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TESOL-LICENSURE Lesson Plan (3/16)

Name: __Yanxi Zhou____________________ School: __Josiah Quincy Upper School___

Grade: ______6__________________ Topic of the Lesson: Non-Fiction Reading Unit+

# of ELs/# of students in Spelling

total:____6___________ Lesson length: 47 min

ELs’ WIDA Levels: ________4________

*As you fill in the template below with your own content, delete the instructions in gray color.

Background (LCP#1)

Intended Class and Students:

It’s a 50 minutes class including 6 sixth graders, about 11 or 12 years old. Their
English proficiency level are Level 4 out of 6 ELD (English Language
Development) from WIDA.
Among the 5 students, there are 1 Puerto Rico girl, 1 Arab boy, and 3 Chinese
- The Puerto Rico girl A’s native language is English and she speaks English
fluently. She was born in U.S. and only speak English at home. However, her
family language is Spanish and she can speak Spanish because hers other family
members, like her uncle and grandparents speak Spanish. Thus, she also hear
Spanish at home.
- All three Chinese boy, B, C, and D, speak Chinese at home. Only B was born in
U.S. but his parents only speak Chinese to him, so his English is not very
proficient. His accent and grammar can have a great room to develop.
- The Arab boy E was born in Middle East, and studied in England for a few
years. He can speak English very fluently but he has a great room to develop on
writing. He writes words to form sentences without any punctuation marks.
- The Dominican girl F’s native language is both English and Spanish and she
speaks English fluently. She speaks Spanish at home.
Brief Description of the Lesson:
1. Introduction Video (5 min)
2. Do Now (5 min writing + 3 min sharing + 2 min teaching)
3. Mini Lesson (30 min)
4. Assign Homework: Vocab review (3 min)

Building or Connecting to background Knowledge:

- The article belongs to Non-Fiction Unit
- Promote safety awareness for students
- The vocabs belong to Tier 3, which are very common in non-ficion readings.
They are necessary for understanding the content presented in academic areas.

Stage 1: Desired Results (LCP#1)

MA Curriculum Frameworks Standards/WIDA ELD Standards:

Understand how coherent texts (spoken, written, multimodal) are created to meet a
purpose through genre-specific organizational patterns (orientation and explanation
sequence) (WIDA p.172)

Content Objectives: Language Objectives:

- Students will able to match the - Students will able to apply the
vocabularies with the their definitions vocabularies in a sentence correctly.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence (LCP#1)
Forms of Assessment:
- During the “Do Now” time, walk around to see each student working and provide

- When teaching vocabs, let students share more about synonyms and antonyms to
make sure they understand vocabs’ meanings.

- Vocab: Have a Kahoot Game/ draw-guess activity next Monday to help students
review the vocabs. Then, have a vocab quiz next Tuesday.

- Content/ Reading Comprehension: I found students are not interested in

answering reading questions, so I delete that page this time and involve the
questions into each paragraphs. That would be easier for them.

- Combine Vocab& Content (Wednesday): Summarizing the text using vocabulary:

create a scaffolded ‘closed’ paragraph that summarizes the story of the pigeons at
work. Give Ss a vocabulary bank and ask them to fill in the blanks with the correct
vocabulary words.

- Give clear instructions to students and let them answer me if they are ready to do
the next step or if they have any questions.
Stage 3: Learning Plan (LCP#2 & #3)

Learning Activities:
- Provide introduction video and background information before the class
- Let students supplement synonyms and antonyms based on their
understanding to each vocab.
- Have the students who read the previous paragraph draw lots to decide who
will read the next paragraph.
What I (the teacher) will be What students will be doing?
doing? 1. Listening to directions on how to do
1. Giving Ss directions about how to do the “Do Now” and nod for yes or ask
the ‘Do Now’. Ask students if they follow-up questions.
understand. Any questions? 2. Everyone follows me to read
3. Students fill in the blank of
2. Pronounce the vocabs. “Terrifying Tsunamis Vocabularies”
3. After teaching each vocabs, wait. 4. Everyone will be listening and
answers correctly.
4. State today’s homework and ask them
to tell me what today’s homework is.

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