HO2 2216-1c

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Publication 2216-4 Edition © Associated Eléctrical Industries Limited ‘Switchgear Division AEI TRANSLAY BALANCED PROTECTIVE SYSTEM | For a.c, feeders using unscreened pilot wires Drawout and non-drawout cases Fully approved by British electricity supply authorities ‘The system is in service on the feeders of large interconnected power systems, where the fre- quency and severity of the through faults experi- enced are such that no other protective system hhas been found to have sufficient stability. The Translay system can be relied upon ¢o remain stable under the most severe and complicated through-fault conditions, and to disconnect a protected feeder in the event of a fault on it, The Translay system was chosen after ex: haustive tests and investigations by the Central Electricity Board for the protection of various parts of the national Grid, and by other au- thorities controlling important undertakings in this country and abroad, 4, Singleelement Translay relay, type” HOP, for y the protection oF asinglosphass or three-phase ( feeder The Translay system is an improved balanced protective system developed by Associated Elec trical Industries Led after exhaustive research ' work, “The object was to evolve a system of | discriminative protection, having all the advan- | tages without the disadvantages of the best existing pilot wire systems, such as the Balanced Voltage (Merz-Price} System in its various forms. ‘The remarkable success achieved will be evident & when it is understood that the system not only reaches that objective, but is actually less comp! cated than existing systems, and compared with een ne ee ‘most other systems is less expensive to install. Asem cise tad ents ences gene TRANSLAY BALANCED PROTECTIVE SYSTEM ‘The Translay system of feeder protection has the following valuable and distinctive featuret:— Low settings ‘The settings are lower than can be provided by many alternative systems of protection. Stability ‘The relays are stable with the largest through- fault currents met with in power systems and are inherently insensitive to transient currents. Bias feature The relays are automatically restrained against operation by heavy currents flowing to faults ‘outside che protected section. Robust design There is ample power for operating the relays and advantage is taken of this to ensure a robust design. Unscreened pilots Ordinary pilot cables without anti-capacitance sereens are used because the relays are specially compensated to neutralise the effects of pilot capacitance currents, and the maximum pilot voltage does not exceed 130 volts for the standard system. Conventional current-transformers Ordinary current-transformers [without air- gaps) are used, thus eliminating any possibility of unbalance due to the magnetic effects of adjacent structural ironwork. Exact similarity of the currenttransformers is not essential; thus they ‘can be used without having been specially manu- factured and carefully paired to secure a good balance. No restrictions on current-transforme: earthing ‘The current-transformer secondary circuits may be connected direct to earth at both ends of a feeder. PRINCIPLE ‘Though the Translay system represents an out- standing improvement in the technique of pilot wire feeder protection, the principle on which it is based is well-established; namely, that under healthy conditions the instantancous cur- rent entering a feeder at one end is identical in magnitude and phase to that leaving it at the other end. But whereas in other systems of feeder protection employing pilot wires the current required to operate the relays must all pass through the pilots, in the Translay system ‘operation is produced by two co-operating cur- rents, the operating torque being proportional to their product, One of these quantities is supplied from local current transformers and the other, which flows in the pilot circuit can, in conse- quence, be relatively weak. Hence ‘the ohmic resistance of the pilots has little effect on the sensitivity of the gear ‘This principle permits the use of pilot wires of small cross-section without limiting the power available for operating the relay, and thus allows the ase of robust induction pattern relays designed to operate on unusually low values of fault current. Ie will therefore be seen that the advantages of 13. Simplified scheme of connections for the protection of a hase fowder by means af he Transiay system ww the Translay system arise almost entirély from * the improved method of applying the fault current to the isolation of the defective feeder. The Translay system provides complete pro- tection against both phase and earth faults, and is applicable to all ac. feeders, CONSTRUCTION ‘The Translay relay is strongly constructed and reliable in service. It operates on the welle known Ferraris principle—widely used in indue- tion overcurrent relays and watt-hour meters— wherein a moving flux caused by wo magnetic fields in quadrature induces eddy currents in a pivoted metal disc, and interacting with the eddy currents, causes the disc to rotate. A contact- making device suitable for closing the shunt tip coil of a circuit-breaker is mounted on the dise spindle, and is normally held inoperative by a spring. Under operating conditions the dise rotates through a small are, and the disc auto- matically resets when the fault is removed from the system. In its main features the relay resembles an induction watt-hour meter of orthodox design, but differs in