child you b/astard! Taehyung was so happy.... he thought this might make you love him, but
it didn't.... I wanted to tell you... stop you.... but your b/itch of a concubine stopped you from seeing
me! And now he's dead!!! You were being fooled from the beginning!!! Why do you think your
concubine always got injured in front of you?! That b/itch even tried to kill Taehyung by pushing
him down the stairs when you were out for hunting, but Taehyung refused to tell you because he
thought you loved her and wouldn't believe him! And today she succeeded!!! That slave of your
succeeded in her sinister plans. Go and be happy with her." She was bawling by end of her rant.

Regret coursing through Hyejin’s veins. Had she tried harder, Taehyung would've been alive

Jungkook on other hand looked like he saw a ghost.

The information he just heard was hard to digest. And if all of this was true then the one who was
monster wasn't Taehyung but him.

"Taehyung was-" he started but was cut off by a harsh slap on his right cheek. His sister had
slapped him. "You don't get to say his name with that dirty mouth of yours after what you did to
him Your fcuking Majesty. He loved you but you didn't see it.... why do you think he tolerated all
that insults and you forcing yourself on him?! You don't deserve him Emperor Jeon! "
Emperor Jeon.

The way his sister addressed him, like some stranger hurt. But what hurt more was the words she

He was still recovering from the stab of previous words when Hyejin landed another harsh blow.

"All he had was love for everyone in this palace... and what did this palace gave him?! That's it! I
renounce this royal family today! I will no longer be a part of such a disgusting place anymore!
Goodbye Dear Lord of Blindness!"

And with that she stormed out of the King's chambers, tears streaming down her eyes.

"I will send a Naegeumwi to follow Princess Hyejin and start investigating the matter." Muttered
Seokjin and left swiftly.

Still shocked from what he just heard; the King did not know what to do except for wait for
Seokjin to reveal the truth.

It was only a day since the death of the High King, the King had refused to meet anyone except for
his Naegeumwi who was responsible for investigation of the matter.

King Yoongi, High King's brother was on his way to Busan. The Noblemen wanted King to
prepare for battle in case King Yoongi decided to attack the Kingdom, but Jungkook refused to see
any of them.

The entire Kingdom was in disarray.

"Prince Taehyung was framed. The maids of the concubine's palace confirmed that the prince
hadn't visited her since your birthday, which was four months ago. One of them testified that it was
concubine Tzuyu and her father's plan to frame the Prince and seize his position. And I also
discovered something else..." Seokjin hesitated a bit as the information he was about to deliver may
upset the King.
But on receiving a grunt of approval from the distressed King he had no other option than to
continue. "Concubine Tzuyu was having an affair with the Nobleman Changwook since she
entered the palace... she was planning your assassination..... and the child she carries may not be
yours ... According to the healers at the time of her conceiving, your Majesty wasn't here in the

The King jerked out of his stupor staring at Seokjin as if asking him to say that he was just joking
but both of them knew it wasn't likely to happen. Seokjin didn't like joking around. The regret that
now coursed through him was suffocating. He killed his own child for a b/astard that may not be

"W-What ab-about Taehyung's ch-child?" He asked holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Healers confirmed that Prince Taehyung was four months pregnant and was recommended to
complete bed rest due his fall a month ago planned by the concubine." answers Seokjin.

The words triggered all the simmering rage. He flew out of his chair, knocking it down in the

"How did he lose the child? Who touched him in the prison cell?!" He thundered forgetting that he
was the one who ordered his husband to be treated lower than a scum.

Seokjin couldn't help but roll his eyes at the King's behaviour.

"When the guards pushed him in, he had a harsh fall and complained about pain and then Prince
Woobin kicked and punched him brutally for an hour and as commanded by your Majesty, to treat
him worse than a criminal, no medication was provided. " Replied Seokjin.

Although all Seokjin wanted was to turn away from the King like Princess Hyejin but he could not.
His oath of loyalty came in the way. But there was one thing that he could do, make his King, his
friend, Jungkook realise what he lost and the wrong he did.

"Why didn't he tell me Seokjin? Why?!" Shouted the King in desperation.

All the information he had just heard shook him to the core. Seeing the King whining in sorrow
ticked Seokjin off. The guy didn't have the right to be wallowing in self-pity when he was the root
cause of this mess.

"Because he thought you wouldn't believe him... like when you did not believe him when he denied
your concubine slandering him of spiking your drink on the night of your birthday.... when you
denied him of any respect as your legal husband... and this entire palace denied him the respect of a
High King... Believe it or not the only worthy of your respect in your eyes, was your concubine..."
said Seokjin in a harsh tone making Jungkook gape in shock.

It was the very first time that Seokjin had raised his voice while talking to him.

"But..." The King tried to counter his loyal guard’s words, but nothing came out. It was like his
subconscious knew that he was the one wrong here, no one else.

"There is nothing you can say to deny it, Jungkook. Accept it. You're... you never were worthy of
his love..." Seokjin cut him short.

The words were a punch in the gut for Jungkook. He fell on his knees like his legs were unable to
withstand the heavy weight of killing his own husband and child.

Seokjin stared at the broken King for a minute before delivering the final blow to the already
shattered heart of Jungkook.

"The respect he didn't get when alive, give it to him now... Its the least you can do for all the
wrong you have done..." And with that the said Naegeumwi left the bed chambers of the King,
blending into the darkness of the night not minding the distraught King he was leaving behind.


“Nobleman Doyoung and his entire clan is to be burn alive for treason to the throne. Concubine
Tzuyu is to be thrown to the dungeons to suffer a much worse fate than she rendered on my
husband. After fortnight, she will be publicly beheaded for the treason she committed. Nobleman
Changwook and his entire clan will be beheaded in two days for being alliances in the treacherous
plot. The punishments are to be carried publicly to warn everyone who tries to say anything against
my belated husband." Thundered Jungkook not minding the concubine screaming for mercy as she
knelt before him in the throne room.
The order out right cruel but none of the Noblemen had the guts to question it as the treason
committed by the accused was punishable by death according to the law.

With a flick of his hand Jungkook motioned the royal guards to drag the screeching lady and rest of
the accused away from him.

Finally, his husband, his High King was given justice.

"Forgive me my love.... I did you wrong...but I can't live with this burdened life anymore...."
sobbed Jungkook, lying next to his husband and child's grave. It was six months after he lost his
High King and the guilt was eating him alive.

It was hard to sleep at night with the visions of his husband's bloodied body haunting him. It was
hard to breathe through the suffocating guilt and self-hate.

It was hard to do anything without his husband.

Slipping out the dagger his husband had killed himself with, from his robe, Jungkook stabbed
himself in his heart just like his high King had done.

Ending his painful existence.

At the same moment, a Fairy in a far away land, watching all this happen, muttered a spell.
Rewinding the time. Giving the couple a chance to make things right.

To fall in love and achieve the happy ending they deserved.

The way it hurts

Wake up your Highness! Its morning!" The familiar voice jerked Taehyung awake from his sleep.

And to say he was surprised would be an understatement.

He was shocked. Finding his dear attendant, whom he had watched bleed to death, walking around
his room arranging his things for the morning was shocking.

He wanted to believe that what he just saw was a dream, but something told him it wasn't. And as
if on cue he got flashbacks of his previous life.

