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Worksheet 3: Habit Two: Begin with the End in Mind

Daily you will face questions about issues that will affect your future beginning
right now. Decide how you will respond to these questions before you face them,
that way you know what to do when the time arrives.

School Work
Drop out or stay in school?
I want to stay in school because it is something all people need in life, because all
people need a education.

Do as little work as possible and just get by?

No, I would rather work as much as possible and actually try to do as much as I can
rather than do enough just to get by.

Begin scholarship applications today or put them off?

I would like to start scholarship applications because that seems like the most
logical thing to do but I would rather put it off until maybe end of sophomore
begging of junior year and just do research on collages in both this schoolyear and
next schoolyear.

Decide on a college or university or have someone else decide for you?

Decide on a college, it is you how is going to college and it is you who is going to
school not someone else.

Have sex or abstain?
Be abstinent until I am ready to have sex or be abstinent and never have sex.

Cave into pressure from your partner or not?

No, just because my partner wants to does not mean I’m ready too.

Not have sex and talk about it like you do?

Not have sex, it’s better to just say “oh I didn’t do that” rather than say “oh yea
we totally did.”
Always use protection or just when it is easy?
Always use protection because I don’t want to get pregnant or get a STD or
something else from my partner or give it to them.

Drugs and Alcohol

Take drugs or not to?
Don’t take drugs, from what I have seen in movies but also real life I can see the
effects on how it effects the people and how they act and I don’t want that to
happen to me.

Experiment with drugs or not to?

No experimentation with drugs because on #1.

Drink and drive or be the designated driver?

I would rather be the designated driver so that way others don’t drink and drive.

Assist others in doing drugs or not?

No, if I assist someone in doing drugs I would hate myself for it I would rather
talk someone out of it then assist them in doing drugs.

Creating a Mission statement

A personal mission statement is like a personal motto that states what your life
is about. It can become a map for your life's journey. Since your destination is
not yet decided, why not decide today to make your life extraordinary and leave
a lasting legacy?

To create a mission statement answer the following questions:

1. Think of a person who made a positive difference in your life. What

qualities does that person have that you would like to develop?
My stepmom was someone who really made a positive different in my life, she
has been I’m my life sense I was 6 and she has really helped me gain more
love and understanding with her rather than when I’m with me mom.
2. Imagine yourself in twenty years. You are surrounded by the most important
people in your life. Who are they and what are you doing?
I can see myself surrounded by me Dad, grandparents, Mom, Stepmom, sister and
really just family and friends and I can see them having a very positive life
ahead of them.

3. If a steel beam (6 inches wide) was placed between two skyscrapers, what
would you be willing to cross for? A thousand dollars? A million dollars? Your
pet? Your brother? Fame?
I would cross for my friends and my family (but my mom/ mostly, its explained
in #5) and myself because the main thing I would cross for are things that are
important to me.

4. If you could spend one day in a great library studying anything you wanted,
what would you study?
I would probably study mechanics or even engineering because it is something
that I gave always likes and have been interested in.

5. List ten things you love to do. (It can be anything, singing, dancing, reading, daydreaming)

1. watching anime

2. read

3. drawing

4. music

5. staying up late because it is something that my body just naturally does

6. wearing sweatpants during the summer

7. eating

8. making cucumber shots (with chamoy, clamato, tajin and pulparindo)

9. having mommy issues

10. airports

6. Describe a time when you were deeply inspired

When I was driving with my mom and saw so many different graffiti art, like actual
art it kind of inspired me to start drawing more even though I was not good.

7. 5 years from now your local paper will write a story about you. The reporter
wants to interview 3 people about you. Who would they be and what would they
I would have it be my best friend Katia, my dad and also my mom. I have a feeling
that they would just explain things over my life being like how I was when I was
younger and how I was during school, something along the lines of that.

8. Think of something that represents you (rose, song, animal). Why does it
represent you?
I would say that the song should I stay or should I go represents me because that
how I feel right now in my life and how I think my future will go. This is mostly
because I don’t know if I should stay here in California for college or go
somewhere else, I also don’t know if that after I graduate college if I should stay
here in California or possibly more to South Dakota with my dad, step mom and
possibly my sister because that is something my dad and step mom have been
talking about.

9. If you could spend one hour with any person who ever lived who would that be?
Why that person? What would you ask?
My grandma Go-go or Gordo, she died in January of this year (a few
days before her 100th birthday). She was my everything, someone I
grew up next-store to, someone who I would visit all the time when I
was younger, someone who; the minute I stepped through the door had
me hug her leg and tell me “I just bought some new cookies, there in
the cookie jar”, (though the cookie jar was never a jar it was a heavy
dotty tuber ware container) I gave me that amazing feeling of love and
joy that I didn’t get quite often as I should have being a young kid. I
would want to talk to her again for her to give me some advice on life
and see her once more sense I never saw her during her last week alive.

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