that it has no voltage winding; this is replaced by the current winding 11 (see fig. 3) connected to the line current transformer 10. ‘The = 216-4 winding 11 acts as primary to the secondary winding 12 on the same limb of the electro- magnet, the whole forming a small transformer. ‘The secondary winding is joined in series with the winding 13 on the lower electro-magnet 16, and in service the two are connected in series with the pilot wires, as shown in fig. 3. Any current induced in winding 12 circulates through winding 13 by way of the pilot wires, and the flux thus generated in magnet 16 being in quadrature with the leakage flux from magnet 15, a moving magnetic field is set up, which interacts, ‘with eddy currents generated in the rotor disc and. ‘causes the disc to rotate. The value of the torque exerted on the dise varies with the phase displace ment between the leakage flux from the magnet 15 and the flux from the operating magnet 16. For a given current in the operating coils 13 the maximum torque is obtained when the flux from magnet 16 lags the leakage flux from magnet 15, by 90°, Compensation for currents As these produce a flux in the operating magnet 16 approximately in phase with the leakage flux from the field magnet 15, no torque is exerted on the disc. So that the fluxes shall be as nearly as possible in phase when the current in the oper- ating coils is due to pilot wire capacity, two closed, capacitance 4. Bias characteristics of ype HO2 relay The amoere seal ‘au tay un an eco TRANSLAY BALANCED PROTECTIVE SYSTEM copper loops 18 are provided which modily the phase of the leakage lux from magnet 15. The relays are thus prevented from operating with pilot wire capacitance current, even under the severe conditions of a heavy through-fault current. Compensation for transient line charging currents Since such transients are essentially uni- directional they are ineffective to operate the Translay relay, which is an induction relay re- quiring alternating current conditions to cause operation. Simple electromagnetic relays of the attracted-armature type are equally responsible to either a.c. or d.c. conditions. Compensation for lack of balance between current transformers The bias loops 18 besides compensating for pilot-wire capacitance effects, also counteract the effects of lack of balance beoween the line current transformers. Under normal conditions any cur- rent circulating in coil 13 (and 13a) due to unbalance is small, and the flux generated in ‘magnet 16 is of no practical significance; but heavy loads or chrough-fault currents producing high values of induction in the magnet can cause an appreciable forward torque on the disc. Under such conditions, however, the current in- duced in loops 18 (or 18a) causes a backward or restraining torque on the disc, in the same way that the shunt compensator on an induction ‘watt-hour meter counteracts any tendeney of the disc to run forward, when only the voltage coil is energised. A striking and valuable feature of this simple device is that the backward torque automatically adjusts itself to the needs of the occasion. It is negligible when the fault is on the protected feeder, but reaches a maximum under through- fault conditions. Under the latter conditions the magnetising current 13 (and 15a) is very high, while the de-magnetising effect of the small’ unbalance current in 12 (and 12a) is insignificant; but when a fault is on the protected feeder a much greater operating current flows in coils 12 (and 12a), and the demagnetising effect on 15 (and 13a) is correspondingly large. The loops 18 (or 18a) are then influenced by 2 much reduced flux and the counter torque is proportionately les. ‘The bias curve for a type HO2 relay is illustrated in fig. 4, ‘which shows that with unbalance up to as high as. 50% the bias prevents disconnection of the feeder. . OPERATION Protection of a single-phase feeder ‘The operation of the Translay system in its simplest form can be followed by referring to fig. 3, which shows simplified single-element relays applied to the protection of a single-phase feeder on an earthed system, The tripping circuits are omitted for clearness. Load and through-fault condi So long as the feeder is healthy, the line current transformers 10 (and 10a) at opposite ends of the feeder carry equal currents, and the coils 11 (and Ila) connected to them induce equal ‘.m.fs. in the windings 12 (and 12a) respectively. Coils 12 (and 12a) are connected in opposition by the pilot wires, with the operating windings 13 (and 13a) in series with them, and in consequence no current circulates in the pilot wires and operating coils 13 (and 13a). Current flows in both field coils 11 (and Ila) in proportion to the load or through-fault current flowing, but this, due to bias loops 18 (and 18a), actually exerts a backward or restraining torque on the relays and effectively prevents operation. ns Internal fault conditions In the event of a fault on the protected feeder the line current transformer at one end of the feeder carries a greater current than that at the other end, with the result that a small current, induced in 12 (or 12a) circulates through the ‘operating windings and the pilots. Thus both coils of the relay are energised; the field coil, from the local current transformer in proportion to the fault current, and the operating coil by the unbalance current circulating in the pilot wires. If the local current exceeds the setting value, the relay operates to close a tripping cireuit and opens the circuit-breaker. PROTECTION