Comm 350 Communication Plan

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Communication Plan for Come As You Are

1. Our Vision Statement: Through the impact of Come As You Are, students start
to live in confidence and let go of striving. Wheaton students will realize there is
no need to prove themselves beyond doing their best. They feel freedom to
come as they are in every area of their lives.
2. Our Mission Statement: Come As You Are exists to help students
disempowered by perfectionism by connecting students with professors and
professional counseling.
3. Our Values Statement: Come As You Are values honesty, accountability, and
humility. We believe that when students embrace these values and the programs
we offer they will experience college feeling healthier and happier. Our values
help students honor the fact that perfection will never be met, and find the
balance in striving for excellence with appropriate standards.
4. Our Brand Positioning Statement: Come As You Are exists for all
undergraduate students at Wheaton College who struggle with perfectionism.
Unlike other mental health organizations or campus resources, Come As You
Are focuses solely on the issue of perfectionism and invites peers, professionals,
and professors to rally around the students and the struggle they face.
5. Our Brand Personality: Empathetic, Proactive, Approachable, Grounded,
Intentional, Relational
Our Brand’s Visual Identity:

6. Communication SMART Goals

● Recruiting Participants: We will recruit 30 participants in the first month
through team members’ inviting Instagram stories, pointing to our website as
linked in the bio.
● Community Engagement: 1,000 students total attend a semesterly panel
discussion on perfectionism and ask the hosting professors and volunteers
relevant questions through Slido.
● Strategic Messaging to Donors: 500 potential donors will interact with
Come As You Are’s Facebook page, and provide their email and sign up to
receive a monthly e-newsletter.
7. Our Audiences

● Audience #1: Participant

○ Name: Underclass Participant Penny
○ Background: Public school. Family that pushes academic success.
Gifted child in elementary school. Middle child. Involved in a
non-denominational church.
○ Demographic Information: White. Female. Dating. Christian.
Heterosexual. 18-Years Old.
○ Interests/Hobbies: Fitness. Music. Watching Netflix. Healthy eating. Art.
Marathon Running. Photography. Hiking.
○ Needs: Joining an organization that is both supportive and informative
about the constant struggle of anxiety and perfectionism amongst young
○ Passions: Leading others towards a more self aware and self sufficient
generation; to engage with others about their struggles and use these
struggles to advance Christ's kingdom.
○ Motivations: Feeling as though she belongs somewhere, is well heard
and well understood.
○ Challenges Related to Participating/Giving to Your Org: Is unable to
attend all events. Is unsure about how open she wants to be with others
about her struggle with perfectionism. Doesn't want to come across as
stuck up.
○ Preferred Communication Channels: Physical Handout, Instagram, Tik
● Audience #2: Volunteer/Team Member
○ Name: Volunteer Vicky
○ Background: Private school. Raised in the midwest. One of 3 children to
two married parents. Involved in church.
○ Demographic Information: White. Female. Single. Christian. 20-Years
Old. Heterosexual.
○ Interests/Hobbies: Chill music. Bible studies. Spending time with
friends. Dancing. Reading. Working out.
○ Needs: To feel that the organization legitimately cares. To be known. To
feel physically and emotionally rested.
○ Passions: Following Christ and advancing His kingdom. Engaging in a
genuine community. Helping others find joy.
○ Motivations: Community and friend-group involvement. Free food.
Feeling like she has a choice in attendance rather than going because she
is committed but with no desire. Perfectionistic drive for success.
○ Challenges Related to Participating/Giving to Your Org: Is
overcommitted and struggles to make time to participate fully.
Insecurities: having an organization that makes it all about them.

○ Preferred Communication Channels: Instagram. Text message. Email.

● Audience #3: Faculty Member
○ Name: Professor Julie
○ Demographic: Female. White. Married. Mother of young children.
○ Background: Ph.D. Raised in the Chicago suburbs. Christian.
○ Interests/Hobbies: Reading, time outside, leading and attending workout
○ Needs: Volunteering for an organization that has a flexible time
○ Passions and motivations: Desires to share her faith with others and
grow spiritually.
○ Challenges related to participating/giving to your org: Little time
outside of current commitments. Infant baby at home.
○ Preferred communication channels: Individual emails, Campus Poster,
Instagram Story
Key Messages
● Audience #1: Participant
o Key Message #1: What if you could be mentored in your efforts to
strive for excellence and battle perfectionism?
o Key Message #2: Be a part of a commitment that matters,
learning about a healthy work-life balance with peers and
▪ Appeals to those wanting to be a part of something that has
long lasting return and purpose
o Key Message #3: Many are battling the same struggle, you do not
need to face it alone.
▪ This message speaks to the reality that many students face
the same struggle at Wheaton College (perfectionism), but
do not need to face it alone.

