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dr Colette Szczepaniak ( DOESN’T work yet)

Project - Methodology of Social Sciences: Qualitative Methods

Make 30 – 40 minutes presentation about one given method. The presentation can be
any form – power point, prezi, song, movie, game, analyzing text with the whole group and
then make a test, game show, crossword (or all at once) – your creativity counts here and you
must manage at least 30 minutes.

Your presentation must contain:

1. Basic characteristic:
- What this method is about (extended definition, description)
- What can we know (what kind of data we can get from using this method) from
doing research using this method
- Different types of doing this method (ex. Observation types: systematic, covered
and others…)
2. Short history – who invented this method, where it comes from, first research projects
3. Good preparation to use this method in practice – how to prepare to conduct research
4. Important concepts (words) (ex. paradigm, space, person or case) – what vocabulary
you must use researching by this method
5. Collecting data – how to do it, examples
6. Ethical dilemmas which can appear
7. Examples (at least 5) of using this method in research and elaborate what was it about,
who was the author and what were the results of it.

I assess the quality and content: if all the points above were given to the audience in your
presentation and the idea of showing it in interesting way + 30 min time is minimum.

I. 22.03 – I talk: shortly about paradigms, planning the research and formulating
research question, how to well identify what method to use
II. 29.03 Biographical method (Marika and Klaudia), An interview (Fatih and Baran)
III. 05.04 Grounded theory (Lamin and Mikołaj), Autoethnography and contemplative
research (Nadia and Kaja)
IV. 19.04 Action research (Marika and Klaudia), Phenomenological research (Dora
and Martyna)
V. 26.04 Case study (Fatih and Baran) (zmiana na 10.05), Focus group (Yasmin +
VI. 10.05 Art – based research (Nadia and Kaja), Storytelling (Lamin and Mikołaj)
(zmiana na 26.04)
VII. 17.05 Observation (Yasmin with Oguz)
VIII. 24.05 Discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis (Dora and Martyna)
IX. Meeting – 31.05 – Final meeting – summing up

Alex Edmonds, Thomas D. Kennedy. (2013): An applied reference guide to research designs :
quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods , Sage, Thousand Oaks

Christine Bellamy (2012): Principles of methodology: research design in social science, Sage,

Gerard Guthrie (2012): Basic research methods: an entry to social science research , Sage,

Jane Ritchie (Ed.) (2014): Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students
and researchers, Sage, London

Ruth Wodak, Michael Meyer (Eds.) (2013): Methods of critical discourse analysis, London

In Polish:

Dariusz Jemielniak (red.) (2012). Badania jakościowe, t. 1 i t. 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe

PWN: Warszawa

Norman K. Denzin, Yvonne Lincoln (2009). Metody badan jakościowych, t. 1.i t 2.

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN: Warszawa.

Dariusz Kubinowski (2010). Jakościowe badania pedagogiczne. Filozofia – metodyka –

ewaluacja, Wydawnictwo UMCS: Lublin.

Dariusz Kubinowski (2013). Rozwój badań jakościowych w pedagogice polskiej na przełomie

XX i XXI wieku, Wydawnictwo Makmed: Lublin.

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