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Megan hasn’t done yet Megan has already done

Example: Megan hasn’t Example: Meg has already accepted

gotten married yet. to get married.

1. Megan megan has 1. Megan has already bought the

not hired a band dress

2. Mega has not shown 2. Megan has tried on the dress

the dress to her several times

3. Megan hasn't ordered

3. Megan has already sent out the
the flowers for the
invitations for the wedding

4. Megan has already made the

4. Megan hasn't invited
reservation of the room (she has
her co-worker yet
done it six months ago)

5. Megan has not

5. Megan has already been
chosen the food for the
preparing for the wedding



2. Answer the following questions using information about
yourself, Write a short paragraph (100 words) asnwering the
following questions. 

What have you already done this year?

What haven’t you done this year yet?

This year I have gotten ahead with my studies, I have

struggled with every insecurity I have had for a long time,
this year I have had my heart broken several times, this year
I have cried so much but just as I have cried I have picked
myself up, wiped my tears and moved on with my life. I still
have a lot to live, I have not traveled much, I have not had a
love that stays with me through thick and thin, I have not yet
finished my studies to be able to give the woman who always
fought for my sister and me (my mother) the pleasure of my

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