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STEMinar: Biomedical Engineering Research

10/13/22 Gbemi Aderibigbe—ga tech student

The goal of this STEMinar is to introduce you to some of the current research being conducted in the field of Biomedical
Engineering. Please listen and interact with our guest speaker as they tell us about their background, their research, and
life in a research lab at Ga Tech.

1. Listen to our speaker. Think of 2 questions you might have for this individual and write them below.
a. ________What is your favorite class you’ve taken as an engineering student?
b. ____Are you guys harming the piglets?

2. Had you thought of a career in academia prior to today? What might that career look like for you and your
_____I want to pursue an engineering degree in college, so it was cool learning about biomedical
engineering since it combines the principles of engineering and biology to improve human health.
___However, I still believe that the industrial/systems and mechanical side of engineering interests me
most. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Summarize Gbemi’s research. What is one application of this research for the future?
_she is in a dual program at ga tech and emory (4th year biomedical engineering student)_______

Some applications of biomedical engineering are: medical devices, pharmaceutical, healthcare consulting,
and research (working in a lab or teaching as a professor)
4. Thoughtfully reflect on your experience today. What did you learn? How will you use this knowledge going
forward? Do you feel that this field is a good choice for you, why or why not?
______She was very involved in research, volunteering, etc. in her undergrad years, so it led her to
graduate school. She loves research and this is a very large part of her life as a Biomedical Engineering
PhD student. Research includes: neuroengineering, biomedical robotics, biomaterials, biomedical
imaging, cell and molecular engineering, and regenerative engineering.

Her research is focused on Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). This is caused by blow, shaking, or
penetrating of object into the head. This is the leading cause of death and disability in children. There are
different severities of TBI based off the level of trauma received to the head. Her first project is on the
gait impairments caused by Pediatric Brain injury. All TBIs can cause slower velocity, dual gait
impairments, and these can last for longer than 3 years after the injury. The problem that Gbemi is trying
to solve is that we don’t have much information on the progression of motor function after injury, effect
of repeated brain injury on motor function, and if there are drugs that help improve motor function. She is
conducting research to determine the answer to these questions. Right now, she is doing this research
using piglets.
30% of mild TBI develop long lasting symptoms. Emotion ad cognition problems can last for 25 years
In Gbemi’s research she is determining i RNA is a good Neuroinflammation biomarker. She is identifying
the Rnas involved in chronic neuroinflammation and test the effect of cyclosporine in attenuating
Her future goal for her research is pharmaceutacil industry + teach/mentor students.

She told us to do your own thing and follow your dreams to find out what makes you happy. Everyone
follow sa different path

Turn in before you leave today, this form will serve as your attendance verification as well. Be sure to take a picture
of the form and of yourself for your e-Portfolio.

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