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Materiales fragiles

Toughness can also be defined with respect to regions of a stress-strain diagram (for low strain
rate). The toughness is related to the area under the stress-strain curve. The stress-strain curve
measures toughness under a gradually increasing load. Tensile strength is measured in units of
joules per cubic meter (J · m −3 ) in the SI system. To be strong, a material must be both strong and
ductile. The following figure shows a typical stress-strain curve of a ductile material and a brittle
material. For example, brittle materials (such as ceramics) that are strong but have limited ductility
are not hard; conversely, very ductile materials with low strengths are also not tough. To be
strong, a material must withstand both high stresses and high stresses.

ductile fracture

A fracture is the separation of an object or material into two or more pieces under the action of
stress. Engineers must understand fracture mechanisms. There are fractures (eg, brittle fracture),
which occur under specific conditions without warning and can cause significant damage to
materials. Brittle fracture occurs suddenly and catastrophically without warning. This is a
consequence of spontaneous and rapid crack propagation. However, for ductile fracture, the
presence of plastic deformation warns that failure is imminent, allowing preventive measures to
be taken. The study of fracture mechanics can help to understand in detail how fractures occur in

Esfuerzo normal max

Vergleichsspannung bei der Normalspannungshypothese

The maximum stress theory is a theory of failure in which the largest principal normal stress σ1
that occurs is equalized to the equivalent stress σv to determine the maximum load capacity of a
component subjected to multiaxial stresses.

The multiaxial stress state is replaced by a representative equivalent stress σv. The maximum load
capacity can then be determined from the values that are measured during a tensile test (material
and yield point/tensile strength values).

This theory can be used for materials with brittle properties or components subject to impact
stress. Component failure takes the form of a separation fracture with a small amount of plastic
deformation, which means that the higher normal stress that occurs is responsible for rupture.

Criterio de Mohr

The Coulomb-Mohr criterion, also called the internal friction criterion, is a static resistance
criterion, applied to brittle materials, according to which the material will resist at the analyzed
point as long as its Mohr circle is internal to the defined envelope. by Mohr's circles corresponding
to the failure of the tensile test and the compression test and the line tangent to both. The
resistance criterion is written mathematically by three conditions that must be met for the point to

Materiales ductiles

Ductile materials are those capable of deforming plastically and sustainably, without breaking or
violating their structure. For example: wood, zinc, lead, aluminum.

Ductile materials are the opposite of brittle materials (they fracture very easily when deformed).
But neither should they be confused with malleable materials (they easily deform without
breaking when compressed).

This does not mean that ductile materials cannot break; in fact, they do, but after having suffered
notorious deformations.

Esferzo cortante máximo

Maximum Shear Theory: Tresca Theory of Failure (PDF)

The maximum shear stress theory provides failure criteria for mechanical components made of a
ductile material. This failure criterion was developed by the French mechanical engineer Henri
Tresca, and based on his name, the maximum shear stress theory is also known as the Tresca
failure theory. Due to the enormous contribution in the field of plasticity, Henry Tresca is popular
as the father of the field of plasticity.

The maximum shear stress theory is one of the two main failure criteria that have been widely
used in recent times to predict the failure of ductile materials. To establish the failure criteria for
the material, all failure theories compare a specific parameter with the same parameter for the
uniaxial tensile test. The maximum shear stress theory is no exception and the comparison
parameter in Tresca's theory is the maximum shear stress.

Energia de máxima distorsion

The distortion energy theory is a failure theory that is used to predict the failure of a strong
material. It is based on the assumption that the amount of energy that causes a component to
change shape is a crucial factor in relation to the stress of the material.

An equivalent stress σv is calculated from two principal stresses σ1,σ2 .


Distortion energy theory is used in the dimensioning of work pieces made of strong materials.
Typical applications include structural steel shafts and framing.

In addition to the distortion energy theory, use is also made of the maximum stress theory for
brittle materials and the maximum shear stress theory for ductile materials.

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