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Trisha Mae M.


1. What are the specific rights and privileges women do not have access to in the
past two centuries?did not have access to in the past two centuries?

2. How would you assess gender equality and the rights of women at present? Do
you think inequality among genders still exists?

- I think that gender equality and the rights of women are important issues to
address in today's society. Although I believe that inequality among genders still
exists, we should try to create a world where women have equal opportunities,
equal access and equal chances at all levels of life. Such as situations where
women are still considered inferior to men, who hold more power in society. Also,
there are also still situations where women are pressured to marry and bear a
child. There is also gender inequality in other countries such as in America. The
government of the United States has made it illegal for women to join the military
forces. Hence, they cannot serve in combat roles so they have to serve in other
roles like cooking or being an office clerk. There are even other things that make
it difficult for women's rights around the world.

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