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Welcome to the Pathfinder A

To use this character sheet, you must first copy it to your own Google Drive. You will
The most up White cells are not referenced by anything - write notes here!
to date
Version is: v6.2.1 Yellow cells are referenced by formulas and refer to pluses

This sheet is: v6.2.1 Red cells are referenced by formulas and refer to minuses

This Sheet is up to Date! Grey cells contain formulas, and should not be edited!

Mini-FAQ (Permissions and Compatibility):

> No, I will not grant you access to this sheet. This is the Master. You
may not build your PC on it. My Gmail automatically filters requests.
I followed the link to make a copy, but it still isn't letting me Edit.
> If the provided link doesn't work, try making a manual copy to your
personal Drive by going to "File" -> "Make a Copy". If that's still giving you
grief, double check that it is "Copy of Pathfinder Autosheet" and that it is
from your Google Drive - the most common error I've seen is being signed
into alternate work or school Google accounts.
I can't find feature X that was in Autosheet v5, what gives?
> Some of v6's functionality has been split over multiple spreadsheets.
Cohorts and Animal Companions should get their own sheet, the old-
school Spell Sheet is a standalone now (see right), and Encumbrance-
tracking madmen can find that feature in the Equipment Tracker (ditto).
While it IS possible to reintigrate these support sheets, doing so is difficult
and may make the sheet laggy and less responsive. I suggest pasting a
hyperlink to your support sheets into the Main Sheet's note section.
Can I do a thing with this sheet?
> You may use or modify this sheet for any non-commercial purpose. You
may link to this sheet from other websites, but you may not rehost this
sheet as your own work.
My internet is terrible. Can I use this offline?
> To use the autosheet offline, try downloading the offline Googlesheets
app. The AutoSpellcasting Sheet ABSOLUTELY will not work, but
everything else should. Unfortunately, this sheet isn't compatible with
Microsoft Excel. Many of its important formulas rely on GoogleSheet-only

DO NOT DELETE THIS TAB! When those grey cells in the top-right go missing, lots of t
Feel free to right click the red "Welcome Page" tab below and select "Hide Sheet" though. You can find it again by going
This sheet is free to use, but a Paypal link is
labor of love that requires many sleepless ho

thfinder AutoSheet v6
please consider donating a small amount. :)
I want to thank Paizo for creating an aweso
playing it with me, and /r/pathfinder_rpg for

own Google Drive. You will then have full Edit access to that ver Email: autopathfindersheet@gmail.c
Paypal Link:
CLICK HERE Alt. Rules:
TO MAKE A FILLABLE Wound Thresholds
COPY CELLS Minimum 4+INT skill ranks
Don't worry, its safe. Click "Advanced" to proceed.
Ctrl+z works to undo the effects of the script
Other Pathfinder Resources by me: "File" -> "Make a Copy" Protips:
Massive, comprehensive, and automatically updating. This sheet is meant to be vie
Copy/Paste the address of your copied sheet to link this ugly if you have them enabled
AutoSpellcasting Sheet seperate GooglyDoc to your PC.
uncheck "Gridlines"
(See ImportRange permissions protip to the right if you're
having difficulties - sharing permissions are important!) Hover over this cell to learn
Are you a pack rat? an OCD neat-freak? Does your GM force
Notes are a HUGE asset to min
your party to actually track encumbrance? This Equipment GM asks how in the hell you h
Equipment Tracker page has you covered. Features multiple sections to sort your Invisibility.
gear and automatically calculates carry capacity for you,
your magical bags, AND a pack animal! Named Ranges:
typing their names into formu
Input Treasure and XP into this chart to track your progress
"Named Ranges".
Party Treasure, XP, and GM as you adventure. Easily divide your rewards fairly. Also has
calculations for debts, loans, and of course XP tracking. Every
Printing this character shee
Reference party should have 1 shared copy of this sheet. and Portrait orientation. This
Also contains an automated GM Reference Screen the sheet off while retaining a
You probably don't need this, but my players do. Have a look recommend:
if you'd like, though! 1. Replacing the Quick Toggle
My Personal Houserule Doc -- Feat Tax reduction -- Class Balancing (buffs/bans) 2. Add 13 rows above Spellca
-- New/Modified Feats (more buffs/bans)
-- Marksman Weapons (new firearm/crossbow rules) second page instead of being
rows 59-68 if you're a tertiary
Like Pathfinder? Like Sci-Fi? You're probably already a fan of
Starfinder. The Starfinder Autosheet contains all the goodies Items, and Notes sections tha
Starfinder Autosheet and tricks of the Pathfinder Autosheet, combined with a new space.
sweet sci-fi color scheme and a badass equipment manager 3. Edit the HP box to ="
(Complete and super badass) that looks up info on over 2.5k items.
4. Print in Black and White, ob
The previous-gen Autosheet, if for some reason you decide ImportRange updates only w
this one is ugly and everything is terrible about it... or if it NOT a timer, so if you're tryin
Pathfinder Autosheet v5 breaks for some strange reason and I can't figure out why for Treasure, XP, and GM Referen
a while.
quick string of gibberish in th
ImportRange permissions m
Equipment , or Party Treasur
sheets need permission to acc
like a human would. You can s
Sharing Settings to "Viewable
Building an Undead Charac
op-right go missing, lots of things break. (actually just Skills, but you get the picture) score equal to your Charisma
done, you can hide the Consti
" though. You can find it again by going to the top bar menu, View->Hidden Sheets changing the text color to the
Massive Errors in the Skills
trying to customize the skill li
which is causing you grief is A
entire 34-row list of skills from
You can either Copy AE9:AE4
e to use, but a Paypal link is listed below. Maintaining this old gal is a
requires many sleepless hours, so if you feel that this project is worthy,
onating a small amount. :)
Paizo for creating an awesome game, my friends and fellow gamers for
, and /r/pathfinder_rpg for being an awesome community.
opathfindersheet@gmail.c Reddit: /u/darthmarth28

