CC Microfiltration Broschüre 20120926 Englis CH Mailversion

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CC Microfiltration – The advantages

• Reduction of wear / malfunctions

• Reduction of maintenance and labour costs
• Simultaneous filtration of solid particles and water contamination
• High dirt and water retention capacity
• Very good price / performance ratio
• Slows down oil ageing
• Minimizes corrosion and cavitation
• Higher machine availability

Development of costs:

With Without
Microfiltration Microfiltration
Co sts

Average costs

Machine Life Time

Application Possibilities and Connection Recommendation (Hydraulic)

Hydraulic System
CC Microfiltration
By-pass filter rig
e. g. 4S-700ED-CW

By-pass Filter C
In-Line B
SDU-H350 In-Line By-pass Filter
HP-Filter SDU-H8




H y d r a u l i c Ta n k

A External filter rig, always connected in the by-pass

B By-pass filter, always connected in the by-pass of the pressure protected return line,
min. pressure 1 bar, max. pressure 6 bar
C By-pass filter, always connected in the by-pass at any place in the hydraulic system, where a
defined quantity can be taken away, max. pressure 350 bar
D Return line, always connected in the by-pass directly back to the tank, no pressure,
line as short as possible
E High pressure
F Low pressure

CC Microfiltration History
The history of by-pass Times have changed CC Microfiltration
oil microfiltration

The principle of by-pass The still booming economy CC Microfiltration fine filter
oil microfiltration has been in the majority of cases is systems have been develo-
known for more than 50 accompanied by resources ped for the maintenance of
years. which are becoming more hydraulic and lubricating oils
Many people wonder why and more scarce. in the by-pass.
this technology has not The depletion of crude oil CC Microfiltration depth fil-
found its way into main- and its dramatic price incre- ters eliminate solid particles,
stream manufacturing. There ase are the changes that contaminants having an ab-
are hardly any technically are felt most negatively. The rasive and catalytic effect as
plausible explanations that same dramatic depletion well as water with excellent
object. So we can only and price increase applies efficiency.
suspect that the technology to many other raw materials CC Microfiltration oil mainte-
of the oil microfiltration for some of which there are nance is a very good way to
in the by-pass has been no substitutes. Now there is slow down oil ageing, extend
suppressed for marketing an increased development oil change intervals and
and/or political reasons. In of products which are suita- protect construction com-
times of booming economy, ble to preserve the materials ponents. Longer oil change
when luxury and consump- and save resources. By-pass intervals also stand for the
tion developed dynamically, oil filters currently are not a protection of resources and
maybe it seemed pitiful to superfluous luxury but impe- less waste oil. This is active
develop technologies for rative necessity. environmental protection.
the protection of ressources
and materials. This would
have been a contrast to the
relentless consumption.

Data & Facts

Classification of the contamination page 6 – 7

Origin of the contamination page 8 – 9
Water contamination in the oil page 10 - 11

Contamination Classification Cleanliness Classes according to ISO 4406 and NAS 1638

Range of results CC Microfiltration

100 x magnification ISO 4406/1999 14/12/9 ISO 4406/1999 15/13/10

1 scale mark = 10µm NAS 1638/1964 3 NAS 1638/1964 4

Contamination Classification Cleanliness Classes according to ISO 4406 and NAS 1638

Code Number of particles / 100 ml

ISO 4406 ≥ 4 µm ≥ 6 µm ≥ 14 µm NAS 1638

23/21/18 8.000.000 2.000.000 250.000 12

Very contaminated
22/20/18 4.000.000 1.000.000 250.000 — Breakdowns inescapable!

22/20/17 4.000.000 1.000.000 130.000 11

22/20/16 4.000.000 1.000.000 64.000 —
21/19/16 2.000.000 500.000 64.000 10
20/18/15 1.000.000 250.000 32.000 9
19/17/14 500.000 130.000 16.000 8 Min. required Cleanliness Class for
high pressure / servo hydraulic
18/16/13 250.000 64.000 8.000 7
17/15/12 130.000 32.000 4.000 6
16/14/12 64.000 16.000 4.000 —
16/14/11 64.000 16.000 2.000 5
15/13/10 32.000 8.000 1.000 4 Range of results CC Microfiltration
14/12/9 16.000 4.000 500 3
13/11/8 8.000 2.000 250 2
12/10/8 4.000 1.000 250 —
12/10/7 4.000 1.000 130 1
12/10/6 4.000 1.000 64 —

Range of results CC Microfiltration

ISO 4406/1999 16/14/11 ISO 4406/1999 17/15/12 ISO 4406/1999 18/16/13

NAS 1638/1964 5 NAS 1638/1964 6 NAS 1638/1964 7

Contamination Classification according to NAS 1638-01/1964 (extended to particle range 2–5 µm)

NAS- Number of particles / 100 ml Contamination

Class Content*

2 – 5 µm 5 – 15 µm 15 – 25 µm 25 – 50 µm 50 – 100 µm > 100 µm [mg/l]

00 625 125 22 4 1 0 —
0 1.250 250 44 8 2 0 0,01
1 2.500 500 88 16 3 1 —
2 5.000 1.000 178 32 6 1 —
3 10.000 2.000 356 63 11 2 —
4 20.000 4.000 712 126 22 4 0,1
5 40.000 8.000 1.425 253 45 8 —
6 80.000 16.000 2.850 506 90 16 0,2
7 160.000 32.000 5.700 1.012 180 32 0,5
8 320.000 64.000 11.400 2.025 360 64 1
9 640.000 128.000 22.800 4.050 720 128 3
10 1.280.000 256.000 45.600 8.100 1.440 256 5
11 2.560.000 512.000 91.200 16.200 2.880 512 7–10
12 5.120.000 1.024.000 182.400 32.400 5.760 1.024 20
13 — 2.048.000 364.800 64.800 11.520 2.048 40
14 — 4.096.000 729.000 129.600 23.040 4.096 80

