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Garry Lester M Antonio

In order to address the global problems of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air
pollution, and dependence on fossil fuels, different countries and regions are finding cleaner
and more sustainable mode of transportation. Currently, the transport sector accounts for
23% of global energy related CO2emissions and is continuously growing due to increasing
passenger and freight activity 1. As aviation, shipping, and heavy-duty roads are the most
difficult modes to decarbonize, the electrification of passenger cars and public utility
vehicles (PUVs) appears to have the potential to reduce GHG emissions-hand other
pollutants 2,3. Developed countries put considerable effort into making electric mobility
more attractive by providing fiscal incentives, subsidy schemes, and public charging
infrastructure. This resulted in a record 1.1 million electric vehicles (EVs) sold worldwide in
2017, which is expected to increase to 11 million in 2025 and surge to 30 million in 2030 4.
Meanwhile, developing countries Adopt.
As the U.S. withdrew from the Philippines after World War II, many jeeps were sold
or given to Filipinos. WWI and II destroyed the country's public transportation system and
soon, Filipinos began to modify jeeps into a sort of minibus to accommodate more
passengers and shelter them with a roof. Today, the jeepney is a symbol of Filipino pop
culture, they are often painted in bright, flamboyant colors and feature lights, loud horns
and large ornate hood ornaments. The government began to regulate Jeepney
transportation once it established itself as a functional, inexpensive way of public
transportation. Jeepney evolution can be broken down into different generations. Second
generation Jeepneys have air conditioning, refurbished engines and more space for
passengers. They are known for being noisy, garish and pollutant.
Third generation Jeepneys have better air conditioning systems, newly assembled
engines and closely resemble minibuses. They also tend to be more economical and
environmental. Jeepneys fueled by liquid petroleum gas (LPG) were the first of these
vehicles to switch over to cleaner energy. LPG Jeepneys are rare; however, their emissions
are much lower than those of earlier generations.

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