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Part of speech


S+V+O sp1 part of speech

S+O+V sp2


1.verbo infinitivo:

To play

C: i like to Play

E: i like / play
2.simple tenses +3ra persona singular

Simple present SP: VERBE

i play
you play
he play
she play
it play
we play
they play

ch terminación
sh = +”es”

Simple past

S past : verbe + _ “ED”

I played
He played ¡¡ NOHAY “S”
Simple future

S future = will + verbe

I will play

He will play


Participio presente

To be +V_ing

Is / are / am

Was / were * playing

Will be

1. presente continuo

I am playing
You are playing
He/ she / it is playing
We / they playing
2. pasado continuo

I was playing
You were playing
He / she / it was playing
We / there were playing

3. futuro continuo

I will be playing
You will be playing
He / she / it will be playing
We / there will be playing


To have + v_ ED

have / has = presente

had = pasado
will have = futuro ¡= verbo en pasado simple

1.Presente perfecto

I have played = yo he jugado

He has played = el ha jugado
2. Pasado perfecto

I had played = yo había jugado

You had played
He / she / it had played
We had played
They had played

3. Futuro perfecto

I will have played = yo habre jugado

( By the time )
By the time my wife comes home, i will be have
cleaned the house.


1. Should = debería I should work

2. Could = podría I could work

3. would = ----- ia I would work – trabajaría

4. can = poder / puedo

5. will = futuro
6. have to = tener que…

7. need to = necesitar hacer algo

8. might = quizá (-)

9. might = quizá (+)

10. must = deber

11. shall = deber ( asunto legal o contrato)

12. ought to = deber (obligación moral )

13. used to = solia

14. to be able to = ser capaz de …

(I am able to at more)



= To have + Been + V_ ing

1.presente perfecto continuo

I have been playing = yo he estado jugando

He has been playing

2.Pasado perfecto continuo

I had been playing =yo había estado jugando

He had been playing

3. futuro perfecto continuo

I will have been playing = yo habre estado jugando


Sujeto verbo objeto

The book s on the table

a will
My be
His was

The book i son the table under the camp

(* Seepch development)

1. At = a / al
2. On = sobre
3. In = en / dentro de
4. For = para
5. By = por
6. To = a (dirección)
7. Of = de
8. With = con
9.With out = sin
10. after = después
11. before = antes
12. from = de
13. since = desde
14. until =hasta
15. between = entre ( 2 cosas o 2 personas)
16. near = cerca
17. closed to = cerca de..
18. next to = a lado de..
19. On top of = arriba de ..
20. Over = por encima
21. above = encima
22. in the middle = en el medio
23. in front of = enfrente de
24. behind = detrás
25. under = abajo
26. underneath = por debajo
27. beneath = debajo (literatura)
28. beyond = mas alla
29. across = cruzando
30. about = a cerca de …
31. around = alrededor
32. according to = según
33. a long = a lo largo / orilla
34. beside = junto a .. (personas)
35. besides = a parte
36. toward / s = hacia
37. through = a través
38. through out = a través ( tiempo)
39. aside (from) = a parte (formal)
40. forward = hacia delante
41. backward = hacia atrás
42. upward = hacia arriba
43. downward = hacia abajo
44. outside = afuera
45. inside = adentro
46. in to = en (in to the box)
47. upon = “sobre”
48. on to = sobre ( cosas inmateriales )
49. within = in/en ( dentro de los limites )
50. among = entre ( solo para mas de 2 personas)
51. amid = entre (solo para mas de 2 cosas )
52. while = mientras
53. unless = al menos que
54. like = como
55. unlike = al contrario de..
56. despite = a pesar de..
57. in sipite of = a pesar de..
58. via = atraves (pueblos )
59. per = por (dinero con un numero)
60. circa = cerca (jurídico)
61. on the right = a la derecha
62. on the left = a la izquierda
63. during = durante

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