How the King's noblemen framed him, how he lost his child, how he killed himself.... All the
torment played before his eyes like a broken record.

And then a voice sounded, "High King Taehyung... I give you a second chance at life. Use it

And it was like something snapped in Taehyung.

The loss, agony and anger he felt in his previous life came back rushing.

"Are you awake yet Taehyung?" The High King snapped from his daze hearing his attendant,
Hoseok's voice once again. He couldn't help the tears that left his eyes.

"Does it hurt a lot, Taehyung?" asked a clueless Hoseok seeing Taehyung shed silent tears.

‘Maybe his Majesty was a lot more rough last night’, thought Hoseok and rushed to his master's
aid but the bone crushing hug he received out of nowhere shocked him.
Taehyung was hugging him like it was the last time they were seeing each other.

This increased his confusion by tenfold.

Recovering from his crying fit, Taehyung asked Hoseok a very important question.


He needed to know if he still had time before that horrible fate repeated itself.

"Its been a year and half since you married the King. Its 2nd of September. You were quite drunk
at the King's birthday celebration yesterday. Later the King escorted you to your chambers and
stayed the night." said Hoseok as he helped Taehyung into the bath.

Now Taehyung understood why he was feeling so sore.

‘Horny b/astard’, he cursed the King in his heart as he cleaned himself with occasional help of

While dressing up in his robes, Taehyung's attention went back to the date Hoseok had told him. If
it was a year and a half since their marriage, then it meant that concubine Tzuyu has already
entered the palace and now he had just four months to escape the deadly fate.

But if the King stayed with him the last night, then it meant that he may be pregnant.


How rejoiced he was when he heard these words in his last life but right now all he felt was sheer
fear just by the thought of it.

And if it really happened then it was much more necessary for him to escape this palace to save the
little life, to save himself. And he knew who could help him in this mission.

He was done loving the b/astard of a King.

Now he wanted nothing to do with him.

His Majesty could go fcuk himself with a dagger for all he cares.


"The High King wants to send a letter to his brother, your Majesty." said King Jungkook's
Naegeumwi, Seokjin as he presents the letter he had just received from Taehyung's attendant.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow at the letter.

He does not remember Taehyung wanting to send a letter to his brother in his past life.

Yes, Taehyung wasn't the only one who remembered his past life.

Waking up next to Taehyung in the morning confused him to no end but when he heard a voice
telling him about his second chance at life, he was rejoiced. He wanted to stay back with his
husband and care for him but then he was reminded of the pests dwelling in his palace and he was
forced to leave his sleeping husband with a kiss on his forehead.

‘Let me clear those pests off the palace and then I'll show you how much I love you my love.’
whispered the King to his sleeping husband and left but not before appointing a troop of his
personal Naegeumwis to protect his beloved High King.

He'll be damned if he let any harm come to his beloved this time.

"Your Majesty?" Seokjin's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he commanded him to read
the letter his high King has requested to send.

It wasn't about not trusting is high King, it was just the procedure.

"It's been a year and half so soon brother. The life here in this palace is fine. But I miss the
Cherry blossom tree of our palace. It must be flowering now... I hope you're doing fine brother.
And that you have found someone to love..."

Read Seokjin aloud.

Seokjin was quite confused to see the High King talking to his brother about some cherry blossom
tree when he could've complained about all the unfair things that happened to him since he entered
the palace.

The High King had a heart of gold if he forgave all those follies of the stupid Emperor.

Little did he know that the cherry blossom tree was a safe word that Yoongi had told his brother,
Taehyung to use when he wanted to escape his marriage, when he was leaving his Kingdom,
married off to Jungkook.

Whereas Jungkook took as his husband craving the smell of Cherry blossoms and which lead to
Princess Hyejin's arrival at Taehyung's palace with baskets of cherry blossom flowers from across
the whole kingdom to decorate the whole palace, from the Emperor.

The very next night when Taehyung was getting ready to sleep, a bird flew into his chamber, his
brother's pet eagle, Suga to be precise.
Taehyung raised his hand and the bird perched on it like it used to back in Daegu Kingdom.
Taehyung took out the little scroll attached to a chain hidden in the bust feathers of the mighty bird
and read it.

"Should I hold a celebration at your arrival before the tree?"

Read the letter.

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at his brother's antics.

The guy would always jump to wars without thinking much. But he couldn't let his brother fight
this one.

It's not that he didn't trust his brother's skills, he just didn't want any kind of bloodshed.

As for kicking that stupid King's a/ss, there were many other ways for it.

Hiding a simple message in Suga's bust feathers, Taehyung set the bird free. He was sure that his
brother would easily understand the message after all it wasn't the first time that they were using
this secret code.

Soon he would be back home. And this thought made him go to bed with a smile.

The Naegeumwis who watched the bird leaving the High King's chambers tried catching it to check
if there was anything that would harm the King, but the bird was too quick.
In a blink of an eye, it was hundreds of metres above the ground, blended into the darkness leaving
the guards to just stare at the sky helplessly.

His Majesty would have their head for this little slip.


In the Kingdom of Daegu, the bird perched on his master's hand, waiting for his reward for his
successful endeavour while his master read the message his loyal pet had brought.

"I just want to see the tree."

King Yoongi smiled reading the message.

A plan already brewing in his mind.

I owe you nothing

It had been two weeks since Taehyung had sent the secret message to his brother.

He knew his brother had already started working on ways to take him back to his homeland but
that still needed some time and if his memories served right, it was around this time concubine
Tzuyu had caused a commotion inside the palace by faking a fall when she had come to visit him
in his last life.

He remembers being reprimanded by the King for his apparent 'jealously' and being excluded from
all the royal proceedings for a month with concubine Tzuyu acting as the queen in his place for
that while.

The King stopped visiting him after some time and eventually, all the maids and guards were
transferred to Tzuyu's service, leaving the actual queen to cook and clean for himself on his own.

That incident was the root cause of all the mess but not this time.

This time Taehyung was prepared.

So, when Tzuyu requested an audience with him the next day he refused her, complaining about
the backaches he had been having for past week making him unable to meet her.

The concubine gritted her teeth and stomped away.

The next day, there were various noblemen in the court complaining of the High King's obnoxious
behaviour and how he should respect the concubine, as Taehyung had expected.

He was prepared to keep his side of the case in front of the King because he didn't expect the King
to take his side on the matter as usual but none of it was required.

Jungkook on other hand was furious when he heard the noblemen complaining of his high King.
He remembers how Tzuyu had framed his queen and he blindly believed her but this time he had
pledged not to make the same mistake again.

This time his High King Taehyung will get the respect he deserves, the love he deserves.

"What happens in the royal household isn't something the court and the noblemen should worry
about. My High King refused meeting the concubine due to health reasons not due to his pride or
jealously as you say. The concubine needs to learn her place and respect the High King, not the
other way round.... And ones who dared to slander my husband today are expected to take back
their words and apologise or there will be consequences. The court is a place where we discuss the
grievances of countrymen... I hope in futures none such slip will happen." said Jungkook shocking
the entire court.
The Noblemen were quick to bow and apologies for their mistake, who knew what the King would
do if they tried to argue further.