*Contamination according to ACFTD (Air Cleaner Fine Test Dust)

Contamination Classification Cleanliness Classes according to ISO 4406 and NAS 1638

Range of results CC Microfiltration

100 x magnification ISO 4406/1999 19/17/14 ISO 4406/1999 20/18/15

1 scale mark = 10µm NAS 1638/1964 8 NAS 1638/1964 9

Origin of the contamination 48 x magnification / 1 scale mark = 45 µm

Origin of the particles:

Mostly rust and wear particles

High wear as well as malfunctions at pumps and valves

Origin of the particles:

Ageing products of the oil

Accumulation of dirt, filter blocking and system failures

Origin of the particles:

Metal cutting

High wear as well as malfunctions at pumps and valves,
damage of seals, leakages

ISO 4406/1999 21/19/16 ISO 4406/1999 22/20/17 ISO 4406/1999 23/21/18
NAS 1638/1964 10 NAS 1638/1964 11 NAS 1638/1964 12

48 x magnification / 1 scale mark = 45 µm

Origin of the particles:

Damage particles of bronze, brass or copper

Imminent total breakdown, high wear as well as
malfunctions at pumps and valves and damage of

Origin of the particles:

Silicate (e.g. quartz), ambient contamination (ventilation)

System failures and high wear at components, high wear
of seals

Origin of the particles:

Fibres, assembly contamination, cleaning rag, etc.

Obstruction of the nozzles, leakages at the valves

Water contamination in the oil
Water content in hydraulic oils

Water content Max. tolerable Recommendation:

Fluid type in new oil value filtration starting at
(harmless) (acc. to known norms)

HLP 100 – 400 ppm 500 ppm > 400 ppm


400 – 700 ppm 1.000 ppm > 900 ppm

Filtration of water with Microfiltration water content according to DIN 51777

Initial situation: Result:

100 ml water are added to After 20 min. Microfiltration:
20 litres hydraulic oil good new oil quality
Filtration of water
Water content: 5.140 ppm with e.g. 4S-700ED-CW Water content: 160 ppm

Effects of the water content in the oil during storage time

% 0.0025 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.50
Remaining storage time





ppm 25 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 5.000

Based on 100% storage time with 0,01 % i.e. 100 ppm water in the oil
Source: «Machine Design» July 86, «How Dirt and Water affect Bearing Life», Timken Bearing Co.

Water contamination in the oil – Causes & effects

Even before being put into use, oils are at risk of water contamination during transportation and storage.
Often mistakes are made when storing the oil; when upright containers (particularly drums) are stored outside
or during loading water can collect on top of the container. As ambient temperatures rise and fall, moisture
can be drawn into the barrel via the barrel caps.

During operation, water can get into the oil through openings on the tank, as condensation from the air, or
through worn cylinders and seals. Condensation is the most common cause of water contamination in oil
during operation, especially in the case of mobile machinery operating outdoors, where water vapour can
condense in the tank every time the system cools down.

If equipment is relatively static this often leads to rust and other corrosion problems, especially above the oil
level. As soon as there is a higher amount of water in the oil microorganisms begin to grow. The result is the
accumulation of sludge and a change in viscosity. The first signs of a problem are an unpleasant smell and
a change in colour (clouding of the oil).

Higher water content > 0.05 resp. 0.1 % in the hydraulic oil causes:

• Speeds up the ageing of the oil (hydrolysis)

• Deterioration of the lubricating characteristics
• Speeds up corrosion and cavitation
• Shortens the life span of the seals
• Deterioration of the filterability

CC Microfiltration – Application Examples:
Mobile and stationary Oil maintenance at Filtration and maintenance
hydraulic plants test benches of quenching oils

The high purchasing costs The microfiltration of the oil in With a clean quenching oil
for hydraulically driven plants the by-pass at test benches the surface quality of the
presume a long period of should be considered as in- treated workpiece is being
utilization. The high produc- dispensable. The test pieces improved. The workpieces
tivity of the plant can only unavoidably bring considera- are bringing big quantities
successfully be achieved, ble quantities of contaminati- of contamination into the oil
if system failures, wear and on of different origins into the bath. This contamination can
breakdowns can be avoided. oil. be considerable. Therefore
Valves and pumps for examp- At the same time identical for this application we re-
le are the components which testing conditions should ap- commend CC Microfiltration
are most liable for wear. With ply for a longer period of time. filter rigs with installed large
CC Microfiltration in the by- The excellent separation rate pre-filter and washable filter
pass most of the harmful con- and dirt retention capacity of bags. The superfine particles
tamination is eliminated. This the CC Microfiltration cart- are absorbed by the CC
considerably abets the longer ridges guarantee the best oil Microfiltration depth filters.
life-time of the components. cleanliness and failure-free This results into the further
Internal leakages generated testing cycles even with high advantage that the quenching
by wear cause higher opera- and frequent strain. process is being realised in
ting temperatures and a loss For the oil maintenance at a more controlled way and
of performance, in the worst test benches we recommend therefore the time and effort
case up to 20%. filter rigs with electronic mo- for finishing decreases. The
CC Microfiltration in the nitoring and integrated par- cooling units are contamina-
by-pass is efficient for the ticle counter. ted less or not even at all.
preservation of the perfor-