hained Skills Background Skills

und Thresholds INACTIVE
mum 4+INT skill ranks INACTIVE

is sheet is meant to be viewed without gridlines. It will look super

y if you have them enabled. To toggle gridlines, go to "View", then
check "Gridlines"
ver over this cell to learn how to Insert Notes
tes are a HUGE asset to minutia tracking - very important for when the
M asks how in the hell you have a +59 to Stealth checks without
med Ranges: many important values can now be used by directly
ping their names into formulas. For a complete list, see "Data" -->
amed Ranges".
inting this character sheet: I recommend 69% zoom, Narrow Margins,
d Portrait orientation. This cuts the less-important right-hand edge of
sheet off while retaining all of the critical information. I also
Replacing the Quick Toggle section with large resource-tracking boxes
Add 13 rows above Spellcasting to place that section entirely on the
ond page instead of being cut in half by the page break (or delete/hide
ws 59-68 if you're a tertiary caster). Maybe move the Resources, Magic
ms, and Notes sections that would otherwise be deleted over to this
w space.
Edit the HP box to =" / " & $AK$6
Print in Black and White, obviously
portRange updates only when something else on the sheet is changed,
T a timer, so if you're trying to keep something like the "Party
easure, XP, and GM Reference" sheet synced, all you need to do is type a
ck string of gibberish in the margins, hit Enter, and re-delete it.
portRange permissions may cause an error for the AutoSpellcasting,
uipment , or Party Treasure support sheets. In order to work, these
eets need permission to access the main sheet they pull values from just
e a human would. You can solve this problem by setting everything's
aring Settings to "Viewable by Everyone with the Hyperlink".
ilding an Undead Character? You'll want to set your Constitution
ore equal to your Charisma score (overwrite F11 with "=F14"), with that
ne, you can hide the Constitution row either by filling it Black or
anging the text color to the same parchment-esque yellow as the
ssive Errors in the Skills Section probably originate from either
ing to customize the skill list or messing up the formatting. The cell
ich is causing you grief is AE9 "Acrobatics", which is importing the
ire 34-row list of skills from the bottom of the Formula References tab.
u can either Copy AE9:AE45 and Right-Click -> "Paste Special" -> "Paste
u can either Copy AE9:AE45 and Right-Click -> "Paste Special" -> "Paste
ues Only..." to break the OFFSET formula, or you can edit the Formula
ferences tab to change things around.
Category Filter Class HD Skills BAB Fort Reflex Will Level
Thirteen Lawful Evil Human Slow Favored Class Bonuses Base Summoner (Unchained) d8 3 +1 +0 +0 +3 2
Character Name Alignment Race Deity XP Growth Rate 5 Bonus HP Base d 0 +0 +0 +0 +0
### Bonus Skills Base d 0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Normal M Young 13 #NAME? 7885 Other Bonus
Base/Current Size Age Category Experience Points Totals 23 6 +1 +0 +0 +3 2
HP Ranks BAB Fort Reflex Will Level

ABILITIES Score Modifier Base EnhanceInherentTemp. Penalty HIT POINTS HP Formula: Maximum SKILLS 5/6 Total
Size &
Ranks Ability Class Misc. Temp. Armor
STRENGTH 11 0 = 11 2 0 Defenses ### ### ### = 0 ### ###

