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Cristino L. Tiburan Jr.
What is a Coordinate System?
• Enables geographic
datasets to use common
locations for integration
• A reference system used to
represent the locations of
geographic features,
imagery, and observations
such as GPS locations
within a common Source:

geographic framework
‣ Measurement framework is
either geographic (spherical
coordinates are measured
from the Earth’s center) or
planimetric (projected onto
a two-dimensional planar
‣ Unit of measurement
(typically meters in
projected coordinate Source:

systems or decimal degrees

for latitude-longitude)
Earth’s Coordinate System
• The first step in converting information contained in the real-
world onto a ‘piece of paper’ is to devise a system where
everything could be uniquely located on Earth
• Very early maps used a grid technique which relied on simply
measuring the distance and direction between points of
interests and this assumed that Earth is flat
• With the general agreement that Earth is not flat, the system
of latitude and longitude was developed
• Lines run east and west around
the Earth’s surface and measure
distances north and south of the
• the Equator is 40,075 km long;
the Antarctic Circle is 17,662 km
long; the South Pole is 0 km long
Four significant lines of latitude were also agreed upon.  These are:
• 0° - The Equator
• 23.5°N and S - The Tropics (called Cancer in the north and Capricorn in the south)
• 66.5°N and S - The Polar Circles
• 90°N and S - The Poles
• Lines run north and south around
the Earth’s surface, intersect at the
poles and measure distances east
and west of the prime meridian
• In October 1884 at the
International Meridian Conference,
it was agreed that the line running
through the Royal Observatory,
Greenwich in United Kingdom as
the prime meridian

• The network of
intersecting lines of
latitude and longitude
• It is imaginary on the
Earth but is drawn on
globes and maps for
Time Zones
• In 1878, Canadian Sir
Sanford Fleming,
proposed a system of
worldwide time zones
based on lines of
• Using zones of longitude
which were 15 wide
divided the earth into 24 The 00 line of longitude (Greenwich Meridian) is
chosen as starting point and the 1800 line of longitude
time zones is the end point - the International Date Line
Geoid, Ellipsoid, Spheroid and Datum
• Geoid is defined as the surface
of the earth’s gravity field,
which is approximately the
same as mean sea level
• Perpendicular to the direction
of gravity pull
• The mass of the earth is not
uniform at all points and the
direction of gravity changes, Source:

hence the shape is irregular

A and C show the Earths’ terrain as being
below Mean Sea Level - this is equivalent to
an area of ocean.  Note how the Geoid and
Mean Seal Level are very close to the same
value, but their relationship to the Ellipsoid/
Spheroid varies.
B and D show the Earths’ terrain as being
above Mean Sea Level - this is equivalent to
an area of land.  It is worth noting that the
differences between the Geoid and Mean Seal
Level is much greater than in the ocean
examples.  And, similarly, their relationship
to the Ellipsoid/Spheroid varies.

Spheroid | Ellipsoid
• A sphere is based on a circle, while a
spheroid (or ellipsoid) is based on
• A spheroid is a three-dimensional
shape created from a two-dimensional
• The shape of an ellipse is defined by
two radii - the semi-major axis is half
the length of the major axis while the
semi-minor axis is half the length of
the minor axis Source:
• Rotating the
ellipse around the
semi-minor axis
creates a
spheroid and also
known as oblate


(m) (m)
Clarke 1866 6,378,206.4 6,356,583.8

WGS 1984 6,378,137 6,356,752.31424518

• A datum is built on top of the selected spheroid and can
incorporate local variations in elevation
• Datum and spheroid to which coordinates for a dataset
are referenced can change the coordinate values
Geographic coordinates of Bellingham City, Washington, USA

Datum Longitude Latitude

NAD 1927 -122.46690368652 48.7440490722656

WGS 1984 -122.46818353793 48.7438798534299

• While spheroid approximates the
shape of the Earth, a datum defines
the position of the spheroid relative to
the center of the Earth

• Provides a frame of
reference for
measuring locations
on the Earth’s surface
and is usually defined
by latitude and
longitude lines
Local or Regional Datum
• When a datum is
created to suit a
particular country or
region, ellipsoid/
spheroid is positioned
so that it best matched
the geiod of the
• The coordinate system
origin of a local datum
is not at the center of
the Earth
Philippine Local Datums

Luzon 1911
• A geodetic datum first defined in
1911 and is suitable for use in
the Philippines - onshore and
• Based from Clarke 1866
reference ellipsoid (6,378,206.4
and 6,356,583.8)
Philippine Local Datums

