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Republic of the Philippines


Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


1st Semester, SY 2021 – 2022


Name: Perez, John Christopher D. Prof.: Dr. Potenciano Conte, Jr. Score: _____

4 Activity Title Correlation and T-Test Using MS Excel TookPak
Given the hypothetical raw data (in excel format with your additional inputs) answer the
following questions. Use the MS Excel in your data analysis.

A. Correlation Analysis
1. A social science researcher was interested in determining the relationship between death anxiety and
religiosity and conducted following study. Subjects completed a death anxiety scale (high score
means high anxiety) and also completed a checklist designed to measure an individuals degree of
religiosity (belief in a particular religion, regular attendance at religious services, number of times per
week they regularly pray, etc.), where high score means greater religiosity . A data sample is
provided in Tab A of the excel file. However, you have to input additional values at the spread sheet
with shaded colors. There are parts of the spreadsheet that are "locked." This means that you can not
manually change the values. Also, the data set is not complete. For the cells that are colored green,
put any whole number between 1 and 50 (inclusive for death anxiety) and for cells colored blue,
between 1 and 20 for religiosity.

a. What is your computed correlation coefficient ? -0.163

b. What does this statistic mean concerning the relationship between death anxiety and
There is an inverse relationship between death anxiety and religiosity.
2. It is assumed that achievement test scores should be correlated with student's classroom
performance. Students who consistently perform well in the classroom (tests, quizes, etc.) is
expected to also perform well on a standardized achievement test (0 - 100 with 100 indicating high
achievement). A teacher decides to examine this hypothesis. At the end of the academic year, she
computes a correlation between the students achievement test scores (he purposefully did not look at
this data until after he submitted students grades) and the overall g.p.a. for each student computed
over the entire year. The data for her class are provided at Tab B of the excel fie. There are parts of
the spreadsheet that are "locked." This means that you can not manually change the values. Also,
the data set is not complete. For the cells that are colored yellow, put any whole number between 50
and 100 (inclusive for Achiement ) and for cells colored orange, between 1.0 and 5.0 for GPA.
Remember that the lower the numerical value of GPA means the higher the grade, and the higher the
numerical value of the GPA means the lower the grade.

a. Compute the correlation coefficient. -0.114

c. What does this statistic mean concerning the relationship between achievement test
prformance and g.p.a?
There is an inverse relationship between the scores in the achievement test and GPA.

B. T-Test Analysis
3. A study was conducted to measure the differences between older and younger adults on
perceived life satisfaction. A pilot study was conducted to examine this hypothesis. Twenty older
adults (over the age of 70) and twenty younger adults (between 20 and 30) were give a life
satisfaction test (known to have high reliability and validity). Scores on the measure range from 0
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


1st Semester, SY 2021 – 2022

to 60 with high scores indicative of high life satisfaction; low scores indicative of low life
satisfaction. The data are presented at the Tab C of the excel file. However, you have to input
additional values at the spread sheet with shaded colors. There are parts of the spreadsheet that
are "locked." This means that you can not manually change the values. Also, the data set is not
complete. For the cells that are colored gray, put any whole number between 0 and 60 (inclusive
for life satisfaction). Compute the appropriate t-test.

a. What is the sample mean of the older adults’ satisfaction score? 45.9
b. Wha is the sample mean of the younger adults’ satisfaction score? 30.3
c. What would be the null hypothesis in this study?
There are no significant differences between younger and older adults on life satisfaction.
d. What would be the alternate hypothesis?
The alternate hypothesis would be that life satisfaction scores of older and younger adults
are different.
e. What probability level did you choose and why?
The probability level that I chose was .05, if one makes either a Type I or a Type II error,
there will be no risk involved.
f. What is your p-value? 6.1854E-07
g. Is there a significant difference between the two groups?
Yes, the t is in the tail. In fact, even if one uses a probability level the t is still in the tail.
h. Interpret your answer.
Older adults in this sample have significantly higher life satisfaction than younger adults

4. A study was conducted to determine if a class intervention was effective. A group of 20 students
were subjected to pre-test and post-test. Their test scores are included at the Tab D of the Excel
file. Scores on the measure range from 0 to 100 with high scores indicative of high life test score;
low scores indicative of low test score. The data is incomplete. Kindly complete the data by
inputting additional scores at the cells in the spread sheet with shaded yellow. There are parts of
the spreadsheet that are "locked." Compute the appropriate t-test.

a. What is the sample mean of the older adults’ satisfaction score? 61.1
b. Wha is the sample mean of the younger adults’ satisfaction score? 78.95
c. What would be the null hypothesis in this study?
There are no significant differences between the scores of the 20 students in their pre-test
and post-test.
d. What would be the alternate hypothesis?
The alternate hypothesis would be that pre-test and post-test scores of the 20 students
are different.
e. What probability level did you choose and why?
The probability level that I chose was .05, if one makes either a Type I or a Type II error,
there will be no risk involved.
f. What is your p-value? 0.000311
g. Is there a significant difference between the two groups?
There is a significant difference between the scores of the students in pre-test and
h. Interpret your answer.
Since there is a significance between the pre-test and post-test scores of the
students, we can conclude that the intervention applied were successful and
Republic of the Philippines
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


1st Semester, SY 2021 – 2022

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