● Audience #2: Volunteer/Team Member

o Key Message #1: If you serve in Come As You Are, the
organization will ensure that you feel that your labor is fruitful,
worthwhile, and appreciated.
▪ Interview specified desire for recognition and challenge of
o Key Message #2: We recognize that perfectionism is a struggle
anyone can face. Remember, you are never expected to be
perfect, just simply transparent.

▪ Interview specified desire the organization to validate their

feelings and not make her vulnerability a selling point for
their own gain.
o Key Message #3: If you choose to serve as a team member at
Come As You Are, you will be a part of a family-like team culture
that seeks to love their participants in Christ-like love and further
the kingdom of God.
▪ Interview specified deep commitment to Christ and a desire
to walk in step with God
● Audience #3: Professors
o Key Message #1: Your role builds awareness of student needs.
▪ Interviewee said a passion of her’s is college ministry and
meeting student’s needs.
o Key Message #2: Your impact in this role goes beyond the
confines of academics.
▪ Interviewee cares about the emotional and spiritual health of
her students
o Key Message #3: Your experiences with academic related
perfectionism can speak life into a student unsure of how to
▪ Interviewee mentioned she was passionate about
disciplining those who have the same struggles she has
worked through in her past.

Channels ( 3 channels for each persona)

Participant Volunteer/Team Professor

Channel One Tik Tok Instagram Instagram Story

Channel Two Instagram Text Message Personal Email

Channel Three Physical In person Campus Posters


8. Messaging Matrix (2-3 messages required)

Audience Channel Channel Channel


Student/ Tik Tok video will Instagram posts Physical Handouts:

Participant have text snippets highlight mentoring “Be a part of a
appear of how opportunity commitment that
many survey matters, learning
respondents Message will include about a healthy
explained their a photo of one of the work-life balance
struggles with small groups and will with peers and
perfectionism to have text stating, professors.”
show how “What if you could be
common it is. mentored in your
Video will end by efforts to strive for
stating, “Many are excellence and battle
battling the same perfectionism?”
struggle, you do
not need to face it
alone. See
for more info.”
This will tag our
social media
handles which
have sign ups for
programs in the
bio of each site.

Volunteer/Team Instagram Post Text Message: Every In-Person

Member picturing current Friday, Come As You Recruiting
team member Are board members Message: “If you
group photo and send encouraging serve in Come As
caption. text messages to You Are, the
“If you choose to volunteers and team organization will
serve as a team members. ensure that you feel
member at Come that your labor is
As You Are, you “We recognize that fruitful, worthwhile,
will be a part of a perfectionism is a and appreciated.”
family-like team struggle anyone can
culture that seeks face. Remember, you
to love their are never expected to
participants in be perfect, just
Christ-like love simply transparent.”

and further the

kingdom of God.”

Professor Instagram story Personal Email: Campus Posters:

with the same Personal email Campus poster
graphic and inviting the professor inviting all faculty
invitation as the to the opportunity to who want to
posters but lead. Highlighting connect with their
posted on how their experiences students beyond
Wheaton College fit the role. the classroom.
and Student
Engagement “Your experiences “Your impact in this
Instagram with academic related role goes beyond
handles. perfectionism can the confines of
speak life into a academics.”
Caption: student unsure of
“Your role builds how to manage.”
awareness of
student needs.”