PRS 92
• Known as the Philippine Reference System 1992 and is
based from Clarke 1866 reference ellipsoid
• A homogenous national network of geodetic control points
(GCPs), marked by survey monuments or mojons, that has
been established using GPS technology
• By virtue of EO 45, PRS92 became the standard reference
system for all surveying and mapping activities in the country
Philippine Local Datums
PRS 92
Geocentric Datum
• Use of local datums results
to uneven lines of longitude
and latitude between
different countries or regions
• With the arrival of global
navigation satellite systems
i.e. GPS, this disagreement
is no longer acceptable
• Best earth-fitting spheroid
which relates coordinates to

the Earth’s center of mass

Geocentric Datums
WGS 84
• Known as the World Geodetic System 1984 and is developed by
US Department of Defence
• An earth centered datum that is used as the reference
coordinate system of GPS

GRS 80
• Known as the Geocentric Reference System 1980 and was
determined by the International Association of Geodesy
Types of Coordinate Systems
๏ A geographic coordinate system (GCS) uses a three-
dimensional spherical surface to define locations on the
๏ A GCS includes an angular unit of measure, a prime
meridian, and a datum (based on spheroid)
๏ A point is referenced by its longitude and latitude
Types of Coordinate Systems
๏ A projected coordinate system (PCS) is defined on a flat,
two-dimensional surface
๏ It has constant lengths, angles and areas across the two
๏ A PCS is always based on a geographic coordinate
system that is based on a sphere or spheroid
What are Map Projections?
• Every dataset uses
coordinate system to
integrate it with other
geographic data layers
within a common coordinate
framework such as map
• Perform various integrated
analytical operations such
as overlaying data layers
from disparate sources and
coordinate systems
Map Projection
๏ is a system of mathematics and geometry whereby the
information on the surface of a sphere (the Earth) is able
to be transferred onto a flat piece of paper (a map).
๏ there are two ways that projections are classified:
• Basic Type: depends on the characteristics that is
• Basic Technique: depends on the method used to
project features onto a flat surface
Basic Projection Types
• shows the positional relationship between two features,
and their size and shape
• Equal Area: correctly shows the size of a feature
• Conformal: correctly shows the shape of features
• Equidistant: correctly shows the distance between
two features
• True Direction: correctly shows the direction
between two features
Basic Projection Techniques
• this describes the way an imaginary piece of paper is laid on
the Earth to obtain the latitude and longitude for the map
• where the imaginary ‘piece of paper’ touches the Earth, there
is no distortion on the map but as you move away, distortion
• there are three basic techniques used and these are
azimuthal, conical and cylindrical
Azimuthal Projections
• is a mathematical concept that relates to the relationship
between a point and the ‘flat piece of paper’ that
‘touches’ the Earth
• have distortions increasing away from the central point
• have very small distortions near the center point
• compass direction is only correct from the center point to
another feature - not between other features
Azimuthal Projections
Conical Projections
• based on the concept of the ‘piece of paper’ being rolled
into a cone shape and touching the Earth on a circular line
• have distortions increasing away from the central circular
• shapes are shown correctly but size is distorted
• usually used for regional/national maps of mid-latitude
areas such as Australia and the United States of America
Conical Projections
Conical Projections
Cylindrical Projections
• based on the concept of the ‘piece of paper’ being rolled
into a cylinder and touching the Earth on a circular line
• have distortions increasing away from the Equator areas
• have lines of longitude and latitude at right angles to each
• shapes are shown correctly but size is distorted
• usually used for Equatorial areas such as Papua New
Guinea and the Philippines
Cylindrical Projections
Cylindrical Projection - Mercator
• created by a Flemish cartographer and geographer,
Geradus Mercator, in 1569
• became a standard projection for nautical purposes
because of its ability to represent lines of constant true
• constant true direction means that the straight line
connecting any two points on the map is the same direction
with the compass
• has the Equator as its Standard Parallel (imaginary line that
touches the latitude)
Cylindrical Projection - Transverse Mercator
• in 1772, Johann Heinrich Lambert, a German/
French mathematician and scientist, released this
• instead of touching the Equator, he had it touching
the longitude and this is known as the Central
• this meant that accurate maps of places with
north-south oriented places could now be
Cylindrical Projection - Universal Transverse Mercator
• it took another 200 years for the development of this
• in 1947, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) developed the Universal Transverse Mercator
or known as UTM
• divided into a series of 6 0 of longitudinal wide zones
• there are a total of 60 longitudinal zones and these
are number 1 to 60
• Zone 1 covers longitude 180 0 to 174 0 W and Zone 60
0 0
covers 174 to 180 E
Universal Transverse Mercator UTM Zone 51N

However, Palawan and Tawi-Tawi is UTM Zone 50N

123.377250 |13.654460 540,799.89 m |1,509,543.15 m

WGS84 Projection WGS84 UTM Zone 51N

Luzon 1911 X WGS84 UTM Zone 51N

Datum n
In Summary:

Map Projection
In Summary:

Basic Projection

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