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NAME : _________________________
CLASS : ______

1- Explain what is the name of the chance from (10 P)

a. Gas to liquid

b. Liquid to gas

c. Liquid to solid

d. Solid to liquid

2. Explain what is; (10 P)

a. Sublimation

b. Condensation

c. freezing

d. Give one example of substance which sublimates

3- Fill in the blanks. (10 P)

a) freezing point of water is ……..
b) boiling point of water is ……..
c) condensing point of water is ……..
d) melting point of water is ……...

Turn the page

4- Write if the following statements are true or false? (15 p)
a) Liquid particles diffuse more quickly than solids. (T / F)
b) The boiling points of 1 liter of water and 100 liters of water are same. (T / F)
c) Liquids have a definite shape and volume. (T / F)
d) Solids have a definite shape and volume. (T / F)

5- Draw a diagram of particles which shows the distance of particles in solid, liquid and gas state
(15 p)

a. Do molecules move in solid , liquid and gas states. (15 p)

b. How can you prove this in liquid state. Explain with an example

c. How can you prove this in gas state. Explain with an example

7. Classify the following substances as solid, liquid or gas at room temperature. (15 p)
a) petroleum :…………… b) oxygen :…………… c) salt :……………
h) air :…………… j) soft drink :……….....

Good Luck

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