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Course Outline & Quality Assured HANDOUT No. 2

Handouts paired with MELC- in DISS
Based Learner’s Worksheet

MELC: Explain the major events and its contributions of Social Science disciplines with
emergence of the social sciences and humanities

Semester: 2nd Week No. 1.b Day: 1-8

LESSON: (Contributions of Social Science disciplines)

The history of social science disciplines may be highlighted in terms of four epochal transformations. First, in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries a deep shift occurred from broad genres of discourse on moral and political philosophy into proto-disciplines of a
more delimited nature. Second in the late 19th and early 20th centuries a range of inquiries into the social question and into the
conditions of institutional and administrative reform were gradually and unevenly transformed into university-based social
disciplines. The third, in the 1920s and 1930s several of these disciplines went through a process of intellectual and institutional

TOPIC 1: (Major events and its contributions of Social Science discipline)

Anthropology- is a branch knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his work, his body, his behaviour and values
time and space.
Edward Burnett Taylor (1832-1917)
 English Cultural Anthropologist
 First to hold the chair in the subject at Oxford University in the UK in 1896
 Wrote “Research into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization”
published in 1865.

Historical Foundation
 Traces its roots from natural history which is the study of plants, animals and human with
reference to their history and native environment.
 The discovery and contact to new civilizations by European explores and colonizers led to
curiosity and questions of who these people are, who their ancestors were, how they are
related to other people in other places, what makes them distinct, what similarities they share with the rest, how they
conduct their way of life, and what culture they have in terms of knowledge they posses, their beliefs, technology that have
 It was only in the 19th century that the discipline began its formative year as a social science
though since the ancient times, there were already many illustrations, chronicles and
travelogues containing descriptions of human culture and civilization.

Economics-Is the study of the proper allocation and efficient use of scarce resources to
produce commodities for the maximum satisfaction of unlimited human needs and wants.
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
 founder of classical School.
 Saw a world where each person sought their own self-interest but was constrained by morality,
markets and government.
 Wrote “Wealth of the Nations” in 1776.

Historical Foundation
* It was not considered as separate discipline until the nineteenth century.
* In medieval times, scholars argued that it was a moral obligation of business to sell goods at
a just
* Economic thought evolved through feudalism in the Middle Ages to mercantilist theory in the
renaissance, when people were concerned to orient trade policy of further the national interest.
* Changes in economic thought have always accompanied changes in the economy, just as changes in
In the economy, just as changes in economic thought can propel change in economic policy.

Geography- It deals with Earth’s description. It is the collection of facts intended to give a complete picture of
Continent, a state or a region.
Eratosthenes (276 B.)
*Greek Philosopher
* He accepted the concept that the earth is round and calculated
its circumference to within 0.5 percent accuracy.
*Described the known areas to the world and divided the earth into five climatic regions.
* Prepared of the earliest maps of the known world, and founded the scientific chronology.

Historical Foundation
*It is an ancient and honourable field of learning with its roots firmly set in classical antiquity.
*People engaged in the study of geography because it satisfies their natural curiosity about foreign
Places and different way of life.
*The Ancient Greeks made the first contribution to the subject through measuring the earth using grids
and Meridians.

TOPIC 2: (Subtitle or title of Topic )

History-it is the study of past.

Herodotus (484 B.C.-425B.C), Greek Historian
 Collected historical materials systematically and critically and arrange them into a
historiographic narrative.
 He wrote “Histories” which is the record of Ancient tradition and culture of Greece, Asia and

Historical Foundation
 Influence of Ancient Greeks have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of
history which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today.
 The ground Work for professional historiography in East Asia was established by the Han
 Through the medieval and Renaissance periods, History was often studied through a sacred or religious
 In the West historian developed modern methods of historiography in the 17th and 18th centuries, especially in France and
 In the 20th Century academic historian focused less on epic nationalistic narratives, which often tended to glorify the nation
or great men, to more objective and complex analysis of social and intellectual forces.
 Recently, the field of digital history has begun to address ways of using computer technology to pose new questions to
historical data and generate digital scholarships.

Linguistic-It is the science of language.

Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)
 Swiss Linguist, Posited that linguistic form is arbitrary and therefore that all languages
function in a similar fashion, Published “Memoire sur le systeme primitif des voyelles dans les
langues indo-europeenes”.

Historical Foundation
 It was the old Babylon who first created linguistics texts called Sumerian, Hindus also
created text called Vedas, the form of study of language began in India, it started with the
formulation of 3,959 rules of Sankrist morphology.
-of –ferdinand-de-saussure

Political Science-It is the systematic study of state and government.

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
* Political Scientist, laid down the foundation of governance and leadership.
*His contribution to the disclosure had brought various philosophers to argue that politics is not just about the structure of a state but
also about civility, order and organization in a state. He said, “Man by nature is a political animal”.
*He wrote “The Politics”

Historical Foundation
*It was once part of the many related fields study like history, philosophy, law and economics
*The theoretical and practical study of the state and the politics began way back to the time of the ancient Greeks, about 500-
300 B.C.
*During the ancient times, men had formed basic social linkages, inherently persuaded by the needs to associate themselves to
protect their survival and interests.
*Families came to organize collective unions from simple bands to more organized

Sociology- It is the scientific study if society.

Auguste Comte (1798-1857), Coined the term “sociology”,
* He advocated the application of scientific method to social life and positivism, He wrote “Cours de
Philosophie Positive and published from 1830-1842 in 6 volumes.

Historical Foundation
The scientific revolution empowered men to overcome their natural limitations and improve society. The
industrial led to rapid progress and economic stimulus.

Psychology- It is the study of the mind.

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)
* German Psychologist, He opened the Institute for Experimental
Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879,
* He argued that conscious mental state could be scientifically studied
using introspection, Ge separated Psychology and Physiology by
analyzing the working of the mind in a more structured way with the
emphasis being on objective measurement and control. He wrote
“Principles of Physiology Psychology”

Historical Foundation
 It has its roots in Ancient Greek Philosophy as epistemology,
metaphysics, religion and oriental philosophy.
 Over the centuries, psychology and physiology became increasingly
separated resulting to the two conceptions of psychology that
is phenomenological (experimental) and mechanistic (psychological)


Printed Sources
Abulencia, Arthur S., et.al (2017) Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Reader, DepEd,pp.6-24
Alejandria-Gonzalez, Maria Carinnes P. (2016), Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Diwa Learning
systems Inc.,page 14-22,24-26,35-44
Abulencia Arthur S. et.al (2017) Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences,Teacher’s Guide, DepEd,pp.9-32

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