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Written Assignment Resources:

Language Skills Related Task (LSRT)

Some helpful resources for this assignment are:

1) Grellet - Essential reading for this assignment (chapter 1)
2) Teaching EFL Reading Podcast
3) Teaching Reading in a Second Language - good reading!


1) Listening for teachers - it has some practical ideas.
2) Making listening classes fun
3) Teaching Listening
4) Practice of English Language Teaching (Harmer) - There is an entire chapter on listening and
5) How to Teach Speaking (Thornbury)
6) Richards - Teaching listening and speaking

1)Teaching Writing
2) Extra Resources for teaching Writing
3) Hedge - Writing - theory and practice
4) How to Teach Writing (Harmer)- some very practical ideas!
Language Related Task (LRT)

Some useful books to complete this assignment:

a) The Good Grammar Book

b) Practical English Usage

c) Grammar for Teachers

d) Teaching English Grammar – Jim Scrivener

e) About Language

f) Checking Meaning

g) Concept Questions and Timelines

h) Quick Grammar Reference

i) Grammar

j) Vocabulary


The following site allows you to insert, copy and paste IPA symbols into a word document!

Some Phonology Videos from Youtube which are good for revision but also good for a giggle ;-)

4. Adrian Underhill’s complete Pronunciation Series (video)

5. Sound Foundations book
6. Sound Foundations audios
Focus on the Learners (FOL)
Some helpful resources to complete this assignment are:

1) Learner English -YOU NEED TO READ THIS!

2) Vocabulary - considerations when teaching this

3) Beyond Plataeu - why learners stop making progress

4) Self- Study Grammar - good site for self-study work, it would be useful in finding activities to use
as your appendices!

5) Underhill's phonemic chart - very useful!

Adrian Underhill’s complete Pronunciation Series
Sound Foundations book
Sound Foundations audios

6) Colour-coded Chart - An overview and rationale of the Colour Coded Chart from 2006

7) Feedback and Correction Techniques

8) Ted Powerhas created a very useful site for a number of learners of English, it does refer mostly
to pronunciation errors.

9) The following site allows you to insert, copy and paste IPA symbols into a word document!

10) How to Teach Pronunciation - very useful! There are some practical activities here!

11) Writing - again some ideas about how to improve writing skills!
Writing by Tricia Hedge
How to Teach Writing by Jeremy Harmer

12) A quick guide to Motivation

Lessons From the Classroom (LFC)

Here are some suggestions for writing up your final assignment 2:

1. Look back at your Personal Objectives...have you achieved them all?

2. Refer to your tutor's written feedback...has there been any consistent action points which you
have/not achieved?
3. How do you plan to work on any outstanding action points?
4. What seminars and observed lessons (those of professionals & your peers) which have made the light
bulb go on?
5. You may also find it useful to look at the lesson planning page (left on menu) and reflect on your
ability to anlayse vocabulary/grammar implement receptive skills lessons.

Some helpful resources:

1) CDP for Teachers

2) Development Plan

3) Towards Reflective Teaching

4) Reflective Teaching

5) Planning Lessons and Courses

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