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Adverbs of frequency questions

1. How often do you read? What types of books do you like to read?

Every month I read a book. The books I like to read are those of the romantic.

2. How often do you go out eat on weekends?

I rarely go out to eat on weekends.

3. How often do you watch TV in the evening? What shows do you like?

I don't usually watch TV in the evenings.

4. How often do you eat meat for dinner?

I don't usually eat dinner.

5. How often do you stay up later than should?

Almost always, for doing homework or watching a series.

Conditionals real with the future questions

1. What will you do if someone talks loudly in a movie theater while you´re watching a

I would tell him to respectfully remain silent.

2. What will you do if you drop your phone in the toilet?

I would try to pick it up as fast as possible.

3. If you go out for dinner this evening, what will you eat?

I would like to eat some gorditas or empanadas.

4. What will you do if the power goes out in your home tonight?

I would open the windows and wait for the electricity to come back on.

5. What will you do if you forget an important birthday?

I'd try to buy a quick gift so he doesn't realize I forgot.

Modals of possibility and probability questions (may, might, could, must, can´t)

1. What are some things you may do this evening?

I could watch a movie or talk to my boyfriend.

2. What are three good things that may happen soon in your life?

It may be that they tell me that I passed English, that I don't have classes in the morning and
that my boyfriend is going back to Veracruz.

3. Is there anything you can’t do even though you want to?

Go to the gym in the afternoon because I don't have that much time.

4. What movie might win the Academy Award for best picture this year?

I don't know, I don't consider myself a movie fan.

5. Is there anything that could make you change your major or quit your job?

No, there is nothing that would make me change my decision, unless it is better economically.

Modals of necessity questions (must, have to, have got to)

1. What are some things you have to do when you get home?

The first thing I do is change my clothes so I can go eat or rest.

2. What are some things you must do or must not do when you go to the airport?

What should be done is bring all the necessary documentation and what should not be done is
arrive late.

3. What do students have to do if they want to improve their English?

What should be done is study for half an hour every day to reinforce what has been learned.

4. What are some unusual or harsh laws in your country?

I could say that abortion in some states of the republic.

5. Which types of workers have to work the hardest?

I think that in hospitals, as nurses or the people in charge of cleaning.

Passive voice in the present questions

1. Where are the best suits made?

The best suits are made by Savile Row

2. Who are the best cell phones made by?

The best cell phones are the apple ones made by Steve Jobs

3. Where are the worst cars made?

The worst cars are made by Argentina

4. Where is most of the world´s oil extracted?

Most of the oil is extracted by Venezuela

5. What is the process to make a great wine?

The process to make a wine is fermentation.

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