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I. Introduction.

Thesis Statement: Climate Change is the result of our bad actions.

II. Climate change is mainly caused by human activities.

A. Deforestation

B. Burning fuel to power factories, cars, and buses.

C. Irresponsible Waste Management.

III. Climate change can be reduced through loving everything God created and cherished.

A. People should care about our nature.

B. People should give importance to nature.

C. Acknowledge what Mother Nature has given to us

1. As her children, we should never destroy it.

2. Like St. Francis of Assisi, we should be openhearted to our bond with nature.

3. We should shape the right future by being generous to our nature.

IV. Climate change can be eradicated through people’s commitment to preserving the

environment for the future.

A. Do everything right because God is still working in us.

1. By having unity.

2. By planting trees.

3. By building a diverse ecosystem.

V. Conclusion.

A. Creation is how everything began because of God’s infinite goodness and


B. God did all of this, He created the planet, nature, plants, trees, animals, and others,

because of love, out of love, and for love. Therefore, we should stop Climate Change.
Climate change is “a broad range of global phenomena created predominantly by

burning fossil fuels, which add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere. These phenomena

include the increased temperature trends described by global warming, but also encompass

changes such as sea-level rise; ice mass loss in Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic, and mountain

glaciers worldwide; shifts in flower/plant blooming; and extreme weather events” (NASA).

“The atmosphere's entry of solar radiation is blocked by these gases, which is the warming of

the oceans, land, and atmosphere, as well as an increase in the frequency of storms, floods, and

drought frequency. Sea levels are rising, and Coastal regions that house and support millions

of people, not to mention all the other animals that rely on such natural habitats are destroyed”

(Karen, 2009). Most of us do not value God’s creation, and this results in climate change.

The impacts of climate change are being felt globally: Air and water temperatures are

adversely increasing at alarming rates, harming the ecosystems that support life for humans,

animals, plants, and fish. The destruction brought on by more intense floods and droughts is

expanding. Hurricanes and storms are occurring more frequently, and intensely. Both old and

new illnesses are developing and spreading. Overly industrialized places have poor air quality.

These events are destroying Mother Nature, and as the environment changes, the health of

humans is being affected by the climate.

“Our planet home and nature provide basic yet essential things to meet our own needs”

(LYFE). Mother Nature provides everything for us, humans, so we should take care of her. But

for our own purposes, we are damaging the environment far too much. “God reveals himself

in creation- this loving action manifests who God really is” (LYFE). We, humans, destroyed

what God created for us. Most of us have not always valued God’s creation and because of our

bad actions it “separate ourselves from the rest of the creation, especially when we perceive

this natural world, which God made as solely the source of profit for our personal gain”

(LYFE). These bad actions are ones that we have been engaging in without even realizing it.
Climate change is mainly caused by human activities. What are these? This includes

deforestation, burning fuel to power factories, cars, and buses, and throwing garbage

everywhere. This has a significant impact on Mother Nature. However, the "God questions"

cannot be disregarded by people in many parts of the world who believe that there is a close

relationship between the divine and what occurs in nature. Therefore, the main causes of

climate change are the different human activities that raise the concentration of greenhouse

gases in the atmosphere.

Generally, carbon is stored in plants and forests. This stored carbon has the potential to

be released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and contributes to climate change when

they are damaged or entirely destroyed, for instance through cutting down trees- this process

is known as deforestation. In our world, forests have a significant impact on the carbon cycle.

When forests are destroyed, carbon is no longer absorbed into the atmosphere, but it is also

released into the atmosphere as CO2 if the wood is burned or even left to rot following

deforestation. A factor that leads to climate change is deforestation. Carbon dioxide builds up

in our atmosphere, which causes climate change. If we continue to employ the main tool at our

disposal to reduce this CO2 build-up, we may expect our planet's temperature to shift

significantly over the coming decades.

Furthermore, the majority of the energy needed to drive our cars, run our businesses,

and keep the lights on in our homes has been produced by burning fossil fuels. A significant

contributor to climate change is our own vehicles. You didn’t know that while you are driving

your new car, it can make our ozone layer thin. Fossil fuel use has had a devastating impact on

both mankind and the environment, causing everything from air and water pollution to climate

change. That goes above and beyond all the disadvantages of chemicals and plastics, which are

petroleum-based products. On the other hand, we produce fewer emissions when we use less

fuel in our new cars. When we reduced emissions, it can cause climate change to slow down.
A final point, the most significant aspect influencing climate change is how we manage

waste. Improper waste management not only results in litter everywhere but also impacts our

ecosystem and results in air and sea pollution. Our irresponsible behavior is currently

destroying an entire globe of living things as well as our very own home, and nature is already

extremely fragile. We directly contribute to climate change through our energy production,

product consumption, and careless waste management by increasing the amount of carbon-

based airborne particles in the atmosphere. Climate change is the end result, which has a terrible

greenhouse effect.

All of these are bad decisions and/or actions we make every day without realizing we

are harming Mother Nature. “Creation is the foundation of “all God’s saving plans” the

“beginning of the history salvation” that culminates in Christ” (CCC 280). God's creative and

loving acts led to creation. He did not create us to ruin what He had made but to partake in His

love. “… first, He creates out of his divine goodness, to share His goodness with others, not

because of any need or imperfection. Second, He creates by a free, intentional, purposeful

action, not by any sort of natural emanation such as pantheists propose, or by any “natural”

evolution that would deny God’s freedom. Third, He creates “out of nothing,” that is, not from

any matter or any gods already existing (cf. CCC 296-98).

Moreover, this gives us insights that we humans are sinful yet we are created in His

own image and likeness. God revealed His infinite goodness and love to us. We are special and

blessed in the eyes of God. As a result, we ought to protect our own nature. The foundation for

this is love and respect for the environment.

If we love and revere God veritably, we should and must love and respect everything

He created and cherished; for “without a return to the reverence for all that lives, no correction

of the modern, basic attitude towards nature is possible” (Salibay, 2008). By cherishing and

embracing everything that God made, climate change can be lessened. But how can we do this?

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