Taehyung stared at his husband, mouth agape, trying to process what just happened.

Did his rebirth change the fate's design?

He couldn't understand.

Jungkook winked at his husband when he felt his eyes on him making Taehyung choke on his

Hoseok quickly rushed to his coughing master's aid while Jungkook continued with the court
proceedings with a stoic face on, eyeing each and every person present there closely, trying to
assess if there were more enemies than friends in the court.

This time he won't fall in the trap of their devious words. This time he won't lose his beloved and


"Hoseok....Bring out my swords. I want to train today." said Taehyung as he sat before the mirror,
gazing at his reflection while Hoseok accompanied by other maids combed and scented his long
dark hair.

The words made Hoseok freeze in his place. He was surprised to hear Taehyung's request of
training with weapon, when latter was the one who vowed not to use them as it wasn't liked by his

And thus, he couldn't help but ask, “But you said you won't train with weapons anymore when you
entered the palace..."

Seeing his master smile at the question was quite confusing for Hoseok but what can he say,
Taehyung was surprising him each and every day ever since the King's birthday celebration.

"This place has changed me so much Hoseok... I renounced the things that made me happy just to
fit in but now... I want to go back to the way I was.... just for a change..." said Taehyung after he
dismissed rest of his maids except Hoseok.

Walking towards a lone wooden casket in his room he had a calm smile on his face. Lifting the lid,
he took out his most loved possession, his sword.
It was only fair if he opened the casket because he was the one to locked them anyway. Holding
this sword brought a flood of bittersweet memories.

Like the first time he held a sword ever, the first time he defeated his father in sparing, the times
his mother would fuss over his sore hands after hours of practice, scolding Yoongi Hyung for his
injuries and he would smile at the misery of his brother.

Good old times.

He picked up a few more of his favourite accessories, like the white and blue combat outfit his
mother had sown for him personally and the shield his father had had the best craftsmen in Daegu
craft for his precious son.

Hugging these valuable item close to his chest, he slammed the casket close and rushed to change
into them.

Staying away from them anymore was out of option. His husband could go to hell if he wants.

Seeing his friend smile and jump around like a kid made Hoseok smile.

It was after so long that he had seen his Taehyung smile and wasn't going to snatch it from him and
nor let anyone dampen it.
Taehyung felt nostalgic wearing the two piece, white and blue, silk outfit with his hair tied neatly
in a pony that held his long ravine hair in place, stopping them from interfering his vision.

How he would spar with his brother for hours and hours, till one of them yielded.

Today he wanted to feel it again but for that he needed a partner, and he knew where to find one.

The Naegeumwi’s curiously watched their High King march into the garden before his palace with
a sword and shield in his hand. Some of them scoffed at the said High King while other tried to
assess his mind set but they didn't have to wait too long.

"Can one of you guards come out? I need a partner to spar." said Taehyung thrusting his sword in
the air, trying to get a hang of holding it after such a long time.

One of the regular guards started to step forward to the High King's aid but stopped when he saw
him shaking his head.

Another one stepped forward but went back to his post when he heard the High King say, "I'm not
talking about the ones guarding the palace, I'm talking about the ones hiding on the roof and
To say that the Naegeumwis were shocked would be an irony. They didn't know how to act on the

All the while they had been here, the High King was aware of their presence?

It if was so then they were losing their touch. The Naegeumwis weren't supposed to be noticed by

But keeping all these thoughts aside, Yugyeom, the leader of the troop signalled one of the junior
guards at the High King's service.

The guards and maids around Taehyung were shocked to their core when a man in jet black
clothing appeared out of nowhere and bowed to the High King.

He was dressed same as the High King, except there is all black cloth tied around his face, in such
a way that only his eyes were visible.

"You haven't lost your touch in hiding... It's just my training that made ne so vigilant and
observing. And today I invited you to spar just to see if I have lost my touch or I can still spar like I
used to back in Daegu." said a smiling Taehyung as he took his fighting stance.
He wasn't going to be the perfect trophy wife that this Kingdom had made him to be anymore. He
was going back to his shield maiden ways, fighting, protecting, and never submitting.

Swords clashed making sparks fly.

Other Naegeumwis and Hoseok watched in awe as the High King of Busan fought Yugyeom, the
leader of Naegeumwis, rest of the guards and maids dismissed even before beginning of this
training .

It was hard for everyone to remove their eyes from the sparing duo, none of them wanting to yield.

It was the second match of the day.

The first match was interesting but not as interesting as this one.

The junior guard had strong attacking techniques but his defence was poor and thus wasn't able to
hold the fort against the High King for more than half an hour.
And pumped up with the rush of sparing, holding his sword after a long time, Taehyung challenged
the leader of Naegeumwis for a match.

Yugyeom tried to go easy on the High King in fears of harming him, but Taehyung taunted him for
having poor technique and the fight took a three sixty degree turn.

Taehyung was really loving every moments of his training. Little did he know about the trouble
coming his way.

"Look your Highness!! Is this a way the high King should behave?! He didn't even bother to stop
at your arrival. " Exclaimed Tzuyu in a sick nasally voice to the Queen Mother whom she had
dragged along to meet Taehyung when she got the wind of Taehyung sparing from one of her spies
she had planted in the High King's palace.

She smirked thinking how she had finally managed to land the so-called High King in trouble.

The Queen Mother on other hand quietly observed the fight, the concubine's words ignored.

Let’s just say she was impressed by Taehyung's fighting skills and refusal to yield.
Taehyung on other had was getting agitated and the one to face the burn of his anger was

His attacks were now even more fierce and faster than before. Yugyeom was trying his best to
retaliate with same vigour but the constantly babbling concubine wasn't letting him focus and in
one such moment when he was a bit unfocused, Taehyung kicked his leg and pointed his sword at
his throat, forcing him to yield.

"You were a great opponent, Chief Yugyeom but you need to work on your concentration. I hope
you won't mind helping me train in future." said Taehyung with a smile after the match was
declared finished with Taehyung as winner.

The Chief couldn't help but laugh at the High King's cheekiness.

"Still hung upon your old ways, I see. Why don't you quit playing around and pay attention to your
duties as a husband, as a High King?" asked the Queen Mother as she walked towards the High
King after watching the Naegeumwi, he had been training with, leave.

Taehyung immediately bowed to her as courtesy not missing the smirking concubine. He was sure
that some trouble was about to come.
"It’s a pleasure to have you here at my humble abode, Mother Dear. I would be great full if you
have a tea with me but before that, I would like to change out of these sweaty clothes first. Hoseok
will escort you to the lounge, please let me make myself presentable to meet you first. " said
Taehyung with a sweet smile to which the Queen Mother responded with a firm nod and followed
Hoseok to the lounge of the High King's palace.


"Tell me High King Taehyung, when will you start taking your responsibilities seriously? You
should remember that you are a High King not a warrior anymore." said Queen Mother in a stern
voice, sipping her tea.

Taehyung hadn't really expected her to return so soon from her journey to the Norths. In his past
life Queen Mother didn't return before he died.

As for her return later, he can't say.

"Yes High King, why waste time in all that when you have the entire Kingdom of Busan to protect
you? It’s not like we are at war." Interjected Tzuyu, with a teasing smile on her face which clearly
said that she was hell bent on getting him in trouble.

