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YachtCom – 01489 565100 GMDSS Long Range Certificate

• There are 4 Inmarsat ocean regions
- Atlantic Ocean East (AOR-E)
- Atlantic Ocean West (AOR-W)
- Indian Ocean (IOR)
- Pacific Ocean (POR).
• Identity on INMARSAT is by a 9 digit number.
- INMARSAT-C starts with a 4. e.g. 423200117.
• Log-in and Log-out
- You must be logged in before you can send any messages.
• You can send distress alerts (press red distress button) when you are not logged in.
- You must log-out before switch off the Inmarsat terminal to inform the Network that you are no longer available to except
• Distress Alerts
- Either designated (from the menu) or undesignated (just press the red button) Distress Alerts can be sent
- After sending a Distress Alert a follow up text message must be sent.
- Distress Messages are always sent to an MRCC via the same LES as the Distress Alert was sent and at DISTRESS PRIORITY
• The same procedures should be followed for cancelling a distress alert or message.
- Receipt of a distress relay from an MRCC via Inmarsat
• Monitor VHF channel 16 and MF 2182 kHz and inform MRCC of your position (Course Speed & ETA).
• The INMARSAT-C terminal must be logged into the system before sending any messages.
- Do log out before switching off the terminal so that the network knows you are no longer available to accept messages
• Two digit Special Access Codes (SACs) are used to send urgency and safety messages to an MRCC and are sent via an LES.
- 32 Request for medical advice
- 38 Request for medical assistance
- 39 Maritime Assistance
- Special Access Codes are always sent at normal priority.
• Routine network messages (telex, fax etc.) should always be sent to nearest LES to the message destination and at routine priority.
• There are 2 reasons why the position should be kept up to date.
- Distress situation from on-board the ship and to receive the correct EGC SafetyNET for the area being sailed.
• EGS SafetyNET is used to receive MSI broadcasts
- Navigation warnings, SAR and Weather.
- You MUST be logged in and tuned to the correct satellite to receive the EGC SafetyNET for your area or area you wish to receive.
- There are 16 NavAreas/MetAreas around the world.
– You cannot reject subject - Navigation warnings, SAR, Weather.
• Inmarsat is billed (charged) in 256 bit blocks of data.

NOTE: MetAreas are also used with NAVTEX

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