Edee 490 492 Student Interest Survey

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Alyssa Oshiro

Stephanie Kamai

EDEE 490 & 492

January 04th, 2023

Student Interest Survey Student Sample

After administering my student interest survey, I have discovered and learned many new

interesting things about my students. I had learned about the ‘little’ things about each of my

students, things as simple as their favorite snacks and meals, and even who they are outside of

the school environment. It was refreshing to learn about who my students are outside of their

roles in school. It helps me to understand them a little better. In the future I plan to take these

surveys and implement them into my future teachings. With the educational preference side of

information that I collected, I learned that most of my students prefer to work in trios! So for

future group work I will try to implement this more for them. I also learned about their strengths

and weaknesses. This helps me to understand where I can help them build their confidence and if

not, help to push them more. I plan to use the information I collected in a concise manner

throughout all subjects.


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