DEXTERITY 11 0 = 9 0 DR - Health ### Bluff Cha ### = 2 ### ###

SR -
CONSTITUTION 12 1 = 14 0 ### Climb Str ### = 0 ### ###
INTELLIGENCE 13 1 = 13 0 Resistances ### Diplomacy Cha ### = 2 ### ###
WISDOM 11 0 = 13 0 Temp ### Disable Device Dex 0 = 0 ### ###
CHARISMA 15 2 = 15 0
Fire 0 Cold 0
Acid 0 Elect 0 7 Damage NonL ### Disguise Cha ### = 2 ### ###
### Escape Artist Dex ### = 0 ### ###
SAVES Total Base Ability Resist Misc. Temp. DEFENSES Total ArmorShield Dex Size NaturalDeflect Dodge Misc. Temp. ### Fly Dex ### = 0 ### ###
FORTITUDE 1 = +0 1 0 0 ARMOR CLASS 12 = 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ### Heal Wis ### = 0 ### ###
REFLEX 0 = +0 0 0 0 FLAT-FOOTED 12 = 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ### Intimidate Cha ### = 2 ### ###
WILL 5 = +3 0 0 2 0 TOUCH 10 = BAB STR 0 0 0 0 0 ### Kn. Arcana Int 0 = 1 ### ###
CMD 11 = +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ### Kn. Dungeoneeri Int 0 = 1 ### ###
Saving Throw Notes Armor Class Notes ### Kn. Local Int 0 = 1 ### ###
### Kn. Nature Int 0 = 1 ### ###
### Kn. Planes Int ### = 1 1 ### ###
### Kn. Religion Int 0 = 1 ### ###
mAtk mDmg Enh. OFFENSES Formula Variables Attacks Dice Damage Crit Mult Range Type ### Perception Wis ### = 0 ### ###
gun (pistol) DEX to hit (Crossbows,
Ranged Attack
Firearms, Ranged Touch+1attacks) 1d8 Err:511 20 / x4 20 p ### Ride Dex ### = 1 0 ### ###
0 Throwing Knife DEX to hit, STR to Damage
Attack Bows, Thrown
+1 Weapons) 1d4 Err:511 19-20/ x2 15 P ### Sense Motive Wis ### = 1 0 ### ###
DEX to hit (Crossbows,
Ranged Attack
Firearms, Ranged Touch+1attacks) Err:511 ### Spellcraft Int 0 = 1 ### ###
Err:511 ### Stealth Dex ### = 1 0 ### ###
Err:511 ### Survival Wis ### = 1 0 ### ###
Err:511 ### Swim Str ### = 0 ### ###
Attack Notes Combat Effect Quick Toggles - see Row 123 ### Use Magic Device Cha 0 = 2 ### ### Uses / Max

0 Power Attack 0 Rapid Shot

0 Combat Expertis 0 (Custom Effect 7 B. SKILLS 1/4 Total Ranks Ability Class Misc. Temp.Armor
0 Deadly Aim (Custom Effect 8 ### Appraise Int ### = 1 ### ###
MOVEMENTEnter base values in
the Effects Table Move Charge Run
Ignore Armor? _ INITIATIVE 0 Heroism 0 (Custom Effect 9 ### Handle Animal Cha ### = 2 ### ###
Move Charge Run Base 30 60 Flight
120Maneuverability average Total DEX Misc. Temp. 0 Haste (Custom Effect 1 ### Kn. Engineering Int ### = 1 ### ###
Climb 0 0 Fly 0 0 Run
Multiplier 0 = 0 0 0 Entangled 0 Dazzled ### Kn. Geography Int 0 = 1 ### ###
Swim 0 0 Burrow 0 0 Charge
Bonus Distance 1 0 Blinded Negative Levels ### Kn. History Int 0 = 1 ### ###
### Kn. Nobility Int 0 = 1 ### ###
mSkill mDex Enh. ARMOR AND PROTECTIVES Item Material AC Skills MaxDex Spells ### Magical Item or Feature Target Type Value ### Linguistics Int 0 = 1 ### ###
2 Braces of armor Bracers of Armor (Wondrous 2
Steel Item) 0 ### 0% ### Armor ### Sleight of Hand Dex ### = 1 0 ### ###
0 0 ### 0% ### ### Craft: Int ### = 1 ### ###
Armor Notes ### Perform: Cha ### = 2 ### ###
### Prof: Wis 0 = 0 ### ###
### Languages: Celestial, common, Sylvan,Treant,Aquan,Underco