But Taehyung wasn't a fool.

"I never neglected my duties, Mother. The issues brought before me are dealt with great
seriousness. And I will always be a warrior, even if I don't need to go on the battlefield anymore.
Besides, isn't it my duty to lessen the burden on the King's shoulders? A queen is an equal to King,
not lesser than him. How can the King focus on the needs of his people if he has to worry about his
queen all the time." said Taehyung as he sipped his tea.

Mint teas always calmed him down.

The Queen Mother looked quite satisfied with his answer while the concubine gnashed her teeth in
anger. She had vowed to get Taehyung in trouble, she wasn't about to go down without a fight.

"But we are not at war that you are preparing yourself to fight! And how are you sharing the
King's burden if you can't even provide him with an heir?" questioned the Tzuyu, her agitation
clear as day in her voice.

Queen Mother could sense Tzuyu's malicious intentions, but she didn't stop her. She wanted to see
if her son-in-law could handle the matter.

Taehyung smiled at the question and started, “Enemies aren't only at the battlefield. They can be
anywhere, even the sweetest smiling faces may hold most malicious intentions..." all the while his
eyes were on concubine Tzuyu as if saying that he knew her intentions.
"It's good to be always prepared. And as for the heir, if you see me failing in that matter why don't
you help the King out? But I think you too are failing even after the King spending most of his
time with you....makes me worried about the King." Taehyung sipped his tea, hiding the mocking
smile on his lips.

Whereas Tzuyu was fuming with anger, one could practically see smoke coming out of her ears.
She bowed to the Queen Mother and the High King and left hurriedly.

She was there to land Taehyung in trouble but up till now she was only able to humiliate herself.
But she wasn't about to let Taehyung win so easily.

The Queen Mother, who was closely watching this exchange, smiled at Taehyung after the
concubine left.

"You have learned a lot since the last time I met you, High King Taehyung. Today you made it
clear to me that you are capable of handling this palace, this Kingdom as a High King." said Queen
Mother as she got up to leave.

She was at ease now.

Taehyung had finally become the High King she always wanted him to be. She could see the fire in
his eyes that she had prayed the heavens to bless her son-in-law with when he was in the North.

Taehyung on other hand was confused. How could Queen Mother ignore the blatant disrespect he
had shown to the King?

But anyhow, he was happy that he didn't land himself in any trouble.

The very same night, while Taehyung was getting ready to sleep, he heard the guards announce the
King's arrival. He couldn't help but huff at the moment.

He was sure that the King was here to relieve his s/exual tension or else why would he visit him at
the night?

‘Horny b/astard!’ Cursed Taehyung in his mind as he put on a fake smile to greet his husband.

Jungkook on other hand smiling a genuine smile when he saw his husband approaching him with a
smile. He knew that it was a fake one, but he would live with whatever he got right now.
He knew he didn't deserve Taehyung's smiles after being's so rude and disrespectful towards him
since the beginning of their married life.

"Did you need something Your Majesty that you're here so late at night?" The sweet voice of his
submissive partner snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts.

Looking around he noticed that all the maids and guards have left them alone. His husband must've
been thinking of something naughty if he asked everyone to leave, thought Jungkook with a smirk.

"I just wanted to visit my beloved. Is there a problem with it?" asked Jungkook as he stepped close
to Taehyung who stepped away instantly.

It hurt him to see his husband acting so distant, but he didn't object. He knew he was the one who
caused this to happen. And now he would try his best to make things right.

"Not at all your Majesty. But I'm afraid I can't serve your Majesty tonight. You might want to visit
your concubine instead." said Taehyung as he sat before the mirror, braiding his hair so that it
won't tangle when he sleeps.
His words carried a silent message for the King to leave him alone, but the King ignored it.

"I won't be needing any services tonight, my High King. I will just accompany you to sleep. Hope
you won't mind." said Jungkook as he got under the covers, waiting for Taehyung to join him.

Having left with no option, Taehyung pouted and got into his bed with a sigh but turned to face
opposite direction where he wouldn't see his husband's face.

It hurt the King to see his husband turning away from him but he didn't say anything. He knew
Taehyung wanted him to leave but he couldn't.

He grabbed Taehyung with his waist and pulled him to his chest, spooning him. He can’t leave his
pouting husband alone, not when he knows he is pregnant.

Every night he would come to sleep beside his beloved after he had gone to sleep just to hold him
close to his heart.

Just to make sure he wasn't having nightmares.

He knew there was a lot of work he needed to do to earn Taehyung's love and he was ready to
move mountains to get that love.

Why would you?

Taehyung was irritated. He wanted to escape not being occupied with the palatial chores.

He wanted to bang his head against the nearest wall, thinking of all the work he had to do in such a
short time.

The night King Jungkook had stayed in his chamber, he had requested Taehyung to handle the
preparations for the Grand Feast, the night held every year for the Deities, celebrations next week.

Taehyung tried to deny the request, but the King was adamant on making him agree. And now he
was stuck with it.

"Hoseok... Send the invitations to the royal Shaman and Mudang, requesting their presence for the
rituals and rites. Call for the sculptors and florists...I want to discuss the decoration arrangements
with them." said Taehyung, sipping his tea, trying to calm the incoming headache.

In his past life the preparations for the festival were handled by concubine Tzuyu since she was the
acting queen and as far as he remembers, he wasn't even invited to it, not that he cares now.

Since his rebirth a lot of things have changed. He just hopes that he will successfully escape this

That the fates won't mess this one plan of his.

It was a day before the festival celebrations and Taehyung was finally done with all the

Finally, he could take a breath of relief. The past six days had been a nightmare for him with all the
commanding to maids, searching for perfect performers, decorations, food, and constant visits from
concubine Tzuyu, claiming that he should let her help him or the King won't like his arrangements.

At a point Taehyung was an inch away from yielding his sword and slashing the yapping lady open
but he had to control his urge. He didn't want to cause a commotion.

But that didn't mean he kept his anger bottled up, the Naegeumwis and royal guards were the ones
who faced the wrath.

Sparing with their High King made them want to cry. The High King was merciless, fighting like it
was his last.

Jungkook on other hand enjoyed watching his High King Taehyung, yield his sword like a warrior.
He would smile looking at his husband fussing over some arrangements and flinch seeing him
clench his fist in anger when concubine Tzuyu would pester him.

He knew all these preparations were taking a toll on his beloved, but it was important for his High
King's safety. Keeping him indulged in the festivity while he quietly cleans the palace of traitors,
was the plan.

Although he had to pay for it by Taehyung neglecting him at nights, but even sleeping next to his
love was worth it.


The religious chants echoed the palace, the King's subjects gathered in the palace grounds to
witness the holy rituals. People played with colours, singing praises to the Deities. The Kingdom of
Busan was coloured in the colours of devotion, joy and happiness.

"It's time, your Majesty. Call for His Highness." said the royal Mudang as he offered the flowers to
the deity.
Jungkook looked around for his Queen, trying to spot him somewhere in the crowd but failed. The
High King was nowhere to be found.

While the said High King was trying to catch his breath after dry heaving for a while. All of his
hectic schedule for past week was now taking a toll on him.

The constant dizzy spells made him want to just sleep, leaving all the worries behind but he knew
he couldn't. There was still so much to do.

