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This conceptual framework adopts the system approach input-process-output model. The input
composed of two parts, first is the demographic profile of respondents and the 2nd part contains
the educators’ familiarity, views, implementation knowledge, and knowledge on gamification’s
effectiveness. The process box consists of instrument for gathering data. Analysis contains two
methods, the thematical analysis and the statistical analysis.

The output box is expected to have the results which are (1) The
determination of the educators’ views and familiarity (2) Finding out what the appropriate action
plan based on the educators’ views and their level of familiarity and (3) The determination on
the necessary recommendations based on the result of the data gathered.


In our study, we use mixed method. Mixed method is the combination of qualitative and
quantitative research design. The research became mixed method as the research instrument
has a qualitative element which is the free-answer assessment part, and a quantitative element
which is the Likert-scale. Due to this, the interpretation involves qualitatively interpreting the
findings and quantitatively measuring the gathered quantitative data.

This research aims to qualitatively analyze the views and perception of the educators towards
gamification and assess their familiarity quantitatively using a rating scale called Likert Scale.



The study was conducted in Buting Senior High School at A. Santos Street, Buting, Pasig City,
Philippines. The researchers conducted the study in the school proper in the respective
departments of the respondents. The researchers chose this place for implementation because
it's the most convenient place for respondents. This study was conducted in the first semester or
school year 2022-2023

Participants of the study

Educators who's handling ICT students this S.Y. 2022-2023 are the participants of our study. We
use purposive sampling technique as they have the characteristics needed in our sample. The
number of our respondents are 23 including the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Teachers who is
handling ICT students. Since, the researchers are dealing with small population, there is no
need for sample size population. Our target was to have all the teacher participate in the
questionnaire survey.



We use survey questionnaire in gathering data. The survey questionnaire is composed of 3

maim parts: The demographic profile of the respondents, assessment of the respondents
perception and the measurement of their familiarity, confidence, awareness and willingness
through answering the likert scale type questions.

Items in 2nd part is free answer assessment that is aimed to assess their views. It covered the
views on gamification’s effectiveness, their perception in terms of different factors, and their
opinions about its applicability and difficulty of implementation.

Components of likert scale includes their own rating of familiarity, awareness and willingness. It
is a 5 point rating scale. From 1 being “not familiar at all”, “not aware at all”, “not confident at all”
and “not willing at all”, to 5 being “Very familiar, “Very aware, “Very confident” and “Very willing”



This study used both qualitative and quantitative analysis for the data gathered. In the case of
qualitative, the researchers utilized a thematical analysis of the teachers views and perceptions
while the Likert scale data quantitatively assessed by getting the mode or the most common
score in each Likert scale type question.

STATISTICAL TREATMENT - mode and percentage

mode- The mode or modal value of a data set is the most frequently occurring value. It’s a
measure of central tendency that tells you the most popular choice or most common
characteristic of your sample (Scribbr, 2020). In the study, analyzing the mode in the data to be
gathered doesn't need any formula.

Percentage- Finding the percentage of responses is involved in describing the statistics.

Percentage means a number, or a ratio represented in the form of fractions of 100. The
researchers computed for the percentage to have
a better grasp and understanding of the most frequent data of the responses.

Thematical Analysis
thematical analysis includes the following themes:

a. The Educators’ Perception on Gamification’s Effectiveness

b. The Educators’ Perception on Gamification’s Applicability and Difficulty of Implementation
c. The Teachers’ Views about Gamification’s Influence in terms of Skill Acquisition
d. The Teachers’ Views about Gamification’s Influence in terms of students’ performance
e. The Teachers’ Views about Gamification’s Influence in terms of students’ learning interest

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