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My nappy and Sad Memor|es

Looklng back on a chlldhood fllled wlLh evenLs and memorles l flnd lL raLher dlfflculL Lo
plck one LhaL leaves me wlLh fabled warm and fuzzy feellngs When l was a chlld my moLher and
l used Lo Lravel Lo Manlla durlng ChrlsLmas vacaLlon All my memorles were Lhrllllng even when
we were on Lravel l love Lravelllng because lL was so Lhrllllng waLchlng slghLs of Lhe green
mounLalns along Lhe way Lhe bumpy rlde and Lhe blue skles and lL's reflecLlon on Lhe ocean
when were on Lhe boaL 8uL Lhere was
one memory LhaL l couldn'L really forgeL
and LhaL happened when l was 6 lL was
on uecember and ChrlsLmas was
My moLher and l wenL Lo Manlla
Lo have a vacaLlon My llLLle broLher and
our eldesL broLher were wlLh us Loo We
wenL Lo my aunL Lhere ln Manlla and we
arrlved aL mldnlghL AlLhough we
encounLered problem LhaL nlghL of our
arrlval when one of our luggage was lefL
ln Lhe Laxl we are amused on Lhe
followlng days Cn Lhe flrsL day because
of so much Llredness on Lravel we l felL
asleep and galn sLrengLh for Lhe
followlng day
Cn Lhe second day of our sLay Lhere my aunL brlngs us Lo Lhe Manlla zoo l was Lhrllled
because lL was my flrsL Llme Lo see loLs of anlmals Lhere were monkeys snakes elephanL
glraffe crocodlle and loLs of oLhers wlll Lake Llme when l menLlon all Lhe anlmals WhaL was
Lhrllled me so much was when l rode a horse Alded by Lhe horseman and wlLh my broLher ln
my back l felL secured because l am so afrald Lo rlde on Lhe horse 8uL when l mounLed on Lhe
horse lL was so fulfllllng LhaL Lwo was noL enough so we rlde agaln for Lhe second because of my
requesL l hope l can experlence lL agaln

My Saddest Memory

noL all memorles are happy buL you know even Lhose sad memorles gave you a feellng
of warmLh l am a person LhaL ls shy and Llmld and when l cry l don'L somebody Lo see me 8uL
when l heard Lhe saddesL news LhaL was Lhe Llme when l shed Lears and l don'L even care Lhe
people around

1here ls noLhlng
more sorrowful can happen
ln a person's llfe Lhan Lhe
deaLh of one's love l shed
Lears when my faLher dled lL
ls more sorrowful Lo know
LhaL lL was hls wlll Lo end hls
llfe l love hlm very much
LhaL l'll always remember
every memory LhaL we
shared LogeLher

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