With a sigh he cleaned himself and went to check on the food preparations for the festivity. The
entire Kingdom would be having their food here in palace.

There wasn't a chance for mistake.

On the other side, Jungkook was frantically looking around for his High King. He needed his
beloved for the ceremony and the said husband was nowhere to be seen.

There was a murmur of opinions around the hall, the Noblemen like always recommend Jungkook
to proceed with concubine Tzuyu by his side, there was so much disrespect for his High King and
Jungkook had vowed to change it, starting from today.

"Its so unthoughtful of the High King to leave the ceremonies... I recommend you to let Tzuyu
accompany you, your Majesty. She can act in place of the High-" Nobleman Doyoung was
interrupted by the King before he could complete his statement.

Jungkook wasn't about to let anyone disrespect his High King before his eyes. "NO!! The place
beside me is for my High King, my husband Taehyung not a concubine and I expect you to respect
my decision." said Jungkook in a stern tone as he motioned the royal guards to search for his
beloved husband.

Whereas Tzuyu gritted her teeth in anger. The way the King was now defending Taehyung every
now and then irked her.

"Hand me the nuts and raisins, Hoseok. This is nearly done." said Taehyung as he stirred the large
pot of sweet milky porridge.

The delicious fragrance wafted the air making everyone lick their lips in anticipation. With a gentle
hand Taehyung sprinkled the nuts to the boiling dessert and that's how the royal guards found their
High King, humming a tune, stirring various giant pots, adding the spices and seasonings needed,
commanding the cooks side by side.

High King looked like he was enjoying his time in the kitchen, but they needed to interrupt him.
He was needed for religious ceremony going on.


"I'm sorry for making everyone wait." said Taehyung with a smile as he entered the hall and
walked towards his place, beside the King, in front of the holy bonfire.

And if the noblemen let it go without a question, it would be odd.

So just like Taehyung had expected, one of the noblemen asked," What was so important than the
ceremony that you had to go yourself High King? "
Taehyung smiled at the question and clapped his hands, indicating the royal guards to bring the
things he had requested a few minutes ago. The large pot of sweet milky porridge he had been
working on.

"The offerings. The holy ceremony can't be finished without a sweet offering to our Deities. This is
always prepared by the King's companions. I had asked concubine Tzuyu to help me with it but she
denied saying that she had no knowledge of cooking..."

The entire hall looked towards the concubine sitting near Queen Mother. Some gazes mocking her,
some cursing her stupidity to let such a good chance to capture the King's heart go. While the King
admired his husband for all his efforts.

"And thus, I had to leave to prepare it. But if my following the tradition had caused everyone a
discomfort, I apologise. " Said Taehyung but was stopped from bowing by the Queen Mother.

"There is no need to apologise High King. Your devotion to this celebration speaks for itself.
Proceed with the rituals, royal Mudang. "

And with that the celebrations continued.

The day had finally come to an end. To say Taehyung was exhausted would be an option, he was

But seeing the satisfied smiles on the faces of his subjects as they devoured the food prepared by
him was worth it. Everyone was surprised when they heard that it was their High King who had
cooked them a feast today.

No one had expected the warrior High King Taehyung to be so good in kitchen, but he surprised
everyone. The Queen Mother even rewarded him for his ‘remarkable arrangements’ as she called
them with a wooden casket that he still has open.
To conclude, the day was a grand success.

He was about to go to bed when he heard the horns blare around the castle. The horns were usually
blared to announce the arrival of a sudden uninvited guest, knocking at their door for a war.

Taehyung was confused.

He had known about his brother coming to bring him back home, but he didn't know if he was
bringing an army along with him.

Did his brother not listen to his request and decided to attack the kingdom of Busan?

He quickly slipped on his robes and left to find the King.

Maybe there was a misunderstanding.

He knew his brother won't be attacking Busan without his knowledge. He wasn't about to let his
brother attack the Kingdom.

Chapter Summary

{ You deserve nothing }

Jungkook was quick to put on his armour when he heard the horns blare. Walking towards the
royal court many thoughts invaded his mind.

He was still trying to weed out the possible future threats, he still needed to win over his husband
and now there was an enemy knocking at their door with a potential threat of war.

His mind was in great turmoil by the time he reached the royal court. Heaving a deep sigh, he
brushed those thoughts aside. Right now, he just needed to focus on his Kingdom's safety.

"The royal army is getting ready for war as we speak, Your Majesty. We have already sent over
our spies to assess the enemy's army. From how much information we have got, it's the Daegu
Kingdom. " said Jimin, the Chief commander of the King's army making the entire royal court ring
with shouts of various opinions.

But the thing that was common in all of them was that they all blamed the High King for the
proposition they were in right now and this enraged King Jungkook.
How much hatred these all have for his husband?

He knew if anyone was to blame, if the Kings Daegu attacked them, would be him for not treating
his High King right, and no one else.

And just when he was about to refuse the noblemen's opinion, he heard the voice of his High King
ring in the court.

"Your Majesty! There is some misunderstanding. The Kingdom of Daegu will never attack
Busan." exclaimed Taehyung.

He was determined to stop the misunderstandings from escalating.

"How can you be so sure, High King? They come over in the dark of night without any prior
notice, knocking on our door. What else can it be?" shouted a nobleman, clearly panicked from the
prospect of going on war with the most feared Kingdom, Daegu.

But Taehyung had answers for all their questions.

"They are still three miles away from the Kingdom's boundaries. And I know that they will never
attack in the dark or without any prior notice. Kingdom of Daegu hasn't raised any cowards." He
said in a firm tone.
He wasn't about to let these noblemen sit here and disrespect his homeland. Turning to the throne,
he continued, “My King, I would like to go ahead and check their purpose of arrival."

He bowed his head seeking for the crown's approval for his endeavour.

But Nobleman Doyoung, concubine Tzuyu's father decided to interrupt before the King could say
anything. "And what if they are here for war? How can we trust you to not side with them during

There were shouts of agreement to the question all around the court. And this infuriated Taehyung.

He was right to make the decision to leave, this place had not an ounce of respect for him.

He takes out his dagger and cut his palm to let the trail of blood drop from his hands, "If a war
happens, I pledge on my honour and take a blood oath to fight from Busan's side. The Kingdom of
Busan is the only motherland I have since I married the King."

He spoke a bit loudly for the Nobleman’s in the royal court flinch a bit, clenching his fists in anger,
as the pool of blood gush more from his palm.

Hoseok ran to his High King, tore one of his clothing to tie a bandage around his palm to not let the
blood gush further.

There were hushed whispers in the whole court.

“Why would you get so angry sometimes my High King?” Hoseok whispers quietly, his face
adorned with a sad frown.

Taehyung was still looking at Jungkook, his eyes not wavering from his face.

Jungkook could see the fire in his husband's eyes. He knew that these questions of the noblemen
were ticking Taehyung off and decided to butt in before things could escalate.

He rose up from his Throne. "I trust the High King. You may go on and check their purpose of
arrival, but the royal guards will accompany you." said Jungkook in a stern voice earning a bow of
thank from Taehyung in return.

Without any further delay, Taehyung left for his endeavour. He had a task to finish.

