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X: Oh, excuse me, where is the nearest metro station? I'm a bit lost.

Y: I'm sorry; I'm new in town so you should ask someone else.

X: Anyway, thanks.


X: Oh, excuse me. Could you help me? I'm trying to find the nearest metro station. Which
way should I go?

Y: Well, from here you need to go down the street and then take the second turn on the
right. And there you will see the entrance to your passport to station.

X: Got it. And do I need to change the line to get to art platforms or what?

Y: Yes, from here, from passport, do you need to go one station to the lative orate and there
you need to transfer to Tirana station, there take a train to Lucia station.

X: Thank you.

Y: Anyway.


H: Excuse me, hi!

M: Hi.

H: Hey, do you speak English?

M: Sure. How can I help?

H: Could you tell me how to get to the airport?

M: Sure. Which one do you need? Yulisti o jillana

H: It's International Airport, Kiev, jillana.

M: OK, the best way to get there is to take trolleybus #9. It goes straight to the airport. You
can catch it at the bus stop right here.

H: So where can I buy a ticket?

M: You can buy a ticket on a trolley bus from a ticket collector, a bus driver. It costs 8
green US. But don't forget to validate your ticket. It's very important.
H: And by chance do you know how many stops it is to the airport?

M: Not really sure, but it's the end of the route and the stops are usually announced so there
shouldn't be any problem.

H: Ohh great, thanks a lot.

M: That's all, have a good trip.

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