Filtration and maintenance
of turbine oils

In practically every type of

turbine, contamination and
water can infiltrate into the oil
circuits. Steam turbines fre-
quently are operated with a
set "warning value" reacting
as soon as 300ppm water
are reached. At gas turbines
the high operating tempe-
ratures favour the oxidation
and gumming of the oil. At
water turbines – beside the
infiltration due to failures –
condensed water is one of
the causes for increased wa-
ter contamination.
CC filter rigs (some of them
have integrated separators)
remove harmful contamina-
tion and particularly water
from turbine, lubricating and
hydraulic oils. In this way
cost-intensive breakdowns
can be reduced considerably.
CC Filter rigs can be adjus-
ted to the particular require-
ments of turbine oil filtration
and equipped with respecti- CC Filter Rigs
ve monitoring units.
Compact Filter Rigs page 14
Filter Rigs for workshop & industry page 16
By-pass Filter Rigs 24 (12) V page 20

Compact filter rigs for universal deployment
The CC filter rigs of the Filter cartridges: Recommendation:
production series 1S-140PG With the standard CCFCS Please observe the
to 3S-700B are suitable for filter cartridges all mineral respective application
the cleaning and filling of oil based and synthetic, non recommendations on page
machines with oil content up water soluble lubricating and 35 – whenever possible
to 1,000 litres. hydraulic oils up to 200 cSt. choose the more powerful
The system cleaning is (indication of performance rig. Smaller filter rigs have
always carried out by at 40 cSt.) as well as diesel their application entitlement
connecting the filter rigs in fuels, RME and fuel oil can due to reasons of space or
an independent by-pass be filtered. weight and when employed
loop. For the hydraulic For filtration of water mixable for continuous utilization.
connection of the filter fluids CCFCS-P cartridges Depending on the level of
rigs, the connection points have to be used. (see page initial contamination repeated
and connection elements 29) passes of the oil volume
are preferably chosen to through the system are
allow the filtration while necessary in order to reach
the systems, that are to be the best possible cleanliness
cleaned, are in operation. class.
The filtration time depends
on the viscosity and the level
of fluid contamination.

1S-140PG FR-CC-2 2S-500ED 3S-700B

Technical Data

1S-140PG FR-CC-2 2S-500ED 3S-700B

Volt 230 230 230 / 380 230
KW 0,18 0,37 0,18 0,18
Amps 1,6 3,0 2,2 / 0,7 2,2
RPM 1350 1380 1425 1425
Protection IP 55 IP 55 IP 65 IP 55

Filtration / litres / h 40 cSt. 120 300 500 700
Pump transfer / litres / h 40 cSt. 140 - 700 700
Admissible operating temperature 10 - 70 °C 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C
Suction lift 5,5 m 5,5 m 5,5 m 5,5 m

Length mm 340 520 695 740
Width mm 220 550 590 560
Heigth mm 619 1000 1000 965
Without handles mm - 780 780 585
Weight kg 22 40 60 55

1x 2x 2x 3x
Housing type FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272 FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272 FLT-HSG-SDU-F1291 FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272
Cartridge type: micro cartridge 1 x CCFCS 1 x CCFCS 2 x CCFCS 3 x CCFCS
Pre-filter: small – fitted - FLT-STR-Y-3/4-PLY FLT-STR-T-3/4-PLY FLT-STR-T-3/4-PLY
large – fitted - - - -
Integrated particle
- - counter with water
monitor (C)
2 Water monitors
Special options - - before and after the -
filter (W)
Integrated Integrated
- -
pre-heater (PH) pre-heater (PH)
3-phase motor 3-phase motor
- - Large prefilter Large prefilter
Flow meter Flow meter

Filter rigs for workshop and industrial deployment
The CC filter rigs of the pro- The BSR filter rigs have
duction series FR-CC-4 to been developed for the au-
9S-2200E are suitable for the tomatic cleaning of oil in sys-
cleaning and filling of sys- tems that are used only from
tems with medium or large time to time.
oil volumes (500 to 20.000 Rarely used systems of-
litres). The filtration time de- ten have the problem that
pends on the viscosity (max. the hydraulic fluids become
200 cSt.) and level of fluid contaminated due to long
contamination. The CC filter standby and short operating
rigs are based on establis- times. A frequent problem is
hed filter technology. Solid water contamination, which
particles down to 1 µm are can either be caused by con-
filtered out, water is being densation or can get into the
absorbed from the oil and systems via the hydraulic
bound in the filter cartridge. cylinders. A sensor for the
(only with CCFCS filter cart- monitoring of the water con-
ridges) tamination (BSRW) can be
installed. The BSR filter rigs
include a connection for the
remote control.