"Is it right to send your High King out there, your Majesty?" asked nobleman Doyoung once again
making Jungkook smirk in return.

"High King is an equal to me. He is capable of defending himself. High King Taehyung is a shield
maiden unlike those frail princess and nobleman daughters. I think that answers your questions."

The Nobleman understood that the King was indirectly mocking his daughter but said nothing in
return, not like he could and get away with it.

"The court is adjourned. We wait for High King to come back now." said Jungkook before leaving.

"What's the meanings of this, King Yoongi?" Taehyung asked his brother who had been enjoying
his meal near the bonfire with his soldiers.

It was easy for Taehyung to enter his brother's camp. The soldiers knew him well and the King had
already expected the arrival of someone from Busan to question their arrival once again but they
hadn't expected Taehyung to come forward to question them.

"Taehyung?" questioned Yoongi, not believing that the King sent his own brother to confront him.

Looks like he assessed the situation wrong. Now he will need to see things for himself to help his
brother, thought the King as he approached his little brother.

"I pose no threat to Busan or its people. I came here to fetch High King Taehyung back to Daegu
for my wedding." said Yoongi with a smile when he saw the royal guards around Taehyung tense
up as he approached his brother.

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise as he assessed the words. He knew his brother had come to
take him back but wasn't lying about his wedding a bit too much?

But his words sounded quite sincere to be a lie. Taehyung was confused.

"My apologies, King Yoongi but prior message could've saved us all the panic and trouble. " Chief
Jimin's voice, coming from beside him broke the chain of Taehyung's thoughts.
Coming back to reality, he saw the royal guards still holding their battle stance, glaring at every
moving thing of his brother's camp.

He wanted to laugh at their uprightness, but didn't as it would have been disrepute of him.

"No need, Royal guard. But I'm surprised that your King still didn't get the message when he was
the one who had sent a nobleman few hours ago. I was about to send a messenger to inform the
King of our arrival, to acquire the reason behind our arrival, but your guard was informed why we
arrived and yet you are unaware. " chuckled Yoongi.

It was clear to the people around that the King was trying to mock their King Jungkook.

The royal guard Jimin was shocked to hear King Yoongi's reply. If what King Yoongi said was
true, then there was a conspiracy brewing in the corridors of the royal palace of Busan and he
needed to inform the King immediately.

"I think there must've been some kind of miscommunication. But now that you know, I hope you
can relay the message to the King, Royal guard. " said Yoongi snapping Jimin from his thoughts.

The royal guard looked quite flabbergasted and Yoongi basked in it. He was having fun teasing the

And this didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung. Now was when Taehyung decided to speak, helping
his royal guard save some face before his comrades. "Very well said, King Yoongi. Royal guard
Jimin, I trust you to relay the message to his Majesty while I escort King Yoongi to the palace."
The said guard simply bowed to his high King, mentally thanking him for letting him escape the
sharp predatory eyes of King Yoongi.

Taehyung dismissed him with a wave of his hand and the guard left swiftly but not before ensuring
that there were sufficient number of guards to accompany the high King.

"King Yoongi, ask your troop to pack up the camp and follow us to the royal palace. It will be rude
of Busan to let you camp here outside, in the open. The Kingdom of Daegu will have its purple
flags up. I don't want the border patrol guards to misunderstand anything."

The soldiers didn't even wait for their own King's command. Taehyung's words were enough for
them. They knew they were here to take their warrior prince back home.

At first they wanted to wage a war on the Kingdom of Busan for making their beloved prince feel
so miserable that he needed King Yoongi to rescue him but had to hold back when the said prince
requested for a peaceful rescue.

King Jungkook was furious when he heard the Royal guard, Jimin. The things were beginning to
get out of hand.

His enemies now had the guts to lie and try to frame his High King. He knew he had to take actions
soon or he will lose his beloved once again.

“I'm sorry for the inconvenience, King Jungkook. It wasn't my intention to cause unrest in the royal
palace, but it happened and I sincerely apologise for it." said King Yoongi when he saw King
Jungkook in his court the next day.

The way he addressed the King shocked Jungkook to no end. He was always brother or brother-in-
law to Yoongi but this time he was King.

Though he felt something fishy with it but ignored his gut feeling for now.

"There's no need to apologise, Yoongi Hyung. It was the fault on Busan's side. I hope you will be a
bigger person and forgive our folly." said Jungkook shocking the entire court and King Yoongi.

King Jungkook's dislike towards the King of Daegu wasn't unknown to the King himself. Everyone
knew how much he disliked Daegu for making him marry Taehyung and Jungkook made his duty
to openly express his disgust towards them.

Thus, this sudden friendliness and respect from the King shocked everyone.

Taehyung was on guard more than ever. This change of fate may not be pleasant at all.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Never thought I'll be seeing my best war general cooking like a housewife..." chuckled Yoongi
making Taehyung almost drop the entire spice tray in the boiling pot of curry he had been making,
but Hoseok caught it in time.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Taehyung turned to glare at his brother who decided to come in his
kitchen unannounced, surprising the living daylights out of him while the said brother was now
laughing at his reaction.

"Should I take it as a bad thing, brother?" Gritted Taehyung with a smile, trying to suppress his
anger when all he wanted was to kick his brother for his childish antics.

"No. It's refreshing. And besides it smells delicious here!" said Yoongi with a soft smile.

The sight had reminded him of their teenage days back in Daegu when their mother would
forcefully make Taehyung sit beside her in the royal kitchen, trying to teach her carrier son the art
of cooking while the latter would pout throughout the lesson.

Though Taehyung would look displeased on the outside, but one could easily see the sparkling joy
in his eyes when their mother taught him. He would humm soft tunes as he glided through the
kitchen stirring the pots on flames, helping around the kitchen.

The scene now looked somewhat similar but there was a big difference Yoongi could easily spot.
The sparkling joy in Taehyung's eyes wasn't there anymore. Once cheerful and lively smile was
now replaced with a fake and muffled one.
This one year in the palace of Busan had changed his brother completely. Yoongi cursed himself
for letting Taehyung marry Jungkook. This marriage of convenience had done nothing but slowly
k/illed his previously joyful and sweet brother.

He couldn't go back in time but now all he wanted was to save his brother, even if it meant waging
a war on King Jungkook. He wasn't about to back out.

"Of course, it will smell delicious! Afterall it's made by his Highness! He makes the best food; the
entire Kingdom knows it." Yoongi heard a very familiar voice mutter.

The Royal Guard Chief, Jimin was an interesting person, he intrigued Yoongi to no end. He was
joking when he said that he was about to marry but now it looked like he may like the idea of it, if
it was with a certain royal guard of certain place he is thinking of waging war against..

"That I know, Royal guard, Jimin.... but I wonder if you can too... I would love to taste your
cooking..." smirked Yoongi making Jimin blush ten shades of red, earning a series of giggles from
all the maids around.

And it was like the said warrior was snapped out of his blushing stupor. The playful smirk of the
King ticked him off. The Royal Guard wanted to strangle the said King for embarrassing him in
front of his soldiers but couldn't do so without being beheaded for laying hands on the King.

Thus he swiftly left the scene, trying to calm the rage brewing in him. Yoongi couldn't help the soft
smile that graced his lips when he saw Jimin storm out of the royal kitchen with a scowl on his

It was fun teasing the warrior.

