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Contextual Factors Template

Total Number of Students in the School: _439__

School Socio-Economic Make-Up (i.e., % free and reduced lunches): __%4.5___

Class Class Class Class Class

1 2 3 4 5
Grade Level/Subject Taught
Number of Students in Classroom

Contextual Information: Class Class Class Student Learning Adaptations:

(List the number of students 1 2 3 (Describe at least one example of a
identified in each class you teach strategy to provide equitable opportunities,
and identify the class in which you accommodations, or modifications you
are teaching your unit) attempted for any student identified within
each contextual characteristic)
F:10 M:10 M:10 When doing group activities, I will try to
Gender M: 11 F:12 F:11 keep the number of boys and girls in each
Number of Females: group even and ensure my language is
Number of Males: gender neutral
W: 15 W:1 W: 15 Any visuals or examples I show will
Ethnic/Cultural Make-Up AA/B: 7 AA/B:1 include people from a variety of cultural
Caucasian/White: 3 AA:2 H:1 backgrounds to ensure all my students
African American/ Black: A/PI:2 H/L: A: 3 are represented
Hispanic/Latino: H/L: 1 1 AI/A:1
Asian/Pacific Islander: AI/A
American Indian/Alaskan :1
Language Proficiency
Number of English Language
Learners (ELL):
Academic Performance
Students Performing
Below Grade Level:
Student Performing
Above Grade Level:
Gifted: Autis 1-DD I will frequently check for understanding
Students with Special Needs 1 m-1 and provide clarifying explanations when
Learning Disability: needed, I will I teach things multiple ways
Emotional/Behavioral DD: 2 Int. (visually, physically, etc) to ensure all my
Impairment: Dis: students are learning in a way that works
Attention Deficit Disorder 1 for them
Developmental Disability: Spch
Intellectual Disability: /lan
Speech/Language Impairment: g-1
Autism Spectrum:
Blind/Visual Impairment (VI):
Deaf /Hearing Impairment
Physical Disability:
Other Health Impairment:
Military Connected Students NA NA NA NA

Contextual Factors Continued

Student Characteristics:
Describe the developmental characteristics of students in your classroom.
(Cognitive, Physical, Emotional, Social).

My classes were average. Most students performed at or above grade level and they had very little behavior
problems. One of my classes asked more questions than the others, one had a tendency to get unfocused.

Highlight the prior knowledge and interests of students in your classroom.

Some of my students had some experience with brass instruments because of family members but most
didn’t know much.

Describe the implications these characteristics have on planning and instruction.

(e.g. What instructional strategies will you use to meet the unique learning needs of all your students?)

I will be able to help my students make connections between what they already know about instruments and
brass instruments specifically. I will also be able to reference music they already know that includes brass
instruments to help them further understand the unit.

Environmental Factors:
Describe district, school, and classroom environmental factors impacting the quality of education for all
of your students.

My school supports students in their learning. Students that need it have paras with them. Students come
to specials for 1 hour everyday (music is 30 minutes long). The school supports and values specials
teachers. My classroom has spaces for students to calm down if they need it. All classes met before lunch.

Class One and Three met after PE, Class Three was usually more focused, while PE caused Class One to
be more rambunctious.

Class Two met before PE, music is their first special


Contextual Factors Continued

Focus Students Information
Provide information about the two focus students you selected from the class in which you will be
teaching your unit that you feel would benefit from modified instruction. You MUST choose one
student with exceptionalities or an English Language Learner as one of your focus students.
Complete the chart below referring to these students only as Student A and Student B. Do not use
proper names.

Describe this Why did you select What did you find out Based on this
student using this student? about this student? information what
information from Address characteristics are the
the Contextual from the Contextual implications for
Information and Information and this student’s
Student Learning Student Learning instruction?
Adaptations Adaptations
Studen White,male, no This student is Cognitive He will benefit
tA learning smart, asks Very smart from positive
adaptions or thoughtful Emotional
feedback and
special needs, questions, and Easily defeated encouragement.
notices things many Movement and
others don’t when answering his
he’s having a good Physical questions will
day. When this help him stay
student is not Social engaged.
having a good day Seeks approval and
he shuts down and attention
doesn’t engage. I
was interested in
seeing what helped
him stay engaged
Describe this Why did you select What did you find out Based on this
student using this student? about this student? information what
information from Address characteristics are the
the Contextual from the Contextual implications for
Information and Information and this student’s
Student Learning Student Learning instruction?
Adaptations Adaptations
Studen Male, white, This student was Cognitive This student will
tB required a para, excited about Developmentally delayed benefit from
got frustrated learning, asked Emotional
extra help and
easily good questions, Easily frustrated time on tests,
very engaged, he frequent checks
needed some Physical for
behavior help and understanding,
requires extra and positive
assistance on tests, encouragement.
I thought this
student was really
sweet and really
loved watching him

Entry 11: Data Analysis Template

Pre-Assessment Data

What do these data mean for instruction during the unit?

The pre-assessment data helped me determine what parts of my unit I needed to focus on
and what parts I could move through a little fast. For example, most students did pretty well
with objective two so I knew I could move through that part while I needed to spend more
time on objective one.

What do these data mean for instruction for the Focus Students during the unit?

This data helped me see what I needed to give my focus students extra help with and what
objectives I needed to check for understanding more frequently. For example, both students
needed more help with objective three so I made sure I checked in frequently on their
understanding while teaching by asking the class questions and answering there’s.

How did the data from these formative assessments impact learning during the unit?

The formative assessments helped me determine how successful my teaching was and what
aspects of my unit I needed to rethink the way I taught. For example, some students missed
a question or two in my objective one formative assessment so I made sure I re explained
this concept to them and checked for understanding throughout the next couple lessons.

How did the data from these formative assessments impact Focus Student Learning
during the unit?

The formative assessments helped me determine what I needed to hit harder in my review
and what I didn’t. For example, both focus students missed a few questions during the
objective one formative so I made sure to readdress those topics in my other lessons. It also
helped me determine what I needed to find a new way to explain so my focus students
understood it.

What does this data mean for learning during the unit?

My data showed that my students gained a deeper understanding of brass instruments. The
average in every objective went up and most students scored 100%. In addition, during my
lessons, students were able to recall information and present it in their own words.

What does these data mean for learning for the Focus Students during the unit?

Focus student A was very successful. He scored a 100%. This demonstrated that the way I
taught this unit worked for him. In addition, during lessons, he was engaged and frequently
answered questions and provided insight. This showed me that he was engaged in the

Focus student B was also successful, his averages improved. He was not as successful on the
post assessment as some of his peers. I think part of this may have been the formate of the
test. I think if I had given him the test one on on and verbally he would have done better, but
overall he was successful and his post assessment demonstrated his knowledge and

For future instruction, what have you learned about how students learn and the
efficacy of your instructional style? What would you change, if anything?

I have learned that frequently checking for understanding helps catch areas that need to be
readdressed. I think that my instructional style worked well for this unit, I would like to
incorporate more hands on and movement in future lessons. I addition, I think I will rethink
my formal assessment style so it is more approachable for all my students.

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