4S-700ED-CW* 6S-1500ED

Technical Data

FR-CC-4 4S-700ED 6S-1500ED

Volt 230 230 / 380 230 / 380
KW 0,37 0,18 0,37
Amps 3,0 2,2 / 0,7 4 / 1,3
RPM 1380 1425 1425
Protection IP 55 IP 65 IP 65

Filtration / litres / h 40 cSt. 420 600 / 2,6 bar 1500 / 2,6 bar
Pump transfer / litres / h 40 cSt. - 700 1600
Admissible operating temperature 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C
Suction lift 5,5 m 5,5 m 5,5 m

Length mm 770 955 1185
Width mm 550 590 595
Heigth mm 1000 1000 1000
Without handles mm 780 780 780
Weight kg 95 100 115

Housing type 4x 4x 6x

Cartridge type: micro cartridge 4 x CCFCS 4 x CCFCS 6 x CCFCS

Pre-filter: small – fitted FLT-STR-Y-3/4-PLY - -

large – fitted - FLT-HSG-GO9-F1514-SS FLT-HSG-GO9-F1514-SS

Integrated particle counter Integrated particle counter

- with water monitor (C) with water monitor (C)
Special options 2 Water monitors, before 2 Water monitors, before
and after the filter (W) and after the filter (W)
Integrated pre-heater Integrated pre-heater
- (PH) (PH)
3-phase motor 3-phase motor
- Large prefilter Large prefilter
Flow meter Flow meter

* Picture shows special options

6S-1500ED-CW* 9S-2200E 3S-700BSRW

6S-1500ED-CW 9S-2200E 3S-700BSRW

Volt 230 / 380 230 230
KW 0,37 1,1 0,18
Amps 4 / 1,3 4,6 2,3 / 0,7
RPM 1425 1425 1425
Protection IP 65 IP 55 IP 55

Filtration / litres / h 40 cSt. 1500 / 2,6 bar 2200 / 2,6 bar 500
Pump transfer / litres / h 40 cSt. 1600 3000 700
Admissible operating temperature 10 - 60 °C 0 - 80 °C 10 - 60 °C
Suction lift 5,5 m 5,5 m 5,5 m

Length mm 1185 1200 825
Width mm 590 820 300
Heigth mm 1000 1000 712
Without handles mm 780 780 -
Weight kg 115 230 63

6x 9x 3x
Housing type

Cartridge type: micro cartridge 6 x CCFCS 9 x CCFCS 3 x CCFCS

Pre-filter: small – fitted - - -

large – fitted FLT-HSG-GO9-F1514-SS FLT-HSG-GO9-F1514-SS -
Integrated particle
- -
counter with water
Options monitor (C)
2 Water monitors, before Integrated water
and after the filter (W)
- monitor (W)
Integrated pre-heater Integrated particle coun- -
(PH) ter with water monitor
Special options
2 Water monitors, before
- -
and after the filter (W)

3-phase motor 3-phase motor

Flow meter -
Flow meter

* Picture shows special options

By-pass filter rigs with 24 (12) V drive
Cleaning hydraulic oil in Cleaning with a CC by- It is important to observe
mobile hydraulic systems pass filter rig is essential that during filtration, all
during system operation, is after system noise has oc- system functions are car-
the most effective method curred, when the tempera- ried out intensely and fre-
to achieve system clean- ture or foaming of the fluid quently. Only if the entire
liness. CC Microfiltration rises as well as after a da- system volume is circula-
24V by-pass filter rigs are mage / repair. Contaminati- ted several times can it be
used for the cleaning of on remaining in the system ensured that the contami-
new machines (fabrication could cause further failures nation in the oil is removed
residues) and for conti- and increased wear. by the filter rig.
nuous oil maintenance in Recommendation:
used machines. Duration and frequency of
The construction is com- filtration (until the requi-
pact and robust. By red cleanliness class is
cleaning new machines reached) would depend on
(prior to use) you reduce the level of contamination,
the risk of system break- the type of contamination
downs due to contaminati- and the use of the machi-
on (production residues). ne.

1S-24V-250 2S-24V-500 3S-24V-700 4S-24V-1000

Technical Data

1S-24V-250 2S-24V-500 3S-24V-700 4S-24V-1000

12 Volt 24 Volt 12 Volt 24 Volt 24 Volt 24 Volt

Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation

Volt 12 24 12 24 24 24
KW 0,07 0,18 0,07 0,18 0,18 0,37
Amps 8,5 10,3 8,5 10,3 10,3 18
RPM 750 1500 750 1500 1500 1500
Protection IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55 IP 55

Filtration / litres / h 40 cSt. 125 250 250 500 600 1000
Pump transfer / litres / h 40 cSt. 350 700 350 700 700 1600
Admissible operating temperature 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C 10 - 60 °C
Suction lift 5,5 m 5,5 m 5,5 m 5,5 m

Length mm 430 575 816 750
Width mm 265 265 526 680
Heigth mm 450 450 465 425
Weight kg 30 40 85 94

Housing type 1 x FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272 2 x FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272 3 x FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272 4 x FLT-HSG-SDU-F1272
Cartridge type: micro cartridge 1 x CCFCS 2 x CCFCS 3 x CCFCS 4 x CCFCS

Special options Anti-Vibration-Kit Anti-Vibration-Kit Anti-Vibration-Kit Anti-Vibration-Kit

