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Unit 2 test practice

Joe Byrne

Paper 1 Task 1
A. a gerund
B. a corpus
C. Content and language integrated course
D. affrication
E. affixations
F. Proficiency test

Task 2
A. A type of information gap activity where students each are given a different piece of text which
are all related and through communication and discussion they must combine each text to re-
construct the whole. e.g. a chart which each student has different information of and they must
communicate to fully complete it
B. A verb which the meaning can generally change depending on the noun that follows. e.g. get -
get a haircut I get you
D. it’s when a consonant sound or vowel sound is added to the end of a word to connect it the fol-
lowing word /w/-go /w/ away

Paper 2 Task 2
Lead in 1
- To introduce vocabulary needed to complete later activities
Lead in 2
- To encourage students to use the vocabulary from lead in 1
Grammar 1
- To focus on meaning of TL (1a/b)
- To focus on the form of TL (1c)
Read on 1
- To encourage students to use TL (1)
- To introduce the topic of the reading (2)

- Verbalises the TL (ex2)
- Gives students a model of the pronunciation of the TL (ex2)
- Students can personalize the language by giving their own sentence (ex4)
- Provides further and freer practice (ex4)
- Changes the focus and interaction (group/class discussion) allowing for more meaningful freer
communicative practice (ex1/2)
- Expands the topic and provides a final practice (ex1/2)
Assumption: The need to contextualize the language
Reason: It allows students to see how the language is used
Exercise: Grammar (1)

Assumption: The value of guided discover

Reason: It engages students cognitively which can lead to a greater retention of the language
Exercise: Grammar 1a-c

Assumption: The need to focus students on gist reading

Reason: We read mainly for a purpose so therefore this mirrors real life
Exercise: Reading 2

Assumption: The need for controlled practice

Reason: It helps build students’ confidence in manipulating the language
Exercise: Read 2

Assumption: The importance of focusing on the form

Reason: In order for students to use a new language correctly and accurately they need to learn
the form first
Exercise: Grammar 1c

Assumption: The need for repetition

Reason: Language is acquired through the formation of habits
Exercise: Reading 2

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