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First of all, I would like to express our gratitude to God for the blessings I managed to
perform the tasks English For Effective Comunication. Tasks that are guided by the lecturer
Madam Noor Akbari Bt Ismail Ali is indeed a lot of input and knowledge held knowledge to me
as a student and later teacher trainees.

This assignment has a profound effect on my own. Preparations in providing some

speech input good to me. Before this, I still hesitate to give a better speech and influence the
listener. After see friends who spoke first, that confidence is naturally fire in me to be more
confident of an effective speech to the audience. Thus, self-esteem is very important for a
person especially at myself a teacher who gave input to others.

Advantages of a speech giver is able to attract the attention of the listener or audience.
Various ways that can be done so as to avoid the audience feel uninterested, bored and do not
know will take the contents of the material gave a speech giver. Initially, the technique to take
the attention of the audience is less than my knowledge. After exploring various techniques on
the website on how to take the attention of the audience I am more confident with my speech
will give them. These skills are very important for speech giver to give efficacy to the audience.

However, I am satisfied that he has completed this task in accordance with each of the
criteria set out in this task and create a positive intrinsic awareness. . Although this task merely
as a benchmark towards for the evaluation of the test weighting of 100%, but I still learn
something useful even if it is not the formal learning process. In other words, do English For
Effective Communication is able to create a positive relationship between a teacher even more
teachers labeled as agents of change in society. Therefore, I hope to be able to materialize the
experience or the knowledge acquired to be applied to other tasks that will come in line with the
teaching profession.

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