This exchange didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung. He knew his brother was starting to take fancy in
the Royal guard. And he was going to help his Yoongi Hyung because it wasn't very often, he saw
him show interest in anyone.

"Okay, that's enough! Hyung leave my kitchen and let me cook in peace." said Taehyung as he
went back to cooking while Yoongi just shook his head and left to find King Jungkook, he still had
a mission to accomplish.

Jungkook knew there was a reason behind King Yoongi's arrival, but he didn't know that the King
was here to take his High king back to Daegu.

As far as he remembered, there wasn't any such occurrence in their past life but what could he say,
many unsuspected things have happened since his rebirth like Queen Mother supporting Taehyung,
Taehyung going back to his warrior ways, few supporters of nobleman Doyoung blamed by the
public for corruption.

Maybe his rebirth had triggered another chain of events, thought Jungkook.

"Your Majesty....the High King is done with the lunch and expects both of you in the dining hall."
said a maid with a bow, snapping Jungkook out of his thoughts.

With a nod he dismissed the maid. Turning to King Yoongi he said, "I think we should take this
discussion to the dining hall, it would be nice to have Taehyung’s opinion too." And both the
Kings left for the dining hall.

Jungkook's suggestion of asking Taehyung's opinion had shocked Yoongi but he didn't let it show.
He half expected him to deny the request or just jump in joy listening such a proposal where he
didn't have to see his brother's face for a few weeks. Jungkook would do anything to get rid of his
unwanted husband but the hesitation on the his face was unexpected for Yoongi.
But he didn't get his hopes high, maybe the King was good at hiding his contempt towards
Taehyung in front of him in the fear of war that may break out, thought Yoongi.

If that was the case, then he needed to take his little brother away from here by hook or by crook.

The calming silence in the dining hall was broken by King Yoongi's question.

"Would you like to come back to Daegu for my wedding Taehyung?" asked Yoongi nonchalantly
as he enjoyed the fish curry made by his brother.

Taehyung who was serving his husband some more lamb curry, was about to drop the bowl,
surprised by the question fired his way but the falling bowl was saved in time by Jungkook who
glared at Yoongi for asking such a serious question out of blue.

Taehyung was quick to recover from the shock. He quickly served food to his husband and stepped
back to take a good look at his Hyung if he was just trying to tick Jungkook off.

But there wasn't a shard of playfulness on his face. He looked quite serious. While Jungkook
decided to stay silent. His facial expressions giving away nothing. He was going to raise the topic
after the lunch but now that it was already raised, he decided to go with the flow.

"As a brother, I really want to go but right now due to my role as a High King... I will go with what
my King says..." said Taehyung.
Yoongi was now sure that staying here won't do any good to his brother while Jungkook was still
feeling weird about how the word sounded from Taehyung's mouth, foreign, somewhat with fake

Jungkook could make out from his expressions that Taehyung very much wanted to go but he
didn't know why he was afraid to say it firmly.

Did he fear the denial of permission?

The King was still knee deep in thoughts when concubine Tzuyu decided to jump in the

"Of course the King wouldn't allow it brother Yoongi! The High King has some duties towards the
Kingdom. He can't leave them behind and go! But if the High King wants.... I can help him for that
time...." Her power-hungry eyes didn't go unnoticed by eyes in the room, no matter how much she
tried to hide it.

Taehyung was barely holding onto his sanity. These days just hearing the said concubine's voice
made him want to behead her. But King Yoongi wasn't so patient either.

"Brother? I don't remember having any siblings besides Taehyung. I think you are mistaken
concubine." He smirked when he saw the concubine blush ten shades of red while the people
around the room tried to conceal their snickers. This snapped the daydreaming King out of his

"You can go if you want, Taehyung. It's been a year since you visited Daegu. I'm sure you miss
your parents." He said with a smile directed towards his Husband.

Taehyung wanted to jump in joy when he heard the King's words. He had half expected him to
deny the request but now he was here, smiling and letting him go.

Maybe everything was finally going according to the plan.

"Thank-" Taehyung's words of gratitude were cut short by an overexcited concubine, making him
want to strangle her.

"But your Majesty! Who will handle the High King's work? I mean I-" Jungkook was quick to shut
the rattling concubine.

"Don't ever try to speak when the High King is speaking. And for the responsibility of the High
King I will have to bother Queen Mother for a few weeks. She knows how to handle the things."
His tone held no space for argument.

With that he was about to leave the food unfinished when he noticed his husband's death glare that
made him think twice about his decision.

Without any word said he continued with the lunch, smiling whenever he saw the now cheerful
face of his High King.

The next morning, King Yoongi and Taehyung departed from Busan, with the troop of royal
guards of Busan following them closely.

King Yoongi may have come with thousands of warriors to escort his High King but Jungkook
took no chances with his husband's safety.

With a bit of reluctance in heart but a soft smile on his face Jungkook let his husband go. It would
be hard for him to stay away but he was going to use this separation wisely.

As soon as the palace would be clear of all the traitors, he will personally go to escort his high
King back. He just hoped that everything ended soon and according to his plan, but little did he
know that all his hopes and plans were about to be shattered.


It was after four days of continuous travelling, the royal convoy had just entered the Mountains of
the East range, Kingdom Daegu was now just two days away.

The sun was setting down and travelling any further in a territory with so many places for enemy to
hide wasn't a wise choice. King Yoongi ordered for the camps to be set up to rest at night and
immediately the soldier's got to work.

And like they had done for the past four days, the soldiers first set up Taehyung's tent and then
went ahead to set anyone else's tent.
King Yoongi, like a true leader would help his soldiers set up the camps while Taehyung along
with Jimin, Hoseok and a handful of soldiers started working on dinner.

Half of the royal guards of Busan along with warriors from Daegu, went ahead to patrol the outer
boundary of camp.

The rest of the soldiers handled the rest of the tasks like grooming and feeding their horses,
lighting a huge bonfire and keeping it alight. Everyone had a task to do, and they were diligent in
doing it.

Soon everyone was sitting around the huge bonfire, except for the patrolling guards, with a bowl of
chicken stew and rice, enjoying the delicious meal prepared.

"Oh it tastes heavenly Taehyung! You really have magical hands!" exclaimed Yoongi as soon as he
took a sip from the stew, earning hums of approval from the soldiers around.

"I'm glad you liked it Hyungie but it wasn't me who made the stew today. It's all royal guard,
Jimin's doing." Replied Taehyung as he dug into his fruit salad which was the only thing, he could
digest these days.

The mere smell of meats made him heave. He dismissed it as tiredness from the continuous
travelling but somewhere deep in his heart he knew it was not the reason.

Jimin blushed when he felt all the eyes on him. He wasn't the one to blush so easily, but it was the
only thing he had been doing for past four days of their travelling. He blamed King Yoongi for it.

The guy had no shame in flirting with him in front of everyone, not that Jimin minded it, but he
wasn't about to tell this to the already obnoxious King.

"That explains why it tastes more delicious today! You are really talented my love." praised
Yoongi, not even bothering to lift his head from the bowl of heaven before him, making everyone

Here, with all the soldiers and his brother, Taehyung looked at ease, more happy then he had ever
looked in the palace of Busan and this didn't go unnoticed by Jimin.