OF A THREE-PHASE FEEDER ‘The Translay system as usually installed on a three-phase circuit, employs at each end of a feeder a single-element relay (type HO2), which provides protection against both faults between, phases and faults to earth, The connections of the relays and transformers are shown in fig. 5, in which the tripping circuits are omitted for clearness. C ad mist (Oiace and Action on a phase fault ‘Assuming a fault at F between R and Y phases, fed in the direction of the arrows, the currents that fiow in sections (1) of the relay primary windings U1 (and 11a), induce e.m.f5. in windings 12 (and 12a), which being now additive cause a current to circulate in the operating coils 13 (and 13a) and the two pilot wires. Both the upper and lower electromagnets thus become energised, and if the fault current exceeds the value correspond- ing co the scale setting in use, the relays operate to trip their associated circuit-breakers. A fault becween Y and B phases causes sections (2) of windings 11 (and Ila) to be energised and. the relays to operate, while a fault between R and. B phases causes operation by energising sections ) and (2) of windings 11 (and Ia); the fault setting in this case being half that for the R-Y and Y-B cases. Action on an earth fault In the event of an earth fault on phase R, the resultant secondary current from the current transformer in phase R flows through the sections (D, @) and (3) of windings 11 (and Ia) as- fuming power Row inthe directions indicated by In the event of an earth-fault on phase R the secondary current from the current transformer flows through sections 1, 2 and 3 of winding 1 (and Ia); a Y-phase earth-faule causes sections inctsomteg for clenness) 1m of scheme for the protection of a three-phase ‘omploying ype HO2 (single slement) relays 2and 3 only to be energised. B-phase earth-fault current will flow only in section 3. The corres- ponding settings are indicated in the table on page 6. INSTALLATION NOTES Pilot wi Only two pilot cores are required with the Translay system. These do not need anti~ capacitance sheaths, as compensation for pilot capacitance is provided by the loops 18 as already. deseribed. Effect of pilot wire resistance on fault settings The fault settings obtainable in practice vary slightly according to the ohmic cesistance in the pilot wires, The curve in fig. 7 shows the relation between che pilot wire resistance and the mini- mum earth fault setting obtainable on a type HO2 relay. Current transformers In order to comply with Home Office regula~ tions, all current transformers must be earthed at ‘a point on the secondary side; but with ordinary balanced voltage systems this is impracticable, due to the possibility that stray earth fault current may flow in the circuit formed by the pilot cores, and cable armouring with the current transe formers and relays in series, and thus cause untimely operation of the relays. Alternatives such as earthing the transformer secondaries at only one end of the feeder, or earthing them at TRANSLAY BALANCED PROTECTIVE SYSTEM both ends through spark gaps, are commonly used, but never with completely satisfactory results, With the Translay system the difficulty is overcome by the transformer feature of the relay, combined with the use of two distinet fluxes for producing operating torque. The current trans- former secondaries at both ends of a feeder can safely be earthed as in the case of instrument current transformers, Fault settings The minimum settings obtainable with type HO? relays are tabulated below. These cor- respond to the minimum scale setting, viz. 40%, or 2 amp for a 5-amp relay. earn tats, | Phase tautts | Toga phase aves jana’ r]y¥ | 8 |ay RvB, co % | 90% 2% ros through olay aviary Samp represents nomi tal ond on Plot wire cosistancs OHMS GENERAL INFORMATION Contacts Either single-circuit or three-point normally- open selfresetting contacts can be provided. ‘They are capable of making 1500 VA subject to maxima of 5 amp and 660 volts or 10 amp and 50 volts. Operation indicator A hand-reset mechanical operation indicator is fitted as a standard feature. Case and cover (non-drawout pattern) MOUNTING The relays are supplied in uni- versal projecting pattern cases, designed so that with the addition of only mounting brackets the relay can be fush mounted. ail internal parts are easily accessible. The cover only is removed in making the usual frontal setting adjustments, the case remaining in position as a protection against falling dust, etc. It is a simple matter to remove the case when necessary, exposing the complete relay as shown in fig. 2. 6. Curve showing relation between feeser currents and vollage across pilot wires, (type HO2 relays) 7. Curve showing lation betwoen fault in amperes (secondary) and pilot vesistanc Ho2' sama S0-period stangard relays. (Con correspond to earth fault on 8 phase.) om FINISH Before receiving the stoved finishing coat of semi-gloss black the cases are phosphatised and given a stoved undercoat. The resulting finish is durable, with high resistance to corrosion, Cc and is suitable for use in the tropics. ‘The interior is finished with aluminium bronze, which makes it easier to see inside. Insulation ‘The relays are pressure tested by the applica: tion of 2000 volts ac. between live parts and zea * Dimen: ns and weight Height: 7-25 in (184 mm); Width: 7-25 in (164 mm) ; Depth: 6-43 in (163 mm) ; Net weight: ib Drawout pattern cases ‘Type HO2 relays can be supplied in type A

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