Minutes - Its Difference With Agenda

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Compare and Contrast Between Minutes and Agenda

Agenda Minutes
Agenda is the preliminary plan of a Minutes are written after the meeting is
meeting over, focusing the findings and
discussions of a meeting
Agenda refers to the basic points which Minutes state the proceedings of a
are to be discussed in a meeting formal meeting
We come across the names of the Here we come across the detailed
members attending the meeting discussion, names of the speakers and
their ideas or perspective
In an agenda we come to know about In minutes we come to know about the
the ideas or planning or goals or targets execution and responsibility too.
Agenda tries to give a shape to the Minutes help to execute the required
meeting and tries to keep it within the responsibilities and provides the
professional boundary framework for job progress
There will be a list of attendees in There will be a list of attendees in
agenda along with their designation minutes along with their designation
An agenda ends with a welcome note A minute ends with a note of thanks
The time, date and venue is clearly The time date and venue is clearly
stated in an agenda stated in minutes
An agenda is circulated internally Minutes is circulated among the
among the members, who are attendees
requested or required to attend the

Important points to be considered while preparing Minutes

Meeting minutes can be defined as written or recorded documentation that is used
to inform people of what happened during the meeting and define the next step
To write effective meeting minutes you should include:
1) The names of the participants
2) Agenda items
3) Calendar or due dates
4) Actions or tasks
5) The main points
6) Decisions made by the participants
7) Record what is the most important points
8) Future decisions
9) Documents: images, attached files

Minutes of Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Program/Area: [Insert program/area with which the project is affiliated]
Meeting Purpose: [Insert name or purpose of meeting]
Meeting Date: <mm/dd/yyyy>
Meeting Time: [Insert time]
Meeting Location: [Insert location]
Meeting Facilitator: [List names]
Attendees: [List names]
Minutes Issued By: [Insert name of issuer]

Next Steps: (Task, Assigned to, Checkpoint Date) Owner Due Date

[Insert next step]

[Insert next step]

Decisions Made: (What, Why, Impacts)

1. [List and describe decision made]

o [Provide additional description of or information about the decision]
Decisions Made: (What, Why, Impacts)

2. [List and describe decision made]

o [Provide additional description of or information about the decision]

Discussion: (Items/Knowledge Shared)

[Itemize and describe discussion point]

 [Provide additional details about the discussion]

[Itemize and describe discussion point]

 [Provide additional details about the discussion]

PARKING LOT: [Describe any items that may have been deferred for a later discussion]
1. [Itemize and describe parking lot topic]


Conference Agenda

[Time am/pm] to [Time am/pm] [Event name]

[Time am/pm] to [Time am/pm] [Event name]

[Time] [To add a row to any table, just click in an adjacent

row and then, on the Table Tools Layout tab of the
ribbon, choose an Insert option.]
[Time] [Event name]
[Presenter Name 1, Company]
[Presenter Name 2, Company]

[Time] [For quick access to any text formatting you see in

this document, on the Home tab, check out the Styles



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