English Language: Peirce Secondary School

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Class Register Number

Candidate Name


Department of English Language, Literature and Drama
First Semestral Examination for Secondary Two Normal (Academic)

Paper 1 Writing

Thursday 28 April 2016 0800 h - 0950 h

1 hour 50 minutes



This insert contains Section A.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Section A will be collected separately.

For Examiner’s Use

Section A / 10

Section B / 30

Section C / 30

Total / 70


This document consists of 2 printed pages.

Final Copy by Mr Malkeet Singh
[Turn over

Section A [10 marks]

Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about war photojournalism. The first and last lines are
correct. For the remaining ten lines there is one grammatical error in each line.

Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence.


I arrived to my destination at 2 p.m. at

A single photograph speaks louder than several words and this is what

made photojournalism so compelling. Experienced war photographers 1 _____________

say that every conflict is different and have its own set of dangers 2 _____________

and challenges. Jason Howe, an photojournalist and documentary 3 _____________

producer, agree, “Foreign journalists who have tried to cover the 4 _____________

other side have often end up getting kidnapped while local journalists 5 _____________

have been killed.” As, many still carry on, their passion overriding their 6 _____________

fear for the risks involved. This does not mean they disregard the 7 _____________

dangerous. It is `better to be safe than sorry’ after all. One way of 8 _____________

dealing with such assignments is to work close with local residents. 9 _____________

“When my local assistant tells me not to snap someone, I listened. 10 _____________

If my assistant says it’s time to leave, we leave,” a photojournalist said.

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 2N(A) | 2016 | Mr Malkeet Singh

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 2N(A) | 2016 | Mr Malkeet Singh
Class Register Number

Candidate Name


Department of English Language, Literature and Drama
First Semestral Examination for Secondary Two Normal (Academic)

Paper 1 Writing

Thursday 28 April 2016 0800 h - 0950 h

1 hour 50 minutes

Additional Materials:
Answer Paper


Write your class, register number and name on all the work that you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black ink on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Answer Section A, Section B and one question from Section C.

Section A is an insert.
For Section A write your answers in the spaces provided on the Insert.
For Section B and Section C write your answers on the separate Answer Paper provided.
At the end of the examination, hand in Sections A, B and C SEPARATELY.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the head of each section.

This document consists of 4 printed pages and 1 Insert.

Final Copy by Ms Hazel Lee
[Turn over

Section B [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 180 words and 250 words for this section.

You should look at the brochure on page 3 carefully and plan your answer before beginning to write.

You are the Chairman of your school’s Overseas Student Leaders’ Exchange Programme. An Australian
school, Greenfields High School, wants to send ten 14-year old student leaders to Singapore for two weeks
in August to learn about the culture. You have been asked to write a letter to the Teacher-in-Charge of the
Overseas Student Leaders’ Exchange Programme at Greenfields High School to recommend two cultural
events for these students to attend.

You must include the following details:

 The two events you have selected

 When and where they will take place
 Some information about why these events are interesting and important

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a persuasive tone.

You may add any other details that might be of interest.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 2N(A) | 2016 | Mr Malkeet Singh


Singapore’s Cultural Calendar

Enjoy some cultural events
Hungry Ghost
Festival The Chinese celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival, when the souls of the dead are
believed to roam the earth.
7 August 2016  Visit Chinese Temples in Chinatown
 Enjoy Chinese operas in the Open field next to Kreta Ayer Community Club
 Watch devotees make offerings, burn stacks of hell money and paper
offerings, such as cars, watches and jewellery

National Day
Held at the stunning cityscape of the Padang and Marina Waterfront area, between
6pm to 8pm. Sit back and enjoy a stunning spectacle of:
9 August 2016
 military parades
 multicultural song-and-dance performances and
 breath-taking firework extravaganza.

Be inspired by the Singapore Story – from gaining independence in 1965 to

achieving success as a nation.

Singapore Night
Festival 2016 Stay awake and see arts and culture light up the streets of the  Bras Basah and
Bugis precinct, the heart of Singapore’s arts and heritage district. Enjoy a stroll and
12 - 13 Aug 2016  interactive light performances and art installations

 dance, music and installation artworks by local talents

 free admission to the Asian Civilisations Musuem

Asian Civilizations Museum @ The Singapore River

Find out more about the immigrants who lived and worked on
the Singapore River

Learn about the cultural roots of modern Singaporeans.

Source: http://www.yoursingapore.com/festivals-events-singapore.html

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 2N(A) | 2016 | Mr Malkeet Singh


Section C [30 marks]

Begin your answer on a fresh page.

You are advised to write between 250 words and 400 words on one of the following topics.

At the head of your composition, write the number of the topic you have chosen.

1 Write about an event you participated in that was meaningful and satisfying to you.

2 Describe a teacher who left a deep and lasting impression on you.

3 Write about a time when an outing with your family had an unexpected ending.

4 Write about how an act of bravery led to positive results.

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 2N(A) | 2016 | Mr Malkeet Singh

Department of English Language, Literature and Drama
First Semestral Examination for Secondary Two Normal (Academic)

Paper 1 Writing

Thursday 28 April 2016 0800 - 0950 h

1 hour 50 minutes




This document consists of 2 printed pages.

Final Copy by Mr Malkeet Singh
[Turn over

Section A [10 marks]

Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about war photojournalism. The first and last
lines are correct. For the remaining ten lines, there is one grammatical error in each line.

Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provided must not change the original meaning of the sentence.

I arrived to my destination at 2 pm. at

A single photograph speaks louder than several words and this is what

made photojournalism so compelling. Experienced war photographers 1 makes

say that every conflict is different and have its own set of dangers 2 has

and challenges. Jason Howe, an photojournalist and documentary 3 a

producer, agree, “Foreign journalists who have tried to cover the 4 agrees

other side have often end up getting kidnapped while local journalists 5 ended

have been killed.” As, many still carry on, their passion overriding their 6 But / However

fear for the risks involved. This does not mean they disregard the 7 of

dangerous. It is `better to be safe than sorry’, after all. One way of 8 danger

dealing with such assignments is to work close with local residents. 9 closely

“When my local assistant tells me not to snap someone, I listened. 10 listen

If my assistant says it’s time to leave, we leave,” a photojournalist said.

No Answer Word Class

1 makes Present tense
2 has Subject-verb agreement
3 a article
4 agrees Subject-verb agreement
5 ended Past tense
6 But / However Conjunctives / connectors
7 of Preposition
8 danger Noun
9 closely Adverb
10 listen Present tense

Peirce Secondary School | SA1 | EL(P1) | 2N(A) | 2016 | Mr Malkeet Singh

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