SPELLCASTING (To reveal this hidden section, click the arrows in the Row Numbers to the far left edge
row completely, right-click the Row Number and select (Tertiary cas
Mirror 1/day Spell-Like Abil
Summoner (Unchained) Double sided
Ability: Intelligence 1

Level Per Day Known

0 0 0 3/day Spell-Like Abil
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0 5TH LEVEL 0/day DC 16 6TH LEVEL 0/day DC 17 7TH LEVEL 0/day DC 18 8TH LEVEL 0/day DC 19 9TH LEVEL 0/day DC 20 At-Will Spell-Like Abi
6 0 0
7 0 0 (rearrange these
8 0 0 whatever orde
9 0 0 fits your charac
Constant Spell-Like Ab
Class Total Level misc.

Level: ### = ###

Caster Total Level misc.

Level: ### = ###

DB Power-Hungry -2 on compulsion effects with promise of power Link (Ex) Note weapon proficnecy gun
Trait Subjective Trut2+ on bluff when person never seen you lie Bond Senses (SuNote HERO POINTS
Trait Perpetual Companio 2+ on fear when with Eidolon
Trait Iron Liver 2+ on fortitude against poison 4+ on alcohol
Dimdweller Note
DB Cripple Counts as small and can only move 5 Feet if unaided


Armor Class Saving Throws Ability Scores Melee Ranged Magic Extra Attack Relative Speed Skill Checks
Buff or Effect Type Active? Size
AC Nat Fort Ref Will Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha AttackDmg OHD 2HD 1stA AttackDmg 1stA CL TWFMeleeRangeChangeBase Fly SwimBurrowClimb All Specified Skills &
TOTAL: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 -

Semi-Permanent or Miscellaneous Effects:

Base Move Speeds Size ACTIVE 30

<-- Expand for more!

Combat Quick Toggle Effects: AC Nat Fort Ref Will Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha AttackDmg OHD 2HD 1stAAttackDmg 1stA CL TWFMeleeRange Size Base Fly SwimBurrowClimb All Specified Skills, Initia
Power Attack Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE -1 2 -1 1
Combat Expertise Dodge (stacks) INACTIVE 1 -1
Deadly Aim Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE -1 2
Heroism Morale INACTIVE 2 2 2 2 2 2 Initiative +2
Haste Dodge (stacks) INACTIVE 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 30 30 30 30
Rapid Shot Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE -2 1
(Custom Effect 7) INACTIVE
(Custom Effect 8) INACTIVE
(Custom Effect 9) INACTIVE
(Custom Effect 10) INACTIVE

Conditions (see Combat Effect Quick Toggles): AC Nat Fort Ref Will Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha AttackDmg OHD 2HD 1stAAttackDmg 1stA CL TWFMeleeRange Size Base Fly SwimBurrowClimb All Specified Skills, Initia
Entangled Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE ### ### ### ### ### -4 ### ### ### ### -2 ### -2 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:511
Blinded Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE -2 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:511
Dazzled Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### -1 ### -1 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:511
Negative Levels Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:511
Unchained Wound System Untyped (stacks) INACTIVE -1 -1 -1 -1 ### ### ### ### ### ### -1 ### -1 ### -1 ### ### ### ### ### ### Err:511
Planes Acrobatics +1 spellcraft +1 craft(blacksmith


Resource, Item, or Ability Slot Item











(Tertiary casters can highlight and right-click to "Hide Rows 60-69" to remove 5th-9th level)
1/day Spell-Like Abilities Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 0%

<-- Highlight range AY51:BO51 and drag the bottom-right corner down to wipe a region like this clean.-->


1ST LEVEL 4/day DC 15 This snippet would indicate
3/day Spell-Like Abilities Shield that the Magus in question has
2 Grasps still prepared, but 0
x Magic Missile Shields available. He "counts
xx Shocking Grasp down" within each spell
1ST LEVEL 5/day DC 17 This snippet would indicate
At-Will Spell-Like Abilities 2 Cure Light Wounds that the Flame Oracle has cast
2 total spells of this level. She
Burning Hands "counts up" to her maximum
(rearrange these in Bless daily capacity.
whatever order bes
fits your character) SUGGESTED FORMAT KEY
Constant Spell-Like Abilities CL +1 Spells are Dark Red DC +1 Spells are Bold
CL +2 Spells are Bright Red DC +2 Spells are Bold and Italicized
??? Spells have a backgroun Mythic Spells have a Blue Border
Note: Conditional Formatting -> "Custom Formula is" -> =K120="Active"
How were you raised? Do you have any close family?
Skill Checks
Specified Skills & Initiative
- Where/From whom did you learn your skills?

