Essay 1 Draft 1

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Guardiola 1

Jorge E Guardiola Jr

Professor Powers

English 1302-219

8 February 2023

Effects Of Coffee


All around the world coffee is enjoyed by millions of consumers that enjoyed the hot

taste of it or simply like the warming smell of brewing it. The effects of coffee on the other hand

are well unknown to the view of a non-consumer in comparison to a consumer. Various Studies

have been published on coffee under a certain topic. For Example, Adrian B. Hodgson et al have

shown that taking coffee one hour before an extensive workout improved endurance performance

compared to a person with no coffee. Moreover, research made by M. A. J. Mets et al showed

that drinking one cup of coffee while driving improved the alertness of the driver while on the

road. Many studies show the effects of coffee or caffeine under certain topics and audiences yet

forget about a broader audience, the non-consumer, and what possible effects the non-consumers

could experience while starting to consume coffee. While coffee does bring out more alertness

and endurance to consumers will it bring the same effects such as endurance, and alertness to

non-consumers? And will it change the perception of the effects of coffee?


To find out more about the effects of coffee on a non-consumer a five-day study was

conducted to examine the effects. Monday thru Friday, the research was conducted, and on
Guardiola 2

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday coffee was consumed by the volunteer while attending college

classes and the gym. On Tuesday and Thursday no coffee was consumed, yet the same activities

were done throughout the day. Starting at eight o’clock one cup and a half of coffee was served

for the three consuming days. Monitoring the time the coffee was consumed helped look into

how long the effects took to affect the volunteer.

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