CC By-pass filters
The decades of success of By-pass filters CC By-pass filters for
our company with the micro- High pressure connection motor oil
filtration certainly is based on By-pass filters with the de- With CC Microfiltration mo-
the continuous development signation H350 / H300 can tor oil by-pass filtration, oil
and adaptation to the rising be connected to all hydraulic change intervals can be ex-
requirements. The construc- systems under the following tended by at least 3 to more
tion components used in mo- conditions: than 10 times. The oil protec-
dern and efficient machines 1. Inlet pressure up to max. ting CC filtration is designed
can only permanently main- 350/300 bar in a way that water and solid
tain their accurate productive 2. Return line needs to particles up to 1 µm are eli-
efficiency with clean opera- have double the internal minated without negatively
ting fluids. CC by-pass filters diameter of the inlet line affecting the additivation of
offer a cost-efficient and up and lead directly into the the lubricant.
to date possibility to protect tank – no back pressure. Long term field trials in trucks
operating materials and com- 3. It needs to be possible to have proven multiple times
ponents. The installation is take 2 (BM2) or 4 (BM4) that high quality motor oils
possible with a justifiable ef- litres of oil from the con- supported by CC by-pass fil-
fort in the majority of the sys- nection point without ne- tration are able to be in use
tems. With CC by-pass filters gative effects for the ma- for more than 500.000 km wi-
oil change intervals can be chine functioning. thout change.
extended. When using the same filters
The main advantages howe- By-pass filter without high in mobile working machinery
ver can be found in the func- pressure protection the motor oil change intervals
tional and technical area. By-pass filter units with the may be extended to more
By eliminating the contami- designation H8 can only be than 2,000 operating hours.
nants with abrasive effect connected to a system with
(solid particles) the mecha- pressure if it is ensured that
nical wear is minimized; by the pressure in the inlet line
eliminating the contaminants will not exceed an average
with catalytic effect (water pressure of 4 or in peak cases
and metal parts) the oxida- 8 bar. The return line also has
tive-catalytic reactions are to lead directly to the tank.
strongly decelerated.

Connection schematic for all types of H8 filters

Radiator / Filter

Hydraulic plants
3,5 bar

CC by-pass filter H8

Hydraulic tank

Connection schematic for all types of H350 (H300) filters

max. 0,5 bar

Hydraulic plants

NW 12/15L T1
Radiator / Filter

3,5 bar SDU-H8 SDU-H8
Main filter 2nd filter

min. level
Hydraulic tank

max. 350 bar 2 l/min. +2 l/min.


Connection schematic for a motor

CC by-pass filter

Pressure / IN

Return / OUT

Installation recommendation for hydraulic oil by-pass filter

The place of installation is to be chosen to ensure that the return line is as short as possible (to avoid back pres-
sure). The by-pass filter is to be installed above the oil level. If this is not possible, it is necessary to install a check
valve with minimal response pressure to the return line in order to avoid the oil flowing backwards when the filter
cartridge is changed.

To be observed when installing the H350 (H300) series

All by-pass filter units with the designation H350/H300 can be connected to all hydraulic systems under the
following conditions:

1. Inlet pressure up to max. 350 / 300 bar

2. Return line needs to have double the internal diameter of the inlet line and lead directly into the
tank – no back pressure
3. It needs to be possible to take 2 (BM2) or 4 (BM4) litres of oil from the connection point without
negative effects for the system function

HDU-H300 SDU-(H/M)8

Technical Data

SDU-H350 SDU-H350 RK-TWIN 4S-350-C12

Filter type Fitting recommendations litres / h Filter cartridge Dimensions Connection thread Weight
5 bar
Height Ø
at 40 cSt. IN OUT
in mm in mm
By-pass filter for hydraulic and
motor oil
2 – 6 bar inlet pressure External thread
SDU-(H/M)8 Back pressure – no pressure 180 CCFCS 311 239 7,5
1/4“ BSP
System content hydraulic oil 400 ltrs /
motor oil 40 ltrs and/or 400 KW

By-pass filter for hydraulic oil

SDU-H350 5 – 350 bar inlet pressure 120 Internal thread External thread
CCFCS 311 239 9
BM2 (BM4) Back pressure – no pressure (240) M 12 x 1,5 M 18 x 1,5
System content hydraulic oil 400 ltrs

By-pass filter for hydraulic oil Width 484 Internal thread External thread
SDU-H350 RK-TWIN 240 286 ---
5 – 350 bar inlet pressure Depth 235 M 12 x 1,5 15L
Back pressure – no pressure CCFCS 22
System content hydraulic oil > 400 480 Width 570 Internal thread External thread
2S-350-C8 349
ltrs. up to 1000 ltrs. Depth 217 3/4“ BSP 3/4“ BSP
By-pass filter for hydraulic oil
5 – 350 bar inlet pressure
Back pressure – no pressure 720 Width 635 Internal thread External thread
4S-350-C12 CCFCS 349 52
System content hydraulic oil Depth 447 3/4“ BSP 3/4“ BSP
> 1000 ltrs. up to 3000 ltrs.

By-pass filter for hydraulic oil

5 – 350 bar inlet pressure Width 865 Internal thread External thread
6S-350-C16 Back pressure – no pressure 960 CCFCS 349 81
Depth 447 3/4“ BSP 3/4“ BSP
System content hydraulic oil >
3000 ltrs.
By-pass filter for hydraulic oil
5 – 350 bar inlet pressure
Internal thread External thread
HDU-H300 Back pressure – no pressure 120 CCFCH 272 190 6,0
M 12 x 1,5 M 18 x 1,5
System content hydraulic oil 200 ltrs

By-pass filter for hydraulic and motor

2 – 6 bar inlet pressure
External thread
HDU-(H/M)8 Back pressure – no pressure 120 CCFCH 272 190 4,5
1/4“ BSP
System content hydraulic oil 200 ltrs /
motor oil 30 l and/or 300 KW

By-pass filter for hydraulic and motor

2 – 6 bar inlet pressure
External thread
LDU-(H/M)8 Back pressure – no pressure 70 CCFCL 245 145 2,5
1/4“ BSP
System content hydraulic oil 100 ltrs /
motor oil 15 l and/or 150 KW