What are your personal life goals? What challenges do you seek?

List your three most important personal beliefs:

What character flaw(s) is/are most likely to cause trouble for you?

What do you secretly fear, even in times of easygoing peace?

Specified Skills, Initiative

For GMs: How to build a whole campaign around backstories

Initiative +2

Specified Skills, Initiative

Rolled HP Example: Barbarian 3 / Sorcerer 2 / Dragon Disciple 5.
Delete my rolls in the yellow before entering your own! Hit Points (Main Sheet)
Class 1: Summoner (Unchained)Class 2: Class 3: 0
SUM: 31 5 31 0 Sum
CON * Level: 2 0 0 0 Class 1
1 12 Class 2
2 1 Class 3
3 4 Custom Class
4 6
5 11
6 8
7 12
8 2
9 3
10 6

Age Bonus/Penalties to Ability Scores

Age Category Young Adult Middle Age Old Venerable
Strength -2 0 -1 -3 -6
Dexterity 2 0 -1 -3 -6
Constitution -2 0 -1 -3 -6
Intelligence 0 0 1 2 3
Wisdom -2 0 1 2 3
Charisma 0 0 1 2 3

Companion Creature Wondrous Item Slots

Body type *Avian *Biped (claws/p*Biped (hands) Piscine Quadruped (cla Quadruped/Hexa
Slots Available 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,122,3,4,5,6,8,9,10, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 3,6.1,9 2,3,4,5,6,8,9.1,1 2,3,4,5,6,8,9.1,1
Attack/Damage (Main Sheet)
Attack roll # of # of
type Melee Attack Iterative Attacks: 1 Off-Hand Melee
Iterative Attacks:
Melee Attack STR to hit, ST 1 0 STR to hit, ST 1
Off-Hand Melee Attack (must ShTR to hit, ST 1 0 STR to hit, STR 1
Ranged Attack ~~~~~~~~~~
Off-Hand Ranged Attack (must ~~~~~~~~~~ DEX to hit, ST 1
Combat Maneuver DEX to hit, ST 1 0 DEX to hit, ST 1
Magic DEX to hit, DE 1 0 DEX to hit, DE 1
Monk Flurry DEX to hit, DE 1 0 DEX to hit, DE 1
Single Attack ~~~~~~~~~~~
Natural Attacks (Searches atta~~~~~~~~~~~ WIS to hit, 0. 1
Other WIS to hit, ST 1 0 WIS to hit, ST 1
WIS to hit, WI 1 0 WIS to hit, 0. 1
WIS to hit, WI 1

Attack 1 '!$C$71:$E$93 Main Sheet Attack ##1of Main Sheet Attack # #2of
Attack 2 '!$F$71:$H$93 Ranged AttackIterative Attacks: 1 Ranged AttackIterative Attacks:
Attack 3 s'!$I$71:$K$93 DEX to hit (Cr 1 0 DEX to hit (Cr 1
Attack 4 '!$L$71:$N$93 DEX to hit, S 1 0 DEX to hit, S 1
Attack 5 '!$O$71:$Q$93 DEX to hit, DE 1 0 DEX to hit, DE 1
Attack 6 '!$R$71:$T$94 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Attack 6 Err:504 STR to hit, STR 1 0 STR to hit, STR 1
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
WIS to hit (Gu 1 0 WIS to hit (Gu 1
WIS to hit, ST 1 0 WIS to hit, ST 1
WIS to hit, WI 1 0 WIS to hit, WI 1
Types of Bonuses
Circumstance (stacks)
Dodge (stacks)
Precision Damage
Sacred / Profane
Untyped (stacks)

Experience Chart
XP Chart Slow Medium Fast
1— — —
2 3000 2000 1300
3 7500 5000 3300
4 14000 9000 6000
5 23000 15000 10000
6 35000 23000 15000
7 53000 35000 23000
8 77000 51000 34000
9 115000 75000 50000
10 160000 105000 71000
11 235000 155000 105000
12 330000 220000 145000
13 475000 315000 210000
14 665000 445000 295000
15 955000 635000 425000
16 1350000 890000 600000
17 1900000 1300000 850000
18 2700000 1800000 1200000
19 3850000 2550000 1700000
20 5350000 3600000 2400000

Size Modifiers
Key Number Size Attack / AC CMB / CMD Fly Skill Stealth Skill Carrying Capacity
F Fine 8 -8 8 16 0.125
D Diminutive 4 -4 6 12 0.25
T Tiny 2 -2 4 8 0.5
S Small 1 -1 2 4 0.75
M Medium 0 0 0 0 1
L Large -1 1 -2 -4 2
H Huge -2 2 -4 -8 4
G Gargantuan -4 4 -6 -12 8
C Colossal -8 8 -8 -16 16

