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农历三月,正是大理最美的季节。三月的苍山,虽然峰壑间还闪现着雪影 ,

The third lunar month is the best season to feast upon the splendor of Dali. Vast
expansions of scarlet rhododendrons have blossomed, turning the densely forested
Cangshan Mountain occasionally embellished with snow-carpeted peaks into a fair
lady with rosy cheeks. One might get lucky to see a ribbon or two woven by white
clouds drifting halfway up the mountain, which is quite an unnaturally natural
enchantment. From atop Changshan Mountain, the Erhai Lake, dotted with dazzling
white sails and islands vanishing and reappearing in the heavy fog, is separated by the
ancient town of Dali. Willows on the bank flutter like flattering eyebrows while wave
after wave of the Erhai Lake resemble winking eyes of an amorous lover, setting off
the Cangshan Mountain picturesquely. Such a wonderful time for the inauguration of
a fair! Several hundred meters away west of the ancient city, the March Fair is
characterized by temporally stalls selling a mind-blowing variety of items. Colorful
pieces of fur and cloth, and fashionable clothes are hung from stall to stall with
distinct fragrance of herbal medicine and various ethnic delicacies roaming in the air.
Since ancient times, Dali has been the site which the Ancient Tea-horse Road passes
through and also a prosperous commercial center with bells and whistles, thus the
vital March Street becoming a trade fair in spring in western Yunnan.
At the foot of the Zhonghe Peak of Cangshan Mountain, this grand traditional
gathering lasts for five days or a week every year, starting from the March 15th of the
lunar calendar. A local legend offers an origin story associated with religious activities
which goes as follows: During the Zhenguan Period, Kwan-yin Bodhisattva subdued
the devil called Rakshasa and saved people from its scourge on March 15th. Ever
since, the Bai people would gather annually in the Kwan-yin street, offering sacrifices
and worshiping Kwan-yin Bodhisattva, which later develops into a yearly commercial
event also hailed as the Kwan-yin Festival or Kwan-yin Fair.
The March Fair is a market with ethnic features in western Yunnan. Since Dali
has long been the commercial center for exchanges of goods in western Yunnan, the
economic development of the Bai settlements give rise to the Fair evolving from a
great Buddhist event in the very beginning to a massive fair featuring goods exchange
and cultural recreations. Every time, it is crammed with waves of tourists, vendors
from nearby prefectures, and an eye-catching diversity of goods. Besides the Bai
people, other ethnic groups such as the Han, Yi, Naxi, Tibetan, Lisu, Hui in nearby
regions will all swarm to the fair in their ethnic costumes, herding livestock and
poultry, shouldering loads of various local specialties such as medicine herbs and
agricultural products, and rallying on the square of the March Fair where such
entertainments as dialogue folk songs, dance performances, archery matches, horse
races, ball games, and Bai ethnic and lantern-themed dramas are to be held in addition
to goods exchanges.

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