Real Numbers Absolute Value and Rules On Signed Numbers

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Real Numbers and the Number Line

Learning Objectives
1. Construct a number line and graph points on it.
2. Use a number line to determine the order of real numbers.
3. Determine the opposite of a real number.
4. Determine the absolute value of a real number.

A set is a collection of objects, typically grouped within braces { }, where each object
is called an element. For example, A={red, green, blue} is a set of colors.

A subset is a set consisting of elements that belong to a given set. For example,
B={green, blue} is a subset of set A above.

A set with no elements is called the empty set and is denoted by { } or Ø.

The following are some special sets of numbers.

The set of natural or counting numbers, denoted Ν , is the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}.
The set of whole numbers is the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}.
The set of integers, denoted Ζ , is the set {…,-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}.

Notice that the sets of natural and whole numbers are both subsets of the set of
Rational numbers, denoted Q , are defined as any number of the form b , where a
and b are integers and b is nonzero. Decimals that repeat or terminate are rational.
For example,
7 1
0.7  and 0.3  0.3333... 
10 3
The set of integers is a subset of the set of rational numbers because every integer
can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, particularly, the integer and 1. For
Irrational numbers are defined as any number that cannot be written as a ratio of
two integers. Nonterminating decimals that do not repeat are irrational. For example,
  3.14159... and 2  1.41421...

The set of real numbers, denoted R , is defined as the set of all rational numbers
combine with the set of all irrational numbers. Therefore, all the numbers defined so
far are subsets of the set of real numbers. In summary,

Real Numbers
Rational 0.63 0.012 Irrational
Integers {…,-2, -1, 0, 1, 2,…}

Whole {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} 2 π

Natural {1, 2, 3, 4,

Figure 1 The set of real numbers

A real number line allows us to visually display real numbers by associating them
points on a line. The real number associated with a point is called a coordinate. A
point on the real number line that is associated with a coordinate is called its graph.

To construct a number line, draw a horizontal line with arrows on both ends to
indicate that it continues without bound. Next choose any point to represent the
number zero; this point is called the origin.

Mark off the consistent lengths on both sides of the origin and label each trick mark
to define the scale. Positive real numbers lie to the right of the origin and the
negative real numbers lie to the left of the origin.


- -2 -1 0 1 2 3
33 0
Figure 2 The real number line
Properties of Real Numbers

The following are the basic properties of R :

For any real number a, b, and c ,

1. Closure Properties a  b R ; a bR

2. Commutative Properties a  b  b  a; a b  b a

3. Associative Properties
a  b  c   a  b   c ; a  b  c   a  b   c
4. Distributive Property
a  b  c   a  b   a  c ; a  b  c  a  c   b  c 
5. Identity Properties
 a unique real number 0 such that a  0  0  a  a

 a unique real number 1 such that a 1  1  a  a

(0 is called the additive identity of R
1 is called the multiplicative identity of R )
6. Inverse Properties

For each a  R ,  a unique element  a of R such that a   a   a  a  0

1 1 1
a      a 1
For each a  R, a  0 ,  a unique element a of R such that  a   a 

(  a is called the additive inverse of a and a is called the multiplicative inverse of a )

The Absolute Value of a Real Number

Definition Let b  R . The absolute value of a real number b , denoted by b , is

given by
b  b if b  0
 b if b  0  b

1.  3   3  3 2. 2  2
Properties of the Absolute Value

1. ab  a b
a a
 ,b0
2. b b
3. If a, b  R , then a  b  a  b (the triangle inequality)

1. 2(3)   6  6 is the same as 2  3  23  6
8 8 8
 2  2 is the same as  2
2. 4 4 4
3. 5   4  5  4  1  1 but 5  4  5  4  9
4. 3  7  10  10 and 3  7  3  7  10

Rules on Signed Numbers

Addition Rule
To add signed numbers, consider the following cases:
1. For numbers with like signs: get the sum of their absolute values and prefix the
common sign to the result.
2. For numbers with unlike signs: get the difference of their absolute values and
prefix the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.

Example: Find the sum of the following

3 ( 3) 3
5  ( 4 )  (7)
1. 8 2.  7 3.  4 4. (6)  3  3 5. 5  (1)  4

Note: A number without a sign before it is understood to have a positive sign.

Subtraction Rule
To subtract signed numbers, change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed as in

Example: Find the difference of the following

1. 7  10  7  (10)  3
2. 3  (6)  3  6  8
3. (3)  (4)  (3)  4  1
( 6 )
 ( 3)
4. 3

Multiplication/ Division Rule

To multiply or divide signed numbers, we multiply/divide their absolute values and
prefix the positive sign to the result if the numbers have like signs, otherwise, if the
numbers have unlike signs, prefix the negative sign.
  () ()()  () ()  ()  () ()  ()  ()
()()  () ()()  () ()  ()  () (  )  (  )  ( )


1. Find the following products:

 1  2  2
   
a. (3)(4)  12 d.  3  5  15
 1  9   3 9 2
  4  2       3
b.  2  e.  2   2  2  3
 1   2  1 15 1
      
c.  4.2 5.31  22.302 f.  15   15  15 2 2

2. Find the following quotients:

 1  2  2
   
a. (3)(4)  12 d.  3  5  15
 1  9   3 9 2
  4  2       3
b.  2  e.  2   2  2  3
 1   2  1 15 1
      
c.  4.2 5.31  22.302 f.  15   15  15 2 2

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