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RESOUCE TEACHER: Ms. Marieth De Castro SCHOOL: Luakan Annex National High School
QUARTER: 3rd quarter FS STUDENT: Kenneth Vargas

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students should be able to attain at least 75% level of
proficiency to:
a. The students will be able to determine the moral lesson
b. Students will be able to express their feelings to their selves
c. Students will be able to write using moralist literary approach
Learning Competency

Topic: Moralist Literary Approach
Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Module 5: Critiquing a Literary Selection based on Moralist and Marxist Approaches
B. Materials:
, Chalk & Board, , Manila Paper,
C. Skills
Reading Skill, Speaking Skill, Viewing Skill, Writing Skill, Listening Skills
II. Procedures


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
May I request everyone to stand up?
Allen kindly lead the prayer.

*Student leads a prayer*

2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning, Sir .
How are you feeling today?
We are good teacher.
Very good, I am glad to know that.

3. Classroom Management
Before you sit down, please pick up all the trash
that you can see near you.
*Students pick up the trash*

4. Checking of Attendance
Ms./Mr. , is anyone absent from the class

I am glad to say that no one is absent in our

class today.
Alright, that’s good to hear.

B. Developmental Activity
1. Review
Class, before we begin with our new lesson for
today, let’s have a recap of our previous discussion.
Do you still remember the topic that we had, last
Last meeting, our lesson was about different kind
of literary approaches
That’s right.
So today, as a review you how many literary
approaches do we have? We have 6 literary approaches sir

Can you give me the six approaches

Group 2
Group 3
Okay very good class so now can you tell me what
is their definition in your own understanding or
what have you remember
Students share their thoughts about literary
Very good It seem you remember our previous
2. Motivational Activity
Now we will going to have a game for you to have
an idea about our next lesson the game was entitled
“ Pass the Ball” the mechanics of this game is
when the ball stop on you are going to share your
favorite story and try to tell to your classmate what
have you learned on that story. Yes, Sir.

Are we clear with the instructions?

Yes, Sir

Are you ready?

Okay, sir
Okay we will going to sing happy birthday, okay? The student start passing the ball

Bianca start sharing and telling her favorite story

Okay Bianca can you share to us your favorite story
and try to tell what have you learned from it.

That’s right

Well done, class! These terms have something to do

with our discussion for today. Based on our activity,
do you have an idea about what will be the lesson
Moral lesson of the story

Very Good!
C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students
should be able to attain at least 80% level of
Before we proceed to that lesson, let us be familiar
proficiency to:
with our learning objectives for today. Someone
a. The students will be able to determine the
please read.
moral lesson
b. Students will be able to express their feelings
to their selves
c. Students will be able to write using moralist
literary approach.

D. Discussion
So today were going to discuss about moralist
literary approach

A moralistic literary approach focuses

individuals, couples, families, and professionals
on a moralistic definition of relationship, life,
and family processes that presumes a moral
ascendancy of one value system over others.

This theory, then, explains why a certain action

is wrong - or why we ought to act in certain
ways. In short, it is a theory of how we
determine right and wrong conduct. It also
provides the framework upon which we think
and discuss in a reasoned way, and so evaluate,
specific moral issues.
Do you understand what is moralistic approach?
Yes, sir

Okay, Next is the moralistic criticism please read

the definition
Moralist Criticism is a type of literary critique
that judges the value of the literature based on its
moral lessons or ethical teachings. It is also an
approach use to judge literary works according to
moral rather than formal principles.

Moralistic criticism is a type of literary critique that

judges the value of literature based on the moral
lessons and ethical teachings.

Also we have here the priciples of moralist literary


What are the principles of moralist literary

1. Morality can be a body of standards or principles
derived from a code of conduct from a particular
philosophy, religion or culture, or it can be derived
from a standard that a person believes should be
universal. Morality may also be specifically
synonymous with "goodness" or "rightness".

2. Quality of human acts by which we call them

right or wrong, good or evil. ( Panizo, 1964)

3. Human action is right when it conforms with the

norm, rule or law of morality.

So here the example:

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

She narrates the story of a black man who was

accused of abusing a white woman. Her father
defends him in court and illuminates one of the most
important morals in the novel: that one shouldn't
judge another based on their outward appearance
Another example
In The Tortoise and the Hare, there is a Hare (kind of
rabbit) and a tortoise (a large turtle). The hare and
tortoise race, and the hare believes that since he is
much faster than the tortoise, he can slow down and
relax and take a nap and still win the race. However,
he sleeps for too long and the tortoise eventually
passes him, winning the race.
The moral (lesson) of the story is that Slow and
Steady Wins The Race.

E. Application
ACTIVITY: Determine The Moral lesson in the
story of The Ants and the Grasshopper:
Work Hard and Play Hard!
The Story: A Grasshopper spends his summer singing
and dancing, while a team of Ants have worked hard
all summer collecting food for the winter. He doesn’t
understand why the Ants work so hard. When winter
comes, the Grasshopper finds himself dying of hunger
and see’s the ant serving up food to survive. He then
understands why the Ants were working so hard.
So are you ready?

Yes, teacher.
Lets start you have 10 mins to do that.

The students start making their moral judgement

Okay pass the papers in the front

F. Generalization
(Sharing of takeaways)
(The students will share their learnings
from the lesson)
What have you learned from the discussion class?
(Student’s answer varies)
Do you have any question or clarification?
None, Teacher.

G. Evaluation
Now, for your evaluation, you are going to answer
a 10-item quiz. I will give you 5 minutes to answer
(Students answer the Quiz)
Time is up! Let us check you quiz.

H. Extended Activity
For your extended activity, I will going to give you
a story and make your critique evaluation about the
moral lesson of the story

I will going to check those papers and that activity

is equivalent to 50 points
Are we clear?

Yes, Sir

Students start making their critique evaluation

Time’s up pass the papers in front

Do you have any clarification about moralistic

approach None, sir

If that’s so, I hope you did enjoy our discussion for

today, let’s call it a day, Good bye, class!
Good bye Sir .

A. No. of learners who earned 75% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I want to share with other





A. Rubrics for the Extended Activity:
B. QUIZ Content:

1. It is an essay that aims to express author’s point of view or stand.

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. argumentative
D. narrative

2. It is a speech intended to inform and share new ideas. It must never express opinion or try to
convince others.

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. argumentative
D. narrative

3. It is a speech that tries to change the reader’s mind by persuading him or her to agree with the
writer’s point of view.

A. informative
B. persuasive
C. argumentative
D. narrative

4. Which of the following is NOT part of the structure in writing informative, persuasive,
and argumentative?

A. Introduction B.
C. Conclusion
D. Body

5. What needs to be considered in presenting the opposing views a. It has to

be weaker than the writer’s position
b. It has to be stronger than the writer’s position
c. It should call the attention of the audience
d. it should be cited
True or False
6. A student needs to know a variety of writing techniques. TRUE
7. In writing Informative, may you need to present opinions and convince the reader to agree
with your stand. FALSE
8. Engaging in persuasive writing techniques helps the students to improve different styles
of writing. TRUE

9. in writing a argumentative essay we need to have knowledge to the pro and cons of the topic.

10. The purpose of persuasive writing is to not convince someone to agree with your viewpoint
or a cause. FALSE

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