Armor TabAC Bonus Max Dex Penalty Spell Failure Type Category
~~Magic Armors~~
Mage Armor (Spe 4 Unarmored Special
Bracers of Armo 0 Unarmored Special
Clothing 0 0 0% Unarmored Standard
~~Light Armors~~ Eastern
Armored Kilt 1 6 0 0% Light Standard
Haramaki 1 0 0% Light Eastern
Padded Cloth 1 8 0 5% Light Standard
Quilted Cloth 1 8 0 10% Light Standard
Silken Ceremoni 1 0 0% Light Eastern
Lamellar Cuiras 2 4 0 5% Light Eastern
Leather 2 6 0 10% Light Standard
Rosewood Armo 2 6 0 10% Light Standard
Hide Shirt 3 4 1 15% Light Standard
Leaf Armor 3 5 0 15% Light Standard
Parade Armor 3 5 1 15% Light Standard
Studded Leather 3 5 1 15% Light Standard
Wooden 3 3 1 15% Light Standard
Chain Shirt 4 4 2 20% Light Standard
Leather Lamella 4 3 2 20% Light Eastern
~~Medium Armors~~ Standard
Armored Coat 4 3 2 20% Medium Standard
Hide 4 4 3 20% Medium Standard
Do-Maru 5 4 4 25% Medium Eastern
Horn Lamellar 5 3 4 25% Medium Eastern
Kikko Armor 5 4 3 20% Medium Eastern
Scale Mail 5 3 4 25% Medium Standard
Agile Breastplat 6 3 4 25% Medium Standard
Breastplate 6 3 4 25% Medium Standard
Chainmail 6 2 5 30% Medium Standard
Four-Mirror Ar 6 2 5 30% Medium Eastern
Mountain Patte 6 3 4 30% Medium Eastern
Steel Lamellar 6 3 5 25% Medium Eastern
~~Heavy Armors~~ Standard
Banded Mail 7 1 6 35% Heavy Standard
Field Plate 7 1 5 35% Heavy Standard
Iron Lamellar 7 0 7 40% Heavy Standard
Kusari Gusoku 7 1 7 35% Heavy Eastern
Splint Mail 7 0 7 40% Heavy Standard
Tatami-Do 7 3 6 35% Heavy Eastern
Agile Half-Plate 8 0 7 40% Heavy Standard
Half-Plate 8 0 7 40% Heavy Standard
O-Yoroi 8 2 6 35% Heavy Eastern
Stone Coat 8 0 7 40% Heavy Eastern
Full Plate 9 1 6 35% Heavy Standard

Shield TablAC Bonus Max Dex Penalty Spell Failure Type

(no shield) Shield
Buckler 1 1 5% Buckler Shield
Klar 1 1 5% Light Shield
Madu 1 2 5% Light Shield
Light Shield 1 1 5% Light Shield
Heavy Shield 2 2 15% Heavy Shield
(Spell) Shield 4 0 0% Force Shield
Tower Shield 4 2 10 50% Tower Shield

Armor Mate
AC Bonus Max Dex Penalty Spell Failure Type Special Notes
Adamantine Plate/Chain DR 1/-
Angelskin Leather Masks Evil alignment
Armored Kilt 1 -1 -1 Leather
Armored Kilt Plate/Chain
Bone -1 Plate/Chain Fragile
Bronze Plate/Chain Fragile
Darkleaf Cloth 2 3 -10% Leather
Darkwood 2 - Non-metallic
Dragonhide Plate/Chain Impervious to E
Dragonhide Leather Impervious to Element
Eel Hide 1 Leather Electricity Resist 2
Elysian Bronze Plate/Chain DR 1/- vs. Beasts/Humanoids
Fire-forged steel Plate/Chain Fire Resist 2
Frost-forged steel Plate/Chain Cold Resist 2
Greenwood - Self-Repairs in S
Griffon mane Leather +2 Fly
Horacalcum Plate/Chain +1 Initiative
Leather / Hide Leather
Living steel Plate/Chain Self-Repairs in S
Mithral 2 2 -10% Plate/Chain Counts as Silver
Mithral + Armore 1 2 1 -10% Plate/Chain Counts as Silver

Steel Plate/Chain
Wood -

Conditions (for Buff Table)

Blinded -2

Cowering -2
Entangled -4
Exhausted -6 -6
Fatigued -2 -2
Grappled -4
Paralyzed -999 -999
Pinned -4
Stunned -2
Light Encumbrance
Medium Encumbrance
Heavy Encumbrance
Unchained Wo -1
Negative Levels

