PSS 2016 SA1 EL 1E P1 Writing QuestionPaper

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Class Register Number

Candidate Name


Department of English Language, Literature and Drama
First Semestral Examination for Secondary One Express

Paper 1 Writing

Thursday 28 April 2016 0800 h – 0950 h

1 hour 50 minutes

Additional Materials:
Answer Paper



Write your name, class and register number on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer Section A, Section B and one question from Section C.

Section A is an insert.
For Section A write your answers in the spaces provided on the Insert.
Answer Section B and one question from Section C.
For Section B and Section C write your answers on the separate Answer Paper provided.
At the end of the examination, hand in Sections A, B and C separately.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the head of each section.

This document consists of 4 printed pages.

[Turn over

Section B [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words for this section.

You should look at the printout of a poster on page 3, study the information carefully and plan your
answer before beginning to write.

Your pen friend is working on a project on how schools keep their school environment clean. He/she
is keen to know about your school’s programme in keeping the school clean. Write an email to your
pen friend to share your experiences of the ‘Clean Up Day’ event you participated in school recently,
together with your classmates and teachers.

In your email to your pen friend, include the following details:

 share how you feel about the project your pen friend is working on
 explain the rationale of the school having the ‘Clean Up Day’
 recount your experience in the clean up, carrying out two of the cleaning duties at two
different locations
 share your reflections on how you felt and what you thought about the event

Write your email in clear, accurate English and in a cheerful, enthusiastic and friendly tone.

You may add any other details that might be of interest.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 1E | 2016 | Mrs Neo BJ


Park View Secondary School

Roll up your sleeves and transform your school

Litter Free Starts With Me

15 April 2016, Friday

(8 am to 2 pm)
• To care for the school environment
• To provide opportunities for students and teachers to work together for a common cause

• Picking up litter and emptying rubbish bins
• Sorting litter for reusing and recycling
• Sweeping, mopping and washing
• Cleaning tables and chairs
• Washing and clearing drains
• Arranging tables and chairs and other pieces of furniture

Areas to clean
Classrooms, common corridors, canteen, special rooms,
hall, field, basketball and multi-purpose courts, garden, study area and library, etc

Cleaning tools (e.g. tongs & brooms) and assessories (e.g. trash bags & gloves) will be provided.

Students and teachers will be organised and allocated specific areas to clean. They will also be
provided water and snacks.

Class Reflection
After the clean up, students will gather in their respective classrooms to reflect and discuss what
they have done and learnt, and how they can actively do their part in improving the environment in
school and beyond.

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 1E | 2016 | Mrs Neo BJ


Section C [30 marks]

Begin your answer on a fresh page.

You are advised to write between 250 and 400 words on one of the following topics.

At the head of your composition, write the number of the topic you have chosen.

1 Write about a time when you refused to listen to your parents and regretted your action.

2 Write about an incident in which you found an important item and how you managed to return
it to its rightful owner.

3 Write about a time when someone was accused of a wrong-doing. How was the matter

4 Write about an occasion when you and your family participated in a meaningful sports event.

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 1E | 2016 | Mrs Neo BJ

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