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Biblical worldview

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Table of Contents

The gap in Literature........................................................................................................................2

Integration of The Biblical Worldview Into Issue of Human Trafficking.......................................3


Biblical worldview

The biblical worldview is founded on unfailing word of God. When humans entirely

believe the bible is true, they make it the basis of everything they say and do. In the bible, the

book of Genesis establishes that the natural world was a creation of God through his words when

he spoke about the universe and all the creations that exist. Humans should be respectful to

God’s creation because every creature has a space to live, and God’s eternal and supernatural

powers are at the center of everything. In the book of Romans, Paul writes that the eternal power

of God and his divine nature is clear for everyone to understand. In other words, God speaks

through his creations and does not need to be seen to prove his existence. Faith is what is

expected of humans. Natural identity is an element that lacks in the biblical worldview.

Continuous interaction with God and believing in him establishes the identity of humans. This is

because humans are made in the image of God their complete destitute of each other (Edlin,

2017). In the book of Romans, Paul put forth that men should not start to think that they are

wiser than God and so they do not need him anymore. It is vital to be aware that God is there for

oneself and not making inconsequential comparisons.

Gap in Literature

Essentially, human relationships are connected to the heart of God’s creation. However,

there is a set code that expects people to conduct themselves as per God’s expectations. Having

human relationships such as homosexuality is against God’s wishes (Plemons, 2016). Also

taking the life of another human being is as bad as just killing God Himself. It is also not part of

the laws that human beings are supposed to subscribe to. Understanding the fundamental root

cause of crime and human sinful nature provides insight tothe criminal justice through a biblical

worldview (Lee, 2017). Sin is a constituent of the biblical worldview. Every crime is a sin and

not every sin is a crime. Also, not everyone is a criminal but everyone is a sinner. Criminal

justice would not be prevailing without crime. It would not be of any importance to combat

crime and serve justice. The need to control the criminal nature that exists in a broken world is

essential through the justice system.

Criminal Justice is an important part of the broader scope that is highlighted in the

biblical worldview about the aforementioned aspects of human relationships, identity, and the

natural world. A criminal justice professional should be adept at ensuring that human beings in

whichever geographical location are freely interacting with one another to lock out for any

chances of the development of animosity that could lead to conflicts. This comes into play in

terms of getting those that are a threat to the public peace and security taken behind bars.

However, this can only be achieved through ensuring that impartiality is highly observed to

ensure that only those who are found to be guilty are taken in. In essence, human interaction as

provided for in the bible can be enhanced if people have a peaceful coexistence.

Integration of the Biblical Worldview into the Issue of Human Trafficking.

The literature highlights how technology has supported the issue of human trafficking.

The major concern throughout the literature is human trafficking and how technology has

intensified the human trafficking business. Although the literature provides great detail of this

concern, it does not highlight some critical issues. Humans are created in the image and likeness

of God. “For your created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm,

139:13). For this reason, the value and meaning of human life go much deeper than a worldly

morality concerning human life. All humans were created with similar value. The literature does

not emphasize that committing these acts against human beings is doing deeds against God’s

greatest creation. It is a much deeper issue than criminal acts against humans.

The literature highlights issues of women and children who are victims of human

trafficking, mainly related to sexual exploitation. However, there are many victims of human

trafficking specifically in labor that are males. Looking through a biblical worldview, a woman’s

worth is no less or no more than a man’s and vice versa. The literature omits the fact of needing

to uphold the value of life for all victim genders just as God would. All victims suffer equally,

regardless of gender.

Natural identity underscores what criminology professionals should subscribe to, as well

as preach to the people. According to the bible, natural identity is only achieved through

respecting God’s creation that is by following the laws that God has adopted. Failure to honor

this results into disobedience. Respecting the rules and laws that God expects from people

concerning His creation draws parallels with the aspect of recognition of the rules of the land

(Lee, 2017). It is important to ensure that the masses can know what is expected of them so that

they try as much to cease from the same. In other words, human identity is established by how

much people pay respect to the creations that God has put in while factoring the commandments

that had been put across as well. Basically, these indicate the laws of the land that the criminal

justice system should sensitize to its followers.



Edlin, R. (2017). Christian Education and Worldview.

Retrieved 12 July 2020, from


Lee, H. (2017). Creation Regained–Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview.. Retrieved 12 July 2020, from

Plemons, E. (2016). The Development of a Higher Education Biblical Foundation Course

Design Model. Retrieved 12 July 2020, from

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