Unchained Alt Skill Systems

Standard SkillBackground Sk Consolidated SUltimate Psio Ultimate Psionics + Background Skills
Acrobatics Acrobatics C. Acrobatics Acrobatics Acrobatics
Appraise Bluff C. Athletics Appraise Autohypnosis
Bluff Climb C. Finesse Autohypnosis Bluff
Climb Diplomacy C. Influence Bluff Climb
Diplomacy Disable DeviceC. Nature Climb Diplomacy
Disable DeviceDisguise C. Perception Diplomacy Disable Device
Disguise Escape Artist C. PerformancDisable DeviceDisguise
Escape Artist Fly C. Religion Disguise Escape Artist
Fly Heal C. Society Escape Artist Fly
Handle AnimalIntimidate C. Spellcraft Fly Heal
Heal Kn. Arcana C. Stealth Handle AnimalIntimidate
Intimidate Kn. DungeoneeC. Survival Heal Kn. Arcana
Kn. Arcana Kn. Local Intimidate Kn. Dungeoneering
Kn. DungeoneeKn. Nature Kn. Arcana Kn. Local
Kn. EngineerinKn. Planes Kn. DungeoneeKn. Nature
Kn. GeographyKn. Religion Kn. EngineerinKn. Planes
Kn. History Perception Kn. GeographyKn. Psionics
Kn. Local Ride Kn. History Kn. Religion
Kn. Nature Sense Motive Kn. Local Perception
Kn. Nobility Spellcraft Kn. Nature Ride
Kn. Planes Stealth Kn. Nobility Sense Motive
Kn. Religion Survival Kn. Planes Spellcraft
Linguistics Swim Kn. Psionics Stealth
Perception Use Magic Device Kn. Religion Survival
Ride Linguistics Swim
Sense Motive Perception Use Magic Device
Sleight of Han Appraise Ride
Spellcraft Handle Animal Sense Motive
Stealth Kn. Engineering Sleight of Han Appraise
Survival Kn. Geography Spellcraft Handle Animal
Swim Kn. History Stealth Kn. Engineering
Use Magic DevKn. Nobility Survival Kn. Geography
Craft: Linguistics Swim Kn. History
Artistry: Sleight of Hand Use Magic DevKn. Nobility
Lore: Lore: Lore: Linguistics
Perform: Perform: Perform: Sleight of Hand
Prof: Prof: Prof: Prof:

Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Handle Animal, He
it Points (Main Sheet) Average Average round up
Average (1st level Max)
Average round up(1st level max) Maximum Custom Rolled
11 14 12 15 18 67
11 14.5 12 15 18 31
0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 31
0 0 0 0 0 0

Quadruped (hooQuadruped (squSaurian Serpentine Verminous

1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9.1 2,3,4,5,8,10 2,3,5,6,8,9.1 2,3,9 3,9
# of # of
0 Ranged AttackIterative Attacks: 1 Off-Hand Range
Iterative Attacks: 0
0 DEX to hit (Cr 1 0 DEX to hit (Cr 1 0
0 DEX to hit, S 1 0 DEX to hit, ST 1 0
DEX to hit, DE 1 0 DEX to hit, ST 1 0
0 ~~~~~~~~~~ DEX to hit, DE 1 0
0 STR to hit, STR 1 0 ~~~~~~~~~~
0 ~~~~~~~~~~~ STR to hit, STR 1 0
0 WIS to hit (Gu 1 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
WIS to hit, ST 1 0 WIS to hit (Gu 1 0
0 WIS to hit, WI 1 0 WIS to hit, ST 1 0
0 WIS to hit, ST 1 0
0 WIS to hit, WI 1 0
0 WIS to hit, WI 1 0

Main Sheet Attack # #3of Main Sheet Attack #4

1 Ranged AttackIterative Attacks: 1 No Category Selected
0 DEX to hit (Cr 1 0
0 DEX to hit, S 1 0
0 DEX to hit, DE 1 0
0 STR to hit, STR 1 0
0 WIS to hit (Gu 1 0
0 WIS to hit, ST 1 0
0 WIS to hit, WI 1 0
rrying Capacity

Armor Weight a
Special Material Weight Category Main Sheet Armors 1 and 2
0 (no shield) Equipment URL
0 Buckler PC or Compani
Leather 0 Klar
0 Madu
0 Light Shield Armor
Plate/Chain 1 Heavy Shield Encumbrance:
Plate/Chain 1 (Spell) Shield Totals
Leather 1 Tower Shield
Leather 1
Leather 1
Leather 1
Leather 1
Leather 1
Leather 1
Leather 1
Plate/Chain 1
Leather 1
Wood 1
Plate/Chain 1
Leather 1
Plate/Chain 2
Leather 2
Plate/Chain 2
Leather 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 2
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3
Plate/Chain 3

