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Guardiola 1

Jorge E Guardiola Jr

Professor Powers

English 1302-219

17 April 2023

Reflection Essay 3

Finishing essay 3 seems like a dream come true now that I don’t have to wait for the next

prompt and have to start from scratch another essay. Having accomplished the main goals of the

class by finishing the three major essays has really helped me take a big step in my education as

all three essays helped me gather evidence in their very own way by doing an experiment, research,

and starting an argument. Essay one helped me with essay three in the counterarguments. Essay

one had many drawbacks in the experiment and from that experience I made the path to gather

counterarguments more easily. Essay two also helped me in the structure of essay three because in

essay two the information needed to be broad but direct at the same time and from that I gathered

broad topics with a lot of information while still being directly involved with the meaning of the


From having learned many things from these essays not every lesson was transferred over

to the other. In essay one, I learned how to keep track of my very own experiment and how to

transfer that data over to the essay but in essay 3 I did not have to go through all that to write the

whole essay. In essay two, I learned how to make annotated bibliographies and how to gather

critical evidence from peer-reviewed sources yet in essay three I did not have to do this due to the

peer-reviewed sources being lowered.

Guardiola 2

Applying lessons to other assignments from the class can be very helpful but applying those

lessons to other classes can give advantages over others. From this last third essay, I learned how

to see both sides of an argument to make counterarguments making my writing seem well

debatable. This skill can be used in my history class as well by implementing arguments in my

following history essays making them well-researched and evenly debated.

Some other skills that I learned from the third essay won’t be of help in other classes like

Univ class. The reason these writing skills won’t be of much advantage in this class is because of

the short assignments that are in the class compared to the English class assignments. Another

reason is that univ class has more speaking-out-loud assignments than written ones.

The creation of arguments helped me improve my writing by not making everything the

way I see things but by researching the pros and cons that something has and from there

understanding both sides and why a debate is made from that argument. This will help me in the

future when making statements to others in the class and outside class by having the facts ready to

go instead of giving my opinion and making it seem like a fact.

From the comments I received from my peers in the class, I would say my strengths would

be starting the essay by making the thesis understandable and broad and another strength would

be ending the essay as both drafts had very positive comments on the introduction and the

conclusion. My writing weakness had to be in the writing portion when writing about the cons

because I wrote too much about the benefits making it seem like a research paper. These

weaknesses and strengths are pretty much the same because mostly all my bad writing is in the

body paragraphs and my strengths are at the beginning and at the end of the essay.
Guardiola 3

From Professor Powers comments in my other assignments and essays, I would say that

the comments for the third essay would be the same because the first and second essays were pretty

much the same and since I am bad at making changes to my essays I would say the comments will

be similar to the past essays.

Finally, the most challenging part of the third essay was implementing the

counterarguments and making discussing the argument in the essay because I am accustomed to

making the discussion only about the side of my idea while not having to implement any

counterarguments. The least challenging part of this essay was getting my ideas around the

argument because of how broad my topic was and because I had the ability to research peer-

reviewed articles for my topic.

Guardiola 4

Works Cited

Guardiola, Jorge “The Effects of Coffee.”15 February 2023. English 1302-219, Texas A&M

International University, student paper.

Guardiola, Jorge “Women’s movements around the globe.” 12 March 2023. English 1302-219,

Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Guardiola, Jorge “Working with peer feedback.” English 1302-219, Texas A&M International

University, 2023.

Guardiola, Jorge “Video Games Are Not Harmful.” 17 April 2023. English 1302-219, Texas

A&M International University, student paper.

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