9. Metrics
Recruiting Participants Community Engagement Strategic Messaging to

Instagram Story Replies Student Attendance (RSVPs) Post Engagements (Likes &

Web Traffic from Link in Number of Questions on Number of Sign-ups

Bio Slido

Instagram Story Views Number of upvotes on Slido Facebook Page Likes


Volunteer/Team Member Interview Questions: Jill

● Where do you work, if at all? Chemistry Department.
● What major are you, if you’re in the process of completing your college degree?
● What’s your relationship status? Single.
● Are you an introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
● Where did you grow up? Kansas City, MO.
● How would you describe your family dynamics in 5 words? (If anything
interesting, probe: Can you tell me more about _____?) Caring. Together. Loving.
Growing. Close-knit.
● If you were a color, what color would you be? Season? Pale pink. Spring.
● What race or ethnicity do you identify as? White.
● What year do you plan to graduate? 2023.
● What sex do you identify as? Female.
● What gender do you identify as? Heterosexual.
● Where do you live on campus? Terrace.
Interests, Hobbies & Passions
● What do you do in your free time/for fun? What are your hobbies? Work out.
● What are you most passionate about? The Lord.
● What’s your favorite book or TV show? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. The Office.
● What’s your favorite song or artist? The Wallows.
● What are your least favorite genres to consume? Dislikes the visual arts. Horror.
Heavy metal.
● Have you ever struggled with perfectionism? Yes.
● How have you worked through the perfectionistic tendencies you feel? Did they
work? Yes.
● When you struggled with perfectionism, do you know what you need to
overcome it? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Rarely.
● What is a tactic you use to recharge? Power naps.
● What are your needs? To feel important and loved.
● What can an organization do to better serve your needs? Not gaslight me.
● What are your short-term and long-term goals?
a. Short-term: “Get through the day”
b. Long-term: To actually tackle the problems at the core
● What does your perfect world look like? Stress-free with people she loves and
doing things she loves.
● What gets you out of bed in the morning? Fear of failure. The Lord.

● If there was a hosted event, what would motivate you to attend? Free food.
Knowing people who are going. It being optional.
● What are the qualities you look for in an organization you’d want to be a part of?
Genuine care for people.
● What motivates you to get involved in a program? What keeps you from being
involved in new programs? If it aligns with passions. Time.
● What draws you in when hearing about a new program? Friends involved and
passion projects.
● What would keep you from being involved in a program? Time commitments.
● What is the biggest barrier preventing you from meeting your goals? Insecurities.
● Would you feel comfortable being vulnerable about your experiences with
perfectionism on campus? Depends on the setting. (No).
● What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to peoples’ responses to your
admittance of struggling with perfectionism? Making it all about themselves
● Do you feel like there is a stigma on campus regarding working on weaknesses?
Communication Preferences
● How do you prefer to be communicated with? In person. Texting.
● What’s your least favorite form of communication? Campus Announcements.
● What’s your biggest communication pet peeve? Getting ghosted.
● What’s the form of media you most enjoy and why? Instagram.

Professor Interview Questions: Dr. Halie Wenhold

● Where have you worked prior to Wheaton?
Post Grad: Tek systems (recruiting)
Grad School: U of Michigan, Co-researcher for adviser, Graduate student
Instructor (leading classes, office hours)
COD (1 year)
● Are you introverted or extroverted? Extroverted introvert
● Where did you grow up? Naperville
● How would you describe your family dynamics in 5 words? (If anything
interesting, probe: Can you tell me more about _____?)
Chaotic, lively, stressful, enjoyable, exciting
● If your personality was a color, what color would you be? Why?
Turquoise, mellow and energized color (extroverted and introverted)
● What race or ethnicity do you identify as?
● What gender do you identify as?
Interests, Hobbies & Passions
● What do you do in your free time/for fun? What are your hobbies?
Teach Pure Barre, be outside, go for walks, bake, very involved in small group
and read.
● What are you most passionate about?
Faith: College ministry, sunday school
● What’s your favorite book or TV show?
Reality TV fascinates her because she researches it. Book, good thriller,
something that keeps you on the edge of your seat
● Have you ever struggled with perfectionism?
Yes. School related. Work oriented
● How have you worked through the perfectionistic tendencies you feel? Did they
Counselor/Therapy helped. Talk with trusted friends and family bonding over
struggles. Faith, don't have to be perfect to be a child of God. Gave up control in
grad school.
● Do you know what you need to overcome it?
Dr. Wenhold sometimes has the instinct or realization to talk herself out of things
she wants to be perfect, but are unachievable. And sometimes needs someone
to point it out to her as she is too close to it herself, she cant see it.
● What is a tactic you use to recharge?

Devotions, workout class (help to get out of your mind and be present), going for
● If there was a hosted event, what would motivate you to attend?
In between class times, not at night, built into work night
● What are the qualities you look for in an organization you’d want to be a part of?
Fitting her schedule, flexible time commitment.
● What draws you in when hearing about a new program?
Social media (Instagram), Flyers in BGH stairway
Language: Saying the word “perfectionist”, many can identify with that and see
themselves in that
● What would keep you from being involved in a program?
Not having the time
● Would you feel comfortable being vulnerable about your experiences with
perfectionism on campus?
It doesn't faze me to be vulnerable about this topic as I’ve struggled with it. I
would like to be open
● Do you feel like there is a stigma on campus regarding working on weaknesses?
Maybe around admitting it. It's facework, presenting our best face. Although, if
you are showing up to the small group, you know you will be talking about it.
People don't always see perfectionism as a flaw, and so she doesn’t think there
would be issues in getting people to talk about it.
Communication Preferences
● What’s your biggest communication pet peeve?
Sending a mass email is a pet peeve. Target those you think would be a good fit,
with personal emails.

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