Plate/Chain Armor / Shield Special Material

Plate/Chain Angelskin Darkwood
Plate/Chain Armored Kilt Dragonhide
Plate/Chain Darkleaf Cloth Greenwood
Plate/Chain Dragonhide Living steel
Plate/Chain Eel Hide Mithral
Plate/Chain Griffon mane Steel
Leather / HideWood

sks Evil alignment


pervious to Element
ctricity Resist 2
1/- vs. Beasts/Humanoids


Shield -1
unts as Silver 0


CHA Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Melee Attack Melee Damage Ranged Attack

-1 -1

-2 -2
-2 -2 -2 -2 -2

2 2

-2 -2 -2

-2 -2 -2 -2 -2
-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1
0 0 0 0 0
Artist, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Kn. Arcana, Kn. Dungeoneering, Kn. Engineering, Kn. Geography, Kn. History, Kn. Local, Kn.
Combat Maneuver 1 Magic 1 Monk Flurry
STR to hit (Sta 1 #DIV/0! Caster Level C Err:511 #DIV/0! STR/STR Monk M
DEX to hit (We 1 #DIV/0! Concentration Err:511 #DIV/0! STR/STR*1.5 Mo
WIS to hit (Gu 1 #DIV/0! ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ DEX/STR Monk M
STR + Maneuver 2 #DIV/0! DEX/DEX Monk M
DEX + Maneuver 2 #DIV/0! ~~~~~~~~~~~
WIS + Maneuver 2 #DIV/0! WIS/STR Monk M
~~~~~~~~~~~ WIS/STR*1.5 Mo
Spell-Based (CL Err:511 #DIV/0! WIS/WIS Monk M
DEX/--- Monk R

Main Sheet Attack #5 Main Sheet Attack #6

No Category Selected No Category Selected


Max Dex: Armor Penalty

Unarmored 0 0
Light Encumbr
0 0
Ranged DamagSkills CL Run Speed MultiSkills
Move Speed MultCharge Speed Mu

Acrobatics, Climb, Disable Devi

Perception -1
Initiative, Perception -4
x0.5 0 0
x0.5 0 0
0 0
0 0

0 0

-2 -2
0.5 0

0 0
0 0
hy, Kn. History, Kn. Local, Kn. Nature, Kn. Nobility, Kn. Planes, Kn. Religion, Linguistics, Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, S
Err:511 Single Attack 1 Natural Attacks (Searches attack name for # o
Err:511 0 Melee: STR to 1 0 STR/STR*1.5 Si 1
Err:511 0 Melee: STR to 1 0 STR/STR Primar 1
~~~~~~~~~ STR/STR Primar 1
Err:511 0 Melee: DEX to 1 0 STR/STR*0.5 Se 1
Err:511 0 Melee: DEX to 1 0 ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ Melee: DEX to 1 0 DEX/STR*1.5 Si 1
Err:511 0 DEX/STR Primar 1
Err:511 0 Melee: WIS to 1 0 DEX/STR Primar 1
Err:511 0 Melee: WIS to 1 0 DEX/STR*0.5 Se 1
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Err:511 0 Ranged: DEX to 1 0 DEX/DEX*1.5 S 1
Err:511 0 Ranged: DEX t 1 0 DEX/DEX Prima 1
Err:511 0 Ranged: DEX to 1 0 DEX/DEX Prima 1
Err:511 0 Ranged: STR to 1 0 DEX/DEX*0.5 Se 1
Err:511 0 Ranged: WIS to 1 0
Err:511 0 Ranged: WIS to 1 0
Ranged: WIS to 1 0
robatics, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Stealth, Swim, Sleight of Hand -4

tiative, Perception -4
nse Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device, Artistry:, Craft:, Lore:, Perform:, Prof:,
Searches attack name for #Other
o 1
0 Alchemist Bomb ( 1 1
0 Alchemist Bomb 1 1
0 ~~~~~~~~~~
0 Witch Prehensil 2 1
White Witch Ha 1 1
0 White Witch Ha 1 1
0 White Witch H 2 #DIV/0!
0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
0 Kineticist Ran 1 1
Kineticist Ran 1 0
0 Kineticist Mel 1 1
0 Kineticist Mel 1 0
0 Kineticist Mele 1 1
0 Kineticist Mele 1 0
rform:, Prof:,

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