By-pass filter for hydraulic and

motor oil
2 – 6 bar inlet pressure
External thread
MDU-50 Back pressure – no pressure 50 CCFCM 220 90 1,1
1/4“ BSP
System content hydraulic oil 50 ltrs /
motor oil 10 l and/or 100 KW

CC filter cartridges
The CC filter cartridges are high. The flow rate depends thetic or mineral oil based
depth filters. on the viscosity and the oils and fuels.
The filter medium is made of temperature (VT) as well as For filtration of several wa-
long fibre cellulose, polypro- the level of contamination. ter mixable working, lubrica-
pylene and polyester. The filtration is carried out ting and hydraulic fluids as
Particularly the high quality at a low pressure range bet- well as filtration of fluids not
cellulose and the specially ween min. 1 and 4 bar to being compatible with paper
aligned construction of the protect the oil. By elimina- (cellulose) filter elements,
filter housing ensure a very ting the abrasive and cata- adequate cartridges made
effective elimination of wa- lytic contamination, wear is of polypropylene (code let-
ter and solid particles up to minimized and the oxidati- ter “P”) are available.
1 µm. In the filter cartridge ve-catalytic reactions in the
the bound water frequently oil decelerated.
(especially with large quan- The CC filter cartridges
tities) is visible as a whitish CCFCS, CCFCH, CCFCL
“sludge“. The contaminati- and CCFCM are suitable
on retention capacity (solid for filtration of all non water
particles and water) is very soluble, fully or partially syn-

CC depth filters, a highly efficient filtration

Own studies as well as stu- The principle: The oil is oil decomposition products
dies realised at indepen- flowing axially through the are being accumulated in the
dent scientific institutes and CC filter cartridge from the polar areas of the cellulose
particularly practical results top and spreads through the meshwork. At the same time
prove that with depth filter inner part of the filter cart- this way neither in a mechani-
cartridges, a very good clean- ridge to the bottom. cal nor in a chemical way the
liness class can be reached. The micro - contaminants oil additives are influenced,
The cellulose fibres of the deposit within the filter mate- i. e. at no time additives are
CC filter cartridges compa- rial while the pressure is kept eliminated.
red with other filter media in a low range. At the same
offer significant advantages time water contents are ab-
(e. g. contemporaneous eli- sorbed (absorption principle)
mination of water and solid by the cellulose fibres. Even

VT-depending flow chart for CC filter cartridges
Test medium: Hydraulic oil HLP ISO 46 / operating pressure: 2 / 3 bar

SDU-H8/CCFCS- at 3bar
HDU-H8/CCFCH - at 3bar
4 HDU-H8/CCFCH - at 2bar
SDU-H8/CCFCS - at 2bar

Litres / min.

2 LDU-H8/CCFCL - at 3bar

LDU-H8/CCFCL - at 2bar

35°C 40°C 45°C 50°C 55°C 60°C 65°C 70°C 80°C 90°C
60 45 36 30 24 21 17 14 12 10
Temperature / cSt.

Functional schematic CC FILTER

Technical Data

Retention capacity (filtration efficiency) CC Microfiltration CCFCS filter cartridges




Particle size


4 Filtration efficiency

99,2 99,3 99,4 99,5 99,6 99,7 99,8 99,9 100

Beta value (%)

Based on the utilization of ISO MTD test particles the test results confirm that the CC Microfiltration filter cart-
ridges have a retention capacity of < 4 µm in the absolute range (ß4 ≥ 200)*. According to ISO 4572 (ACFTD)
this corresponds to a filter fineness of 1µm.
Due to the excellent retention capacities of the CC filter cartridges the employment is only suitable for by-pass
filters or in the specially designed filter rigs. The CC filter cartridges are built to eliminate solid particles and
water from the oil in a combined way.
Beta-value and filter fineness of the CC filter cartridges:
ß4 (ISO MTD) ≥ 200, corresponds to ß1 (ACFTD) ≥ 200, filter fineness: 1 (4) µm.

* Basic explanations to the retention ratio / Beta (ß) value

The term beta value (ß-value) indicates the filter efficiency. This value qualifies the measuring unit for indi-
cation of the filtration capability of a filter element. The beta value is used to indicate the filter efficiency in
percent, e.g. 2 (50%) until 1.000 (99,9%) and is valid for all particle sizes (x) or determined particle sizes (e.g.:
ß10 = particle ≥ micron).

n before the filter ≥ = x µm

The calculation formula for the beta value is: ßx =
n after the filter ≥ = x µm

n= the number of particle x= the particle size in µm

Type Application Retention Max. Height Ø Weight Packing Filter Filter

Dirt Water °C mm in mm in g unit Medium Fineness
in g. in ml

All CC filter rigs

up to Paper
CCFCS 780 95 112 195 1000 box of 6 + 1 µm nom.
By-pass filter 2500 ±5% Polyester
SDU-(H/M)8 / H350

By-pass filter up to 500 Paper

CCFCH 370 95 112 143 box of 12 + 1 µm nom.
HDU-(H/M)8 / H300 1000 ±5% Polyester

By-pass filter up to 225 Paper

CCFCL 230 95 112 103 box of 12 + 1 µm nom.
LDU-(H/M)8 600 ±5% Polyester

By-pass filter up to
CCFCM 95 95 112 72 100 box of 12 Paper 1 µm nom.
MDU-50 150

All CC filter rigs for Filt-

up to 1000 Poly-
CCFCS-P ration of water mixable - 90 112 195 box of 6 ≈ 5 µm
2500 ± 10 % propylen

