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1. Can you see an improvement in your own writing throughout this semester?

If so,
describe that improvement and how it developed. If not, describe how areas of
improvement could be better addressed in this course.

This class has definitely improved my writing skills. I have always been decent at writing things
like research papers and emails, but I’ve never had the chance to write a white paper or a memo
before this semester. I feel much more knowledgeable about these concepts than when I started
this class. I am certain that the feedback I received on our projects, specifically my white paper
and memo, can be used as I further my career in communications. I have always had a hard time
using filler words in my writing but this class taught me a lot about finding good sources so filler
words are needed.

2. What was your goal for this course, and did you meet it? If so, how did that happen?
If not, how do you think the course could be revised to better help other students meet
that goal?

I was hoping this class would teach me about the writing tools used in workplaces. I believe this
class delivered on this. I really appreciate that we learned about writing resumes, emails, memos,
presentations, and more. The content in the class was all high-quality and applicable in the real
world, which I appreciate greatly. I really liked that we had editing groups to work on
assignments with. It was great for me to have to communicate with classmates on these
assignments since all my other classes were online this semester. I also found the class lectures
to be informative and helpful in teaching us about the projects. I really like the fact that we had
to create a website for our portfolio. I have always wanted to make a blog but I didn’t know how
to go about it. Between the writing tips I’ve learned in the class and the information we were
given about starting a website, I feel much closer to making that dream a reality!

3. Which assignment are you most proud of and why? If you could add any assignment
to this course, what would it be? If you could edit any assignment in this course, what
would it be?

I am proud of all the assignments I worked on over the semester, but I am most proud of my
Engagement Project. I had never worked on anything AR before, so everything was new to me. I
was able to quickly learn about AR elements and the Blippar software. I also turned my written
content into audio elements for the project. I had a really fun time working on it! It was
definitely confusing at first, especially the SketchFab elements, but I am happy with what I came
up with. If I could change an assignment in this class, it would either be the white paper or the
presentation. The white paper formatting was really confusing to me. It may be beneficial to
provide a few extra positive student examples of white papers to help visual learners with the
assignment. I would love to not have to participate in presentations, however I know that public
speaking is a really important skill to have. The only suggestion I have is to possibly allow
students to use notecards. I think this could be beneficial to students since they may get nervous
and lose their spot. I really did enjoy the assignments we did in the class. They were time
consuming, but they were very informative and educational.

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