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Prior to taking this class I had no clear idea what art integration was or how it was

conducted. All the schools I have been to have had an art class for specials rather than having

their art in the classroom. I can’t help but wonder if integrating art and music could be more

beneficial to students in some ways as they get to connect them with other subjects, which can

allow for greater comprehension and understanding of both subjects. After completing this

course, I am going to try to include more art and music integration in my future classroom. I

would like to do VTS with my students and help them start developing visual literacy at a young

age and understanding the stages of artistic development can be beneficial and something I

would like to use to help gain a better understanding of where my students are at

developmentally in a way that does not rely on testing. I like the idea of using the TAB method

to allow my students more opportunities to be creative and choose their path. Having the students

have a say in their education is important to me and my hopes of having a student centered

classroom. The most useful thing I have gained from this class is all the different ways you can

teach art, like TAB or using VTS. In all honesty I cannot pick one thing that is the most useful, I

have never been artsy and currently don’t do anything artsy in my classroom at work. But by

taking this class I have begun to add art into my day with my students in all different forms. I

would like to take a deeper look into visual literacy to use in my classroom. I have a general

understanding but would like to be more confident in my ability to use it in my classroom. When

the students develop visual literacy the ways we could learn would grow and students creativity

and understanding would grow with that.

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