Hydraulic and motor oil application

1. Long-term suitable oil

2. CC by-pass filter with installed ICC
3. ICC

Integrated Fluid Concept
The Integrated Fluid Con- tem failures, w e a r a n d filter becomes a contamina-
cept deals with the applica- breakdowns. Installed oil tion control and monitoring
tion areas of hydraulic and analysis sensors ensure the centre of the oil.
motor oil with the aim to re- best functional security.
duce costs and energy de- Advantages:
mand and in the ideal case By-pass filters with integ- • Higher operational safety
get to a stage where an oil rated On-Board Oil Analy- • Less system failures
change is not needed. For sis • Less wear
this concept we recommend For this concept ICC – Iden- • Less component
high performance fluids with tification Contamination Con- malfunctions
pronounced oxidation pro- trol as an On-Board Oil Ana- • Higher availability
tection and wear protection lysis system is directly being • Less operational costs
reserves. A higher environ- installed in the by-pass fil- • Simple handling and
mental friendliness can be ter unit. As an option in the maintenance
achieved by using products same filter unit, a particle • Data storage and remote
with bio-low-tox characte- counter can be added. The transmission is possible
ristics. In any case, long oil compact integration directly - optional
useful life can be achieved at the by-pass filter simplifies
by using CC Microfiltration. the application and the main-
Clean fluids mean less sys- tenance. The CC by-pass

SDU-8-ICC-x SDU-H-350-ICC-x SDU-H-350-ICC-x

Available units:

Type: Application: Included in delivery:

By-pass filter for hydraulic systems with system content up to • SDU filter housing with 1 CCFCS filter cartridge
400 l (H-version) or as motor oil by-pass filter (M-version) up to • 2 m connection lines, connection adapter and mounting
40 l motor oil content and/or 400 kW motor performance brackets with fittings
Inlet pressure between 1 and max. 6 bar • Integrated ICC flow container made from stainless steel
SDU-8-ICC-x Return line without pressure • ICC oil sensor
Integrated ICC flow container with ICC Sensor • Control panel with LED display and CAN-Bus
• 5 m connecting cable between sensor and control panel
• 2 m connecting cable for power connection

By-pass filter for hydraulic systems with system content up to • SDU filter housing with 1 CCFCS filter cartridge
400 l. • Pressure gauge with inlet pressure regulation 4 bar
Inlet pressure between 5 and max. 350 bar • and quantity regulation 2 l / minute
Return line without pressure • Mounting brackets with fittings
SDU-H350-ICC-x Integrated ICC flow container with ICC Sensor • Integrated ICC flow container made from stainless steel
• ICC oil sensor
• Control panel with LED display and CAN-Bus
• 5 m connecting cable between sensor and control panel
• 2 m connecting cable for power connection

• Compact unit with 2 SDU filter housings with 2 CCFCS filter

By-pass filter for hydraulic systems with system content cartridges
> 400 litres • Pressure gauge with inlet pressure regulation 4 bar and
Inlet pressure between 5 and max. 350 bar quantity regulation 4l / min.
Return line without pressure • Mounting brackets with fittings
SDU-H350 RK-TWIN-ICC-x Integrated ICC flow container with ICC Sensor. • Integrated ICC flow container made from stainless steel
• ICC oil sensor
• Control panel with LED display and CAN-Bus
• 5 m connecting cable between sensor and control panel
• 2 m connecting cable for power connection

ICC - Identification Oil-Test-Kit (OTK)
Contamination Control

Check Oil !
Check Oil

CC Oil Analysis Equipment

ICC CC Microfiltration Oil Test Kit

Identification Contamination Control (OTK)

ICC is an On-Board Oil Analysis The CC Microfiltration OTK is a

sensor which has been designed complete set for the taking of oil
for the monitoring of vital parame- samples and various oil analysis
ters that cause an application rele- steps which usually can be rea-
vant change of the fluid. These are lized only in a laboratory. For this
amongst others: purpose no other tools are requi-
• Contamination with water, red except those which are inclu-
solid particles or other oil ded in the CC OTK. For the hand-
types ling of the CC OTK only a basic
• Considerable changes in ad- understanding of oil is needed.
ditive content / condition The CC OTK is a mobile miniature
• Considerable changes in vis- laboratory. If a further and more
cosity and/or oil ageing extensive oil analysis is necessary
ICC is a capacitive sensor to read it is possible to send an oil sample
the oil quality in comparison to the to an oil laboratory. This way the
saved calibration. Based on the CC OTK develops from a mobile
change of the oil dielectric the oil miniature laboratory to a perfect
quality or contamination is shown. completion of an oil laboratory.
Most oil values are dependent on
each other. This also applies for
the contamination in the oil. The
measuring and analysis princip-
le of the ICC analyses the overall
condition and considers most of
the discrepancies without indica-
ting their quality individually. The
result is indicated on the control
panel (red, yellow, green).

Filter Rig for Coolant Lubricants


• Removes Tramp Oil Contamination

• Extends Coolant Life - Increase Machine Tool


• Controls Bacterial Growth And Reduces

Health Risks

• Minimal Running Costs - No Consumables

• One Unit Can Service An Entire Workshop

Technical Data

CC Microfiltration
Volt 230
KW 0.18
Amps 2.3
RPM 1425

Pump transfer / litres / h 40 cSt. max. 700 litres/h
Suction lift 5 meters

Length mm 750
Width mm 600
Heigth mm 1300
Weight kg 105

CC Microfiltration - Delivery range - Overview
Product Filter Voltage Pump Working
Application recommendation Performance pressure
description cartridge input source performance
in bar
Iitres/h class acc. to Iitres/h
40 cSt. 40 cSt.
Alternating current max.
ISO 4406
(1999) max.