But what could he say, he himself felt liberated here, away from the suffocating uptight
environment of Busan palace.

Maybe it was due to being out here, close to the nature.

Maybe because of the constantly flirting, cheerful King.

He didn't know but he would like to find out.

It was half past midnight when the attack happened. It all happened so fast that one minute they
were all in their camps, sleeping and the very next minute they were indulged in a fierce battle.
Gruesome assassins named “Ninja’s of the North” attacked their camp. They were the most feared
rebels when it comes to wars.
Swords clashed; sparks flew.

The number of assassins seemed to be doubling with each passing moment.

Five of them had surrounded King Yoongi, attacking him all at once but Yoongi was giving them a
hard time.

Jimin fought his way through the ongoing battle towards Taehyung's tent. He feared for his High
King who still hadn't shown up for the battle. No news often meant good news but not when you're
on a battlefield.

But the scene in Taehyung's tent shocked Jimin to his wits end. There was smoke coming from his
tent, Jimin was distracted a moment ago, the next instance he was on the ground. Someone landed
a swift hit on his windpipe, making him loose his conscious within seconds.

That night the camp witnessed a fierce battle.


"A messenger comes from Daegu with some urgent news, your Majesty." bowed Seokjin, waking
up the previously sleeping King.
Hearing the words Jungkook’s sleep addled brain woke with a jerk.

‘Urgent message from Daegu?’ he dreaded that it maybe a bad news because it was the same day
he lost his Taehyung back in time.

But he discarded the fact since Taehyung will be safe with his brother and his most trusted Royal
Guard Jimin. He shook his head to throw the ominous thoughts away from his mind.

Must be to inform him of his husband's safe arrival, thought Jungkook but somewhere deep inside
his heart he knew it wasn't just that.

"Send him in." said Jungkook as he quickly dressed in his robes.

Not even a minute later, Seokjin entered his chambers with a Daegu’s soldier in tow.

"Greetings your Majesty. I bring a message from Emperor Taewon." The messenger said as he
handed Jungkook a scroll with Daegu’s royal seal on it.

Jungkook quickly unrolled the scroll and began reading.

Greetings King Jungkook of Busan,

I’m writing this letter just to inform you about the untimely death of my son, Jeon Taehyung.

Their convoy was ambushed by ‘Ninja of the North’ in the Mountains of the East.

The assassins managed to sneak past the night patrol guards and attack the sleeping
unsuspecting soldiers.

While King Yoongi and rest of the soldiers were engaged in a fierce battle, some of the assassins

Taehyung's tent on fire burning my son, his attendant Hoseok and royal guard Jimin alive.

King Yoongi and rest of the soldiers were greatly harmed in the battle.

They are still recovering from the poison that entered their bodies from the weapon wounds.

I know you wouldn't care about any of this, but it was an obligation to inform you.

I just wish I didn't let Taehyung marry you back then cause all you ever gave him were tears.

You never deserved my son, King Jungkook. Don't worry about the Kingdom of Daegu waging
a war on you

because the only thing my dying son had asked for was safety of Busan.

You're free now King Jungkook.

King Min Taewon

Jungkook couldn't believe what he just read.

His Taehyung was gone.

It was like his legs couldn't support his weight anymore. He crumbled down on the floor just like
sandcastle. He didn't bother to wipe the free-flowing tears.

He didn't care if he looked weak and pathetic in front of the Daegu’s messenger and his trusted
Naegeumwi. He had once again lost the love of his life.

He had proved to be a failure once again.


Chapter End Notes

This is the last chapter in the series. I will be posting a PROLOGUE for the next part
in the series on 25th feb 2022 as Chapter 7. i hope you enjoyed this as much as I did
while writing. It was slightly, tiny-tinsy inspired by Bajirao Mastani...But with a very
big plot twist...

Thank you so much who read this and left kudos. i love it when you send messages, i
like replying so feel free to ask.

And in the end, I just hope you thoroughly enjoyed it till the end. and as Shahrukh
Khan said, "It's not an ending if it isn't Happy."
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

What Jimin saw, he couldn’t believe his own eyes. The black clad assassins were respectfully
escorting Taehyung along with Hoseok out of the tent to a carriage and Taehyung silently complied
with it. While the tent he was in was burning to ashes.

Jimin was still trying to get his head around what he just saw when someone landed a swift hit on
his windpipe, making him loose his conscious within seconds.

The soft thud made Taehyung stop in his tracks. He turned around only to find Jimin lying
motionless on the ground. He all but ran towards the said royal guard, praying that the latter was
still alive.

"He's just sleeping, Taehyung. He saw you there trying to escape so I had to do that. Take him with
you and try to explain the things to him." said the black clad assassin who had knocked out Jimin
making Taehyung sigh a breath of relief.

Taehyung knew if anything happened to the now sleeping royal guard, his Yoongi hyung would go

"Thank you, Namjoon Hyung." said Taehyung with a smile, acknowledging his cousin's effort.

With a swift move Namjoon gathered the unconscious warrior in his arms and walked towards the
Within few minutes the carriage left for the secret destination with a huge number of black clad
assassins guarding the precious cargos inside.


"Did they leave?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, the black clad assassin who appeared to be the head of
apparent attackers as he looked over the now silent camping ground.

The attack that happened previous night was planned by Yoongi.

With the help of their cousin, Namjoon he had managed to create an illusion of Ninja assassins
attacking them in the dead of the night and sent Taehyung to a safe hiding place when everyone
else from the Busan Kingdom were busy battling the apparent enemy.

Well, no one needs to know that Ninja assassin of the North are indeed Yoongi’s hidden combat
‘ARMY’ led by his cousin, Kim Namjoon.

"Yes, but I had to send royal guard, Jimin with them. He somehow saw Taehyung leaving and I
knew he would try to interfere, so I knocked him out and sent him with Taehyung." said Namjoon
with a sigh.

He waited for his brother to scold him for the decision he had taken in the spur of the moment
earlier, but none came.
"Good. At least he'll know the whole thing now. Proceed with the second part of the plan. I want to
see if that King really cares for my brother or not." said Yoongi with a wicked smile on his face.

He was hell bent on making Jungkook suffer for all the pain Taehyung had gone through.

With a quick bow Namjoon left to proceed as planned.

Two dead bodies of nearly same stature as Taehyung and Hoseok were placed inside Taehyung's
tent and then it was set to fire along with few other tents.

One body, brutally slashed and unrecognizable of a warrior, matching with the stature of Jimin was
wrapped neatly in a purple cloth to give them the illusion that royal guard is inside.

The burnt dead bodies along with the slashed one’s who were supposed to be Taehyung, Hoseok
and Jimin were placed in a separate carriage with the respect a King and a Royal Guard should get.

The convoy was now ready to leave, with three bodies in tow to deliver to Busan with remaining
alive guards of Busan.

Namjoon, after exchanging a few words with Yoongi, retreated to the forest he had come from
along with rest of his soldiers while Yoongi began his journey back to Daegu.


Chapter End Notes

Its Prologue for the next in series...I don't know when i will write the continuation but
anytime soon in future until then enjoy my other books...

I am participating in many fests right now and i hope i will be able to entertain you in

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