CCFCS Small machines /

1S-140PG (box of 6) Oil system up to 400 litres
120 =15/13/10 230 V 120 2,5 m 2 - 4

CCFCS Medium sized machines /

FR-CC-2* (box of 6) Oil system up to 1.000 litres 300 =14/12/9 230 V - 5,5 m 2 - 4

CCFCS Medium sized machines / 230 V

2S-500ED 500 =14/12/9 700 5,5 m 2 - 4
(box of 6) Oil system up to 1.000 litres 380 V

CCFCS Medium sized machines /

3S-700B* (box of 6) Oil system up to 1.000 litres
700 =13/11/8 230 V 700 5,5 m 1 - 4

CCFCS Medium sized machines / 230 V -

FR-CC-4* (box of 6) Oil system up to 7.000 litres
420 =14/12/9 5,5 m 1,5 - 4

4S-700B* CCFCS Medium sized to large machines / 230 V

4S-700 700 =13/11/8 700 5,5 m 1,5 - 4
(box of 6) Oil system up to 7.000 litres 380 V
CCFCS Medium sized machines /
FR-CC-6* 780 =13/11/8 230 V - 5,5 m 1 - 4
(box of 6) Oil system up to 10.000 litres
6S-1500-ED CCFCS Large machines /
230 V
1600 5,5 m 1 - 4
6S-1500-ED-CW (box of 6) Oil system up to 10.000 litres 380 V
CCFCS Large machines /
9S-2200E (box of 6) Oil system up to 20.000 litres
2200 =13/11/8 230 V 3000 5,5 m 2 - 4

CCFCS Medium sized machines /

2S-500BSR/W (box of 6)
500 =14/12/9 230 V 700 5,5 m 2 - 4
Oil system up to 1.000 litres
CCFCS Medium sized machines /
3S-700BSR/W (box of 6)
700 =13/11/8 230 V 700 5,5 m 1 - 4
Oil system up to 1.000 litres

Filter rigs with pre-heater

CCFCS For filtration of cold oil, or oils
4S-700ED-PH (box of 6) having a higher viscosity
700 =13/11/8 230 V 700 5,5 m 1,5 - 4

6S-1500ED-PH CCFCS For filtration of cold oil, or oils 1500 =13/11/8 230 V 1600 5,5 m 1 - 4
(box of 6) having a higher viscosity

Direct current
• Cleaning of mobile equipment
CCFCS using the by-pass method whilst
1S-24V-250 250 =14/12/9 24 (12) V 700 5,5 m 2 - 4
(box of 6) working
• Oil system up to 250 litres

• Cleaning of mobile equipment

CCFCS using the by-pass method whilst
2S-24V-500 working
500 =13/11/8 24 (12) V 700 5,5 m 2 - 4
(box of 6)
• Oil system up to 1.500 litres

• Cleaning of mobile equipment

CCFCS using the by-pass method whilst
3S-24V-700 working 600 =13/11/8 24 V 700 5,5 m 2 - 4
(box of 6)
• Oil system up to 3.000 litres

• Cleaning of mobile equipment

CCFCS using the by-pass method whilst
4S-24V-1000 working 1000 =13/11/8 24 V 1600 5,5 m 2 - 4
(box of 6)
• Oil system up to > 3.000 litres

CCFCS By-pass filter for hydraulic or max. inlet x
SDU-(H/M)8 180 < 14/12/9 x 1 - 6
(box of 6) motor oil pressure 8 bar
SDU-H350 CCFCS By-pass filter for hydraulic oil 120
< 14/12/9
max. inlet
x 2 - 6
BM2 (BM4) (box of 6) (240) pressure 350 bar

CCFCH By-pass filter for hydraulic or max. inlet

HDU-(H/M)8 motor oil
120 < 14/12/9
pressure 8 bar x x 1 - 6
(box of 12)
CCFCH max. inlet
HDU-H 300 By-pass filter for hydraulic oil 120 < 14/12/9 x x 1 - 6
(box of 12) pressure 300 bar
CCFCL By-pass filter for hydraulic or max. inlet
LDU-(H/M)8 70 < 14/12/9
pressure 8 bar
x x 1 - 6
(box of 12) motor oil
CCFCM By-pass filter for hydraulic or max. inlet
MDU-50 (box of 12)
50 < 14/12/9 pressure 50 bar x x 1 - 5
motor oil
SDU-H350- CCFCS max. inlet
By-pass filter for hydraulic oil 240 < 14/12/9 x x 2 - 6
RK-TWIN (box of 6) pressure 350 bar
CCFCS max. inlet
2S-350-C8 By-pass filter for hydraulic oil 240 < 14/12/10 pressure 350 bar x x 2 - 6
(box of 6)

CCFCS max. inlet x

4S-350-C12 By-pass filter for hydraulic oil 480 < 14/12/11 x 2 - 6
(box of 6) pressure 350 bar
CCFCS max. inlet x x
6S-350-C16 (box of 6)
By-pass filter for hydraulic oil 720 < 14/12/12
pressure 350 bar 2 - 6

* basic model, without electronic controls ** depending on grade of contamination *** CCFCS filter cartridge 35
KLEENOIL PANOLIN AG D-79804 Dogern Tel. +49 7751 / 8383-0 Fax -29 © KLEENOIL PANOLIN AG -